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D3cryption's Botnet pt2:Operation Takedown


Active member
Yeah buddy, I don't think the yield is too big with our cookies, but the quality is foshow, A+++ top shelf. I would like to, and hopefully I can afford testing so we can get some #'s.

I also think I'm going to try to breed her with something heavy.

What's your stacked bulb set up? Two 600s? 1k/600?


Active member
Subbed :biggrin: Oh and dabs is right, keep your room clean man. Bugs just love dirty rooms :moon:

Thanks for subbing Mister_D, your redemption thread got me hooked on vert.....
As far as cleaning the room, i've been on top of it since then. Since u stopped by I have a question, do u trim sucker branches before flower or after stretch is completely over? Any other advice u may help would be helpful.... I lookup up to guys like u, bobble, dhf, Ichabod, arminius, and others..... So thanks for subbing...

@sleeper, yeah tied will probably be low number wise, but I'm betting this will be my biggest harvest to date, with the increased veg time if that makes any since.. Lol... I'm hoping for 4+oz per plant..... The Stacked donut will be 600w/1k. I have to figure out placement as far as which bulb is on top and so on...

Looking back at the update I did in November, and the current one... Damn they blew up...


Active member
I thought about 600/1k but decided I need to save a little pg&e this winter, so I'll turn the new galaxy down to 600. I'll be paying attention to your outcome.


Active member
Thanks for subbing Mister_D, your redemption thread got me hooked on vert.....
As far as cleaning the room, i've been on top of it since then. Since u stopped by I have a question, do u trim sucker branches before flower or after stretch is completely over? Any other advice u may help would be helpful.... I lookup up to guys like u, bobble, dhf, Ichabod, arminius, and others..... So thanks for subbing...

Cool man, always a trip to hear I inspired somebody. Just another dude doing what I do best :joint: As for trimming suckers, depends on how well I know that particular clone. Generally I remove all sucker branches/undesirable growth in one session about a week before flower. Then I don't touch them at all for the first two weeks of flower (exceptions can be made if a I missed a sucker branch or two for some reason). Once stretch is a better part of the way done (2-3 weeks into flower, flowering time dependant) I'll remove any new sucker branches that may have formed during stretch.

Feel free to ask any other questions you may have. Plenty of helpful peeps around here, as I'm sure you know :tiphat:


Active member
Right before flower... and yes I know guys , the room is still messy, and I have cords hangin..... every where... promise ill get it cleaned up and right....

For all who wants to know I feed

12 ml per gal heavy 16 bud a and b
1 ml per gal f+ (I ran out of prime)
1 m per gal heavy 16 fire old formula

Ph to 5.8ish


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Active member
Day 14.. same feed. Only change was heavy 16 fire 2 ml per gal now....
Im loving internode spacing..

All plants except for the querkles and pcg are well above 4ft at this moment....

From here on out this thread , will be updated weekly until finised.... if u guys are interested in following ... sound off...



Active member
Looking good d3cyption those are some damn bushes! Looks like you will have a nice healthy yield come harvest. Nice!


Active member
Thanks mike..... harvest look like it will be good.... im hoping for 2 pounds but I doubt it ......

The 2 key lime pies I have r monsters.......

Only think im not liking at the moment is the cloning .... I suck at it .... out of the 23 I took last time only onlymade it .....

Now im doing a side by side of rapid rooters and coco..... the coco clones look alot healthier so far.... iI would hate to have to reveg these plants lol.. mike based off the solo pic of the pcg gsc what do u think it will yield ?


Active member
Looks like you are gonna get a nice fat healthy yield. I am gonna say 6+ zips. My lime cookie hybrid cut I only vegged for a month and flipped it when it was pretty small and only topped it one time in a 3 gal pot of coco I got just over 2 zips. I didn't even think I would get that because it looked so little but the buds were rock hard and very deceiving.

Rapid rooters suck for cloning. I recently have been trying to clone with them also and I have not been having sucess with them. It seems the cuts also yellow out before rooting in the rapid rooters.

The best way I have had success with cloning has been old fashion traditional beer cups with dirt and misting 2 to 3 times daily I usually get 99% sucess doing it this way. I might pick up a easy cloner they have a 12 site hydrofarm cloner on eBay for like 70 bucks shipped just because I have heard great things about them. It's just hard to break old proven methods that have always worked for me.


Active member
Yeah bro cloning has been so good.... everything has died except the coco keylime pies I have, but they havent showed roots yet....... next week - or after stretch im going to try again at cloning the pcg gsc, and the others.....

6+ oz would be great....... I would be so happy if I got they yield from the big r


looking v nice mate, im gonna set up something similiar after seeing HGOs set up, do u hand water these bad boys?

and is that just a bare 600w in the middle i was going to go 2 donuts with 4 trees round a 600 just train them the best i can for max light to get to canopy


Active member
I think he is running 1k bulb. I hope he is otherwise I am gonna knock my previous post and say it will yield about 3 zips if it's a 600w bulb. Lol.


Active member
I would think that out of those big ass treas you have growin u are probably gonna see no less than a qp a plant.

On another note I have never seen key lime pie flower pics or candylicious so I am very interested to see how they finish out for you.


Active member
I don't know your cloning technic bro but if your having a problems let's get it out there so we could try and help you through it. GSC clones fairly easy from my experience.


Active member
I don't know your cloning technic bro but if your having a problems let's get it out there so we could try and help you through it. GSC link clones fairly easy from my experience.

I think its from keeping the rapid rooter to wet, but they were drying out damn near everyday...... I was able to get over 50 percent to root on the key lime pie, in straight coco.... I think im done with rapid rooters...next time im trying coco vs rockwool...

Currently im at day 20. Im thinking around day 28 when i start to clean them up of suckers and start to defol, im going to try one last time to clone her... revegging will be my last resort , since itll be hard for me to source this cut again...

Sleeper u are one of the very few I've seen run this cut. . The bushy pic of the pcg, what do u think the yield will be in your opinion?


Active member
Hey D3cryption all my cuts rooted in the rapid rooters so I take my previous comments back about rapid rooters.

This is what I did I took all my cuts and put them in a humidity dome with just a slight bit of water with vitamin b1 mixed. After a few days of the rooters staying to wett I would flip the cut upside down and squeeze the rapid rooters almost dry. I didn't squeeze them at the bottoms just incase they were kicking out roots I didn't want to break them.

I was losing faith in the rapid rooters also but everything rooted today. It's funny because they didn't show roots out of the rapid rooter until it was almost dryer out completely. Well I hope this helps you with them.