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Cutting Edge Solutions - GREX Root Growth promoter


Just Call me Urkle!!
So I recently got some samples again from the lovely guys over at Cutting Edge Solutions and this time it was their new organic additives. I was excited about the GREX since it was the smallest bottles they sent me and I got just 4 2oz bottles so I figured it must be pricey. Well it's $14 for 2oz $135 a Quart $400 a Gallon! So I figured it must be their equivalent to H&G and Humboldt Nutrients so I emailed them and asked...

I was curious what you would compare the GREX to of other companies is it like Humboldt Roots or the H&G shit ect??? I can tell my seedlings have improved in health over night with the GREX and SOLAR GAIA!! Just trying to get an idea of what products those compare too that are being used in our community.

Well I surprised at the response cuz I had head GREAT things about H&G Roots Excelurator or whatever ya call it haha but here's what I got back..

"I honestly wouldn't compare G-Rex to anything else out there. There are other fungal inoculants on the market, but they are dehydrated re-labeled products. Our biological products are propogated in our labratory by a ph.d mycologist, so we know that our strains are fresh, natural, and isolated. H&G roots excelurator is essentially a rooting hormone like dip n' grow with some vitamin B1."

I was pretty excited after reading that but still wanted to know more and asked..

" Ok cool that's great to know I just wanted to get a understanding of what it was exactly cuz I can see the lil creatures floating in the bottle so I know it's ALIVE! But yea so I just want to get it clear it does the same kinda thing though as those others are "supposed" to do GREX actually does meaning promote more roots to grow more vigorously? And is there some living things in SOLAR GAIA cuz it said it builds a structure for biologicals"

and he said

"Yes, G-Rex causes an "anti-biotic-like" response which causes the plant to respond by sendin genergy to the roots. As well as that it produces glio-toxins which will help to protect the plant against any pathogenic microbiology. Solar Gaia does not contain microbiological populations, it just enhances soil and promotes a beneficial environment for microbiology and healthy soil."

So I couldn't wait to try it out on some fresh cuttings and see how much better my roots came out and boy was I shocked today! I may be tripping and this could be the norm for others clones but I usually don't get them this fat with this many fine white hairs coming off them!! Look!

By the way this is 7 days only too! usually takes 10-12








Isn't that pretty good proof the GREX is working? Usually I just get bright white roots that pop out and are thin and no where near as hair as these when I just used Dip n Grow alone. But this time I treated the Oasis Cubes with a GREX solution and damn and I happy I did. A $135 for a quart though!!

Soular HITS

New member
I've been using dip-and-grow rooting hormone and am having a really hard time with getting the bubba kush to root...usually it takes 2 weeks and I loose 50% of the cuts I've taken...I'm gonna ask around and see if I can grab a 2 ounce bottle of this root growth promoter...

Also I just harvested a 20 gram single cola Sour Diesel taken at 10 weeks from a 1 liter air pot...check out my thread I think you should consider running the 1 liter air pots and doing SOG style maybe in your CFL cab...I'd love to see someone who knows their strains and has their nuts dialed in to see what kind of results are possible...If I'm a noob grower of only 4 months and I got 20 grams on my second harvest maybe it wouldn't be too crazy to think that you or another experienced SOG grower could pull a zip a plant!


Just Call me Urkle!!
That's what I thought cuz like I said I usually have just bright white roots that are thin and thick but no hairs coming off them really and that usually takes a good 2weeks so I'm gonna say it works cuz I see the same thing happening on another one but different strain and they were coming out of the bottom.


How do you "treat" the rapid rooters? Do you just add it to the water and soak them? Did you use anything else?

btw...them is some fantastic looking roots...I got me a case of root envy.


Just Call me Urkle!!
Well with Rapid Rooters I would say dip em in a cup of solution or wait till it's time to water. I used Oasis Cubes that's what that pic is of and they come completely dry so instead of just PH'd Superthive water I mixed the recommended nutrients from CES and the GREX and dunked all my cubes in a cup of that solution. Which I also added Superthrive so those of you with CES sample packs that follow my stuff want to try out what I did...

2.5ml Micro
2.5ml Bloom
2.5ml GREX
3 drops Superthrive
in a gal of tap water or whatever you are using.. PH'd 6.0


Nice homey. Cant ask for better roots than that. I wanna try that stuff, but cant find anything on it. Is it too new?


Just Call me Urkle!!
Yea it's the part of the new Organic line and it's pricey $14 2oz $135 Quart $400 Gal but Sugaree is $18 Quart and I can see the difference with using it so I got some nice "Sugaree" buds coming harvest!! From the way it sounds it does the same shit as Bud Candy but it only list's Potassium Sulphate and I KNOW there is more than that in the bottle! It's WAY too sweet smelling so I know there are sugar or fruit extracts and it says a "emulsion of trace minerals" so I'm waiting to see what Joel says cuz I told him I don't use pens and I like to know everything I'm putting in my mix.


Just Call me Urkle!!
Ok so I'm sold on this GREX shit I NEVER get roots like this in Oasis Cubes EVER!! Plus they are all turning out even almost which never happens either. Check it out :dance013:


another one spliting open the cube!


I found this one being lifted up by the new roots!


The hairs die off of course but when you look inside that part it split that root ball is NUTS! Normally it's one or two roots branching off the main stem but NO This shit is crazy it's like a jungle of roots in there!


Thanks for the great photos! I used G-rex with good results when I had some root funk going on but now I think I'll add it to my cuts in the easy clone and see what I get.

Please post Joels response to your email about Sugaree as I also got a quart sample and I agree theres gotta be something else in the bottle.

thanks again


Just Call me Urkle!!
Here's what I asked..

"So I'm a bigger fan of CES than AN but I keep hear all kinds of good things
about the Bud Candy from reliable friends that didn't want to believe it
either. I still wont get since I have Sugaree which looks like a similar
product aimed at doing the same thing? What I'd really like to know is what
exactly is in the Sugaree that I am using? I know there HAS to be more that
potassium sulfate am I right? It smells nice and you guys say it has trace
minerals I was wondering how many ect? I don't believe in ppm pens and go
on nutrient profile so I like to know everything going into my water cuz I
found out the Plant Amp was what has been giving me Mag def lately since my
tap water has plenty of Cal in it already. But yea would love to know if
you guys are going to add more to the label cuz like I said I know there
must be some kind of extracts no? Also what have your reports been coming
back about it? Has it increased resin taste color ect? You know me I like
to hold my ground in nutrient arguments cuz CES is kicking ass on others
just gotta know haha.. Glad you feel better and hot damn GREX is pricey! I
had a feeling only getting 2oz bottles, is it needed every time I feed?
Remember I'm in Ready Gro Moisture Formula.. Thanks again you've been more
helpful than all the companies I've emailed plus hydro shops I've been in!!"

Here's what he said..

"Sugaree is based on a low molecular weight sugar that is capable of being easily taken up by plants. There is an organic flavoring in it as well, just to give it a nice sweet smell. The sugar is basically the main function of the Sugaree, sugars have been shown to help boost energy in a plant and also to help with glandular production in plants like hops. There have been experiments that have shown that a plant can grow in the dark when fed ample amounts of sugar, it essentially starts using the sugar as an energy source, rather than converting light energy into it's own sugars (ATP)...anyways that was a bit of a tangent. We have been getting a lot of great feedback about the Sugaree, with regards to resin production and overall plant performance."

Still didn't tell me if it had any amino acids or any other extra shit like Bud Candy


Active member
im a real big fan of there "mag amped" product.
solves that mag def in flower. usualy wks 2or3 -thru- 5-7(depends on strain)

id probably buy this grex if i saw it for sale.


Just Call me Urkle!!
Yea Mag Amped is a very good product, I read Big Mike saying in his PH Manifesto thing that there was no nutrient company that had a chelated magnesium or chelated calcium additive and that they were working on one lol BUT!! That's exactly what Mag Amped and Plant Amp are! Fully chelated Mag and Cal additives


Just Call me Urkle!!
I'm curious though how GREX holds up to Roots Excelurator for real cuz I'm using RE now and have crazy amounts of roots exploding in my pots. Just not sure if $125 a qt is pricey at 2.5ml-5ml per gal? Wonder if 2ml a gal would work out well, I do like that they have the small $14 2oz bottles though and never had roots like those in the pics again after running out of GREX. I haven't tried RE on the Oasis cubes though but I am using it on Rapid Rooters and will compare..
i got a sample of grex from my hydro shop and had big roots in 7 days in a ez cloner. first time i ever transplanted after 8 days. plants were super strong and had no transplant shock either. it is expensive but you only need a little bit

Fresh Start

Active member
This is kind of an old thread but..

I couldn't find CES nutrient mixing charts that included BEFORE roots mixing. So I found this thread with thunds' mixing reference involving g-rex. So i just used that one instead. Thanks thund!

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