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customs notice of removal--real or bogus??

Cool Moe

Active member
I'll try to keep this as short as possible and hope anyone with custom seizure experience will reply. Last fall before I knew about SBay I placed 3 orders with 3 different banks, all in BC Canada. I'm in a non-medi U.S. state. All 3 orders arrived no problem, but one of the orders had an unfortunate 1/12 germ rate. So the bank said they would send replacements but they never came so last week I contacted them again. Then yesterday I got a letter on which one side had been cut open and restapled, inside was a Notice of Removal from U.S. customs. But the customs letter looks bogus, its a bad (sloppy) xerox and does not look to be official Customs issue. There were no marks or green tape on the outside of the envelope. So my question is this--would an irreputable seed bank with bad street cred actually go so far as to fake a customs notice of removal instead of sending replacement beans?


Humble Human, Freedom Fighter, Cannabis Lover, Bre
ICMag Donor
I would say, move on. It does'nt matter, if it is fake then you are probably better off! :joint:

Cool Moe

Active member
Thanks for the replies, agreed that a fake customs notice is better than real one and moving on is my only option at this point...wish I could post the letter but no scanner here. Unfortunately I placed my order before I had done enough research but I've read enough bad rep about the source that most of you can guess who it was. All future orders will be through the Bay.


Humble Human, Freedom Fighter, Cannabis Lover, Bre
ICMag Donor
...and you will be a better grower for it! :joint:

Good luck to you dude!


ICMag Donor
I've had dhs nab a few of my orders, never got a note, but always had the green customs tape.

Cool Moe

Active member
Yeah the letter states Port of Chicago but stuff coming to my state from BC wouldn't even go through Chicago. The letter I got was an obvious fake, crappiest xerox quality I've ever seen, 2nd to last paragraph is missing key words and doesn't even read correctly, no official markings on the outside of the envelope. It was supposedly their premier strain, lots of hype but not a lotta germination. The first package from them that came through looked like a gradeschooler had packed it, bean packing mode was a joke. Very likely we got the same bogus letter from the same bogus bank. Lesson learned.
The letter I got was an obvious fake, crappiest xerox quality I've ever seen, 2nd to last paragraph is missing key words and doesn't even read correctly, no official markings on the outside of the envelope.

I wouldn't call it an obvious fake. I spent a lifetime with a huge Federal agency, we did a lot of half assed things like your letter. We had an unofficial motto... "I've seen worse than that."
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Even in Arcadia I exist
Yeah the letter states Port of Chicago but stuff coming to my state from BC wouldn't even go through Chicago. The letter I got was an obvious fake, crappiest xerox quality I've ever seen, 2nd to last paragraph is missing key words and doesn't even read correctly, no official markings on the outside of the envelope. It was supposedly their premier strain, lots of hype but not a lotta germination. The first package from them that came through looked like a gradeschooler had packed it, bean packing mode was a joke. Very likely we got the same bogus letter from the same bogus bank. Lesson learned.

My mail has no reason to go through chicago, but looked much the same.

If it looked poorly done, I'd say it was more likely to be real than fake. If it was a fake they want to convince you, if it wasn't, they don't a give a shit.

Either way - bummer. Can you photo the letter (instead of scanning)
I think all mail from BC goes through chicago.Could be wrong though.I got a green tape letter official looking letter inside.


You been scammed - I'm Nigerian, I know scams...

OK - so I'm not Nigerian, but I still know scams, and that sounds like one...

The key is NO GREEN TAPE...

Uncle Sam uses green tape - scamming rat bastard seedbanks don't - they just didn't wanna send replacements...

IMHO of course...


You been scammed - I'm Nigerian, I know scams...

OK - so I'm not Nigerian, but I still know scams, and that sounds like one...

The key is NO GREEN TAPE...

Uncle Sam uses green tape - scamming rat bastard seedbanks don't - they just didn't wanna send replacements...

IMHO of course...

They don't always use green tape, and i've received the crappy quality zerox letter several times. (not for seeds), so I think it's legit. Chicago is a customs BITCH ! Not sure why chicago is so bad but it's been that way for at least 10 yrs to my personal knowledge and experience.


They don't always use green tape, and i've received the crappy quality zerox letter several times. (not for seeds), so I think it's legit. Chicago is a customs BITCH ! Not sure why chicago is so bad but it's been that way for at least 10 yrs to my personal knowledge and experience.

Let me get this straight - you have received crappy, misspelled, xeroxed seizure letter AND no green tape before (several times)???

From SBay or SBoo???

Or from another, unmentionable site???

Sounds shifty - never, ever heard of BOTH (not once) before from any of Gypsys companies.

Could it be that you are buying from less than reputable place - several times - and the misspelled, crappy xerox and no tape is their way of collecting $$$, without shipping product.

Again - no tape, and crappy, misspelled xerox, several times???

Hmmm, OK, if you say so - but my gut sez someones getting fooled, and it ain't me...


my only experience was with the green tape...but the beans were still in there.....they just took a look and taped it back up...dj


There are lots of things besides pot seeds that are not exactly legal to ship into the US. Benzodiazapenes, steroids, growth hormone and many other pharmaceuticals are all legal in the US with a script but can also be shipped to the US from foreign countries without a script. So I hear anyway.


Let me get this straight - you have received crappy, misspelled, xeroxed seizure letter AND no green tape before (several times)???

From SBay or SBoo???

Or from another, unmentionable site???

Sounds shifty - never, ever heard of BOTH (not once) before from any of Gypsys companies.

Could it be that you are buying from less than reputable place - several times - and the misspelled, crappy xerox and no tape is their way of collecting $$$, without shipping product.

Again - no tape, and crappy, misspelled xerox, several times???

Hmmm, OK, if you say so - but my gut sez someones getting fooled, and it ain't me...

I said it had nothing to do with seeds and nothing to do with Gypsy's companies.
You should always listen to your gut !! Thanks for sharing what you believe might be true.

Cool Moe

Active member
Classyathome seems to have hit the nail directly on the head. I don't understand the commenters who state the more half-assed the letter looks the more likely it is real, unless they are here reppin' for the aforementioned crappy ass rat bastard bank. WTF is that all about? U.S. Customs would definitely have put some green tape or a stamp on the outside of the letter IMO and there is NO WAY they send out xeroxes as crappily copied and written as the one I got. What's funny is in the security forums for the seedbank in question they make mention that letters going through Chicago are the most likely to get seized. Then they send the fake customs letter that says it went through Chicago. And apparently 95% of the stoners fall for it. Funny stuff, and truly bush league scammers at work.