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Current Radio Songs That You Hate

so i don't listen to the radio very much, but sometimes when i'm driving i do. but only when i've gotten bored of all the music i brought with me. but anyways, the song that i hate the most right now that inspired me to make this thread is that new coldplay one. you've heard it, the one that goes "para, para, paradise". i hate it so much. i want to punch them all in the face for making that song. i was never a coldplay fan really, but their other songs were not as annoying. what songs do you hate?


There hasn't been a Good Band with good musicians in years., Its all BS now. There is nothing left but Crappy Nursery rhymes with stolen/ripped off/ computer beats. I guess my vote goes to hating everything on the Radio lol.


There hasn't been a Good Band with good musicians in years., Its all BS now. There is nothing left but Crappy Nursery rhymes with stolen/ripped off/ computer beats. I guess my vote goes to hating everything on the Radio lol.

Amen brother!!

the radio sucks, except for Bob & Tom.

My money goes to Pandora.


Wow, couldn't tell you. Haven't listened to the radio for anything other than college sports or a weather report in years. Radio sucked back then too, I'm sure it still does. Especially those obnoxious morning shows that are supposed to be funny.

Max Headroom

Well-known member
radio? people are still listening to that?
i haven't listened to radio in over 10 years. therefore i don't know any of the crappy and annoying songs currently dissolving the public's mind.
i got more music on my pc than i can listen to in a year.
sorry, radio - you're dead to me.


I live on a cow path...so the only radio we get is classic rock and country.....and one stupid kids dance station. So I would say the one I hate most is Sweet home alabama. It get played 10 times a day. Every local bar band we go see plays the damn song. People still get up and scream and wave their arms and start dancing. REALLY? You get that excited over a song you've hear a zillion times for 40 damn years. Maybe it's just me...or maybe some people should slow down on the alcohol.


I listened to green day the other day , sounded like a generic version of the Sex Pistols english accents , & all.
come on guys, the radio is unavoidable. even if you don't listen to it on your own, the radio is always on in stores and restaurants and shit. that's probably where i hear most of these lame songs. i'd like to say i never listen to the radio, but it's unavoidable. like the other night i went bowling and they were playing really annoying radio music. there was one that was really bad that went something like "a sky full of lighters". i hate that song too.

Max Headroom

Well-known member
come on guys, the radio is unavoidable. even if you don't listen to it on your own, the radio is always on in stores and restaurants and shit. that's probably where i hear most of these lame songs. i'd like to say i never listen to the radio, but it's unavoidable. like the other night i went bowling and they were playing really annoying radio music. there was one that was really bad that went something like "a sky full of lighters". i hate that song too.

i have headphones on when i leave the house. and i don't go to restaurants. ;)

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