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DaBuddha Vaporizer.


Active member
i have the dabuddha, with a 6 percolator water filter also from 7th floor.

just wanted to see if anyone else out there is loving their dabuddha, it was the best vape to me when i bought it but once i got the water filter, it became my all time favorite.

hell even if you didnt like it for some reason, feel free to talk about it or maybe a vaporizer you really like and couldnt live without.

vape talk.

Space Ghost

it usually takes more than 9min to get some replys ;)

I've got an Herbalaire that I love to death, whip or bag, i just need to get a better airpump as it takes too long to fill the bag (I've been saying that for years... lol...)


Active member
hmm never heard of that one, there are so many. have you ever tried the dabuddha?

gonna check out the herbalaire, nice name lol and been looking for a bag vape that isnt the volcano.

Space Ghost

never have had the pleasure of the dabuddah, but I went with the herbalaire because I wanted to be able to use bag or whip without breaking the bank... The bags it comes with are rather low quality so it would be best to buy a box of oven roasting bags and some small zipties if you did get the herbalaire.... but the construction and build quality are both top notch and it's very easy to use when you first pull it out of the box and do a dry run just to test it you would initially be like wtf? because the pieces seem to fit very loosely together but this is a good thing, because all of the plastic pieces (assid from the housing) are milled solid teflon (tephlon?) and they expand quite a bit as the unit heats up... and at peak vaping temps everything is a snug fit...
I brought a dabuddha vaporizer i guess it was this time last year..... ended up regretting that and getting a volcano shortly after. I dont like how you have to suck the vape out instead of it having a fan to do the work for you. You end up working pretty hard to get one hit. Definitly wouldnt work well for more than a one person circle. It was such a PITA trying to get high with my buddy off of that thing.


Active member
weird never had that problem, my hits take barely any breath, what setting where you using? mine usually is set to the middle and works wonders but to each his own.

i can understand that though if you have trouble breathing or inhaling you dont want one where you have to actually inhale i guess. everyone has loved it also with no problem hitting it as long as i set it up, they do it though thats another story lol.

i have even taken my dabuddha to clubs, hit fine there and everyone loved it so i dont know but everyone is different and does things in different ways so no telling why it works awesome for me and didnt for you, sorry to hear that though.

heh i didnt like the volcano, because of all its bits and pieces, feels like the bags just waste vape as time goes by feels like it degrades or something, i noticed the longer i used it the bags got lil pieces of dust in them, which is normal just because of the microscopic pieces of bud that get through... of course you can get new bags but it bothered me that anything was getting through at all but anyway having the water filter has really eliminated that problem another reason why i prefer the dabuddha.


Active member
i checked out the herbalaire looks pretty cool, they also have one that filled three bags at once which i thought was really cool. if ever buy a bag vape again, im going with that one.

Sour Deez

Just bought a SSV yesterday actually. Cant wait for it to get here, with my asthma smoking really takes a toll on my lungs. I also love cooking with marijuana so i cant wait to use the vaped weed for cannabutter.


Active member
There are SOOOO many variants of vapes out there and there is almost always something to suit your tastes/needs. The herbie is good for bag/whip/dd and is cool cause there is no real need to grind when using that vape.

I have a handful of vapes and have owned a handful more that have since been passed on.
I stopped combusting my herb a while back and well - havent looked back :D
I love vaping


Active member
Although I have never hit a DBV, I have its bigger brother the Silver Surfer.

Anyone thats thinking of getting a whip style vape - you cant go wrong with a 7th Floor vape!


Active member
noooo! i broke my water filter today, why god!

in the process of making my own with old vaporizer pieces god damnit, something always break eventually. :(..

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