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Custom Ramen Noodle Thread


K+ vibes
Some of yall are being sissys.... If you eat healthy.... Ramen noodles wont harm you a bit... Nothing will make you stronger than a little poison sometimes....

Nothing gets me stronger feeling than Oatmeal, Salmon, Oysters, Ramen. Not all at the same time, but individually. Oysters are suppose to be the most powerful source of Zinc there is.... which makes a man, A MAN.... lol But SALMON jeeeez.... I might as well call that shit viagra. As far as Carbohydrates go... there is nothing like Oatmeal, or Ramen to get me steaming with energy.

If you wanna know who gets "BUFF" in jail..... Its the people that eat ramen... cause nobody else is eating solid carbohydrates... Everyone else is eating freaking honey buns.

So i'll sit here, eat my ramen, and I'll take a picture the next time I do my cut.
Too bad about what some of you cocksuckers don't like,go ahead dress your shit up.Still a fitty cent piece actin like a 5 dollar bill.talk is cheap.


Still Learning
Supermanlives, I'm all about eating healthy, but not everyone knows how to eat to be a professional athletic/bodybuilder.

Ramen is definitely a foundation for a somewhat wholesome meal, especially with some added stuff (the reason I made the thread lol).

I could make a what do you put in your Oatmeal thread.... Blueberries, and Raspberries.

If anyone out there is trying to lose weight, I'd love to help you.

Eat more often = Raises metabolism

Majority of your energy providing food should be ate in the morning aka Carbohydrates.
Oatmeal,Grits, Sweet Potatoes, Apples, are all the best Low Glycemic Carbohydrates (Which means they are the longest lasting energy providing sources).

You should eat every 2-3 hours. Carbohydrates, Protein, and Fat should be in every meal.

You taper your Carbohydrate intake down as the day progresses. So you eat a big bowl of oatmeal in the morning, and by dinner time you should eat almost no carbohydrates. The reason is because you don't need Carbohydrates/Energy while you sleep. During dinner you should eat leafy green vegetables to help with the digestion of the foods you have ate. Salad with Chicken breast... etc etc

Water is key, and it doesn't have to be cold... Cold water burns calories, because your body has to thermally heat the water up to body temperature. Warm water is easy on your stomach. Most any person can drink a gallon a day.

blah blah... I'm hungry now lol

This is very good advice, Dr.. one flaw> I drink BEER in the evening! If I drink it in the morning, they call me an alcaholic. HA!

Ramen> with 1 egg per package...


Patriot Father 2a Defender /Breeder
daym....... tang and "oriental"ramen...with some old bay"crab seasoning"...noodle's slightly under cooked..as someone noted here they do get a little soggy for my liking's....yeah not much water at all too.......im a skinny bastid'......and the ramen goes kurplunk thanks for lunch ider's:)


Freedom Fighter
First, I fill the mop bucket with water, using a trash bag as a liner...put the stingers in it till it boils-- Then throw 20 packs of noodles in there...cook 'em, drain em-- Stick it on the table on a trash bag...mix in mayo, tuna, oysters, jalapenos, cheese...and whatever else ya got in your locker-- Pile the crackers around it....and call the Homies over to dig in!! Keeps you outta the Chow Hall!!
Oh wait...you mean out here on the streets?? Fuck That!!

Funny tho....my buddy got out of prison, and came over to my house for dinner....I made a Spread!! Lol...he just shook his head and ate it-- lol:laughing:


Active member
If you're going to eat that disgusting junk... at least throw away the flavor pack or tap out as much of that toxic dust as you can.

Seriously... you guys have no idea how clogged your brains and bodies are from junk like this. Some of those are like taking a sledgehammer to the head.

Stay Safe! :blowbubbles:
Tell that to the Japanese and the Chinese,when hurricanes struck.People robbed the Ramen factories,a testament to the deliciousness of hard bricked noodles....lol...

Not having to go through the slop line...priceless
Ramen Pride, perfect snack for hurricanes and jail...I smell an advertising campaign.Little Debbie should get in on it.


Active member
when i have one, usually the oriental or the beef. i add nothing, and drain most water out. also, i only use half of the seasoning pack. cuts like 45% of the calories off, and 50% the sodium.


K+ vibes
:tiphat:I love you all, why post such negativity in a positive thread BlackOpsJesus? This isn't a bad thing by no means. Some people have nothing to eat, and for me to bring attention to one of the most important/affordable/international/form of nutrients for the poor. There are MANY bad things in this world, and Ramen noodles is no worry. I promise. Salt retains water, drinking a lot of water rids of water retention, because it lets your body know that it doesn't have to hold on to every little drop. Your body will adjust to the intake. It will know to process water at a higher rate, and this will flush sodium. If your not pissing clear after your first piss or 2 of the day. Your not 100% tuned. Your body is over 70% water, and it is THE most important nutrient.

I do understand Ramen isn't the most healthy food. Neither is Mcdonalds, or 99% of anything that requires a microwave!!

Like I said Oatmeal, Sweet Potatoes, Brown Rice, Wheat Bread, Whole Wheat Noodle, Apples, etc is the best source of Carbohydrates.
Eggs,Steak,Chicken breast, Turkey breast (leaner than chicken), Tofu, Whey, Milk, etc are the best source of Proteins.
Legumes, Extra Virgin Olive Oil, Natural Peanut Butter, Almonds, and lean animal Essential Fatty Acids are the best source of Fats.

You need all 3 of these in each meal, you should eat 5-7 times a day (depending on calorie requirements/goals). The meals should be every 2-3 hours, and you should taper carbohydrates from high to low/morning to night. Also adjust carbohydrate amount, and type based around your work-out (Pre, and Post workout nutrition).
Before a work-out you want to eat Low Glycemic Carbohydrates (Oatmeal,Grits,Sweet Potatoes, Apples), and after a workout you want to eat High Glycemic Carbohydrates (Bananas, Fruits, Milk, sugary things) This is fast acting/absorbing foods that help with nutrient absorbing, and repair). Also fast acting Proteins are important like Milk as mentioned, and Whey (protein shake).

By the last 2-3 meals of the day you should focus on low carb, and no carb foods. Salads, greens, vegetables, etc come into play. This helps grease the pipes.

EFAs, and DHAs help with joint repair, and health. Flax seed oil, Fish Oil, Healthy Animal fats, etc all help reduce A LOT of pain, and problems with folks Knee,Arm, Shoulder,Ankle, Neck, and Back.

Sorry for the big write, I type anywhere from 80-120 wpm so I can get alot typed in a short period of time, and I have no clue how it looks sometimes. I'm really fatigued, and probably making no sense, but I figured I would try to help someone, or anyone. Even if its just 1 little tip, idea, enlightenment. I just want someone to be happier, healthier, and smarter.

Knowing these things can save lives, heart ache, pain, time, money, and hopefully something!!

I care about folks.. I don't read to be the smartest, I read to be at least somewhat helpful to either myself or those I care about.

:cathug: :wave: :blowbubbles: :thank you:


sunshine in a bag
I'm about to go eat some ramen
I had pepperoni pizza for dinner

I love junk food.


K+ vibes
There is many things thats like lipstick on a pig. Probably many things you own, and think isss cool.Shampoo, your cd player, your car, your brand of soda, or chicken breast... Something lol There can always be better than even the best,

I aint mad at ya lol



speaking of noodles I made this

not too impressed prefer the ramen

incredible ammount of sodium in those... lol

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