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curled under leaves &

well i have had my share of headaches on this first of many grows...i just got over an overwatering problem...growth picked back up and things were looking good..... i saw a bug so i decided now was as good a time as any to start spraying neem....so i mixed up a quart and sprayed everything i mean really sprayed....i did this about 15mins before the lights went out.....at this point they were already showing signs of needing water but i decided to wait till morning...when i woke up i found the lower single leaves showing yellowish brown spots and the leaves are all curling under real bad...i watered them this morning around 8 and still no signs of improvement....i can't help but think maybe neem caused this but who knows....i bought ph test strips to use but they are lost somewhere and now that i think of it i tested the distilled water and not the tap that i water my plants with....so anyway here are some pics of the brown spots and curling

How long has this problem been going on? 1 day

What STRAIN are you growing? mayhem & nl & purple widow

What was the establishing technique? (seed or clone?) seed

What is the age of your plants? 20 days

How Tall are the plants? 5" (they were potted deeper due to stretching)

What PHASE (seedling, vegetative or flower) are the plants in? seedling/veg?

What Technique are you using? (SOG, SCROG etc) regular

What size pots are you using? (Include how many subjects to pot) 16oz

What substrate/medium are you using? What brand of soil mixture are you using?(percentage of perlite, vermiculite...etc?) ocean forest/perlite 70/30

What Nutrient's are you using?How much of each with how much water? How Often? *Knowing the brand is very helpful* none yet a little super thrive when i transplanted

What is the TDS/EC/PPM of your nutrients used? NA

What is the pH of the "RUN-OFF"? who knows i'm a newb

What method of pH test was administered? Using Strips? pH pen? strips but i lost them and i also think when i used them i tested the distilled water instead of the tap????? dumb newb haha

How often are you watering? today
When was your last feeding and how often are you feeding? see above

What size bulb are you using? 400w mh

What is the distance to the canopy? 18"

What is your RH Factor? (Relative Humidity) don't know have gotten a ???whatever you call that..i am assuming its rather low (the room is not sealed its just in a corner of a room)

What is the canopy temperature? 77-84

What is the Day/Night Temp? (Include fluctuation range) 77-84/65-70

What is the current Air Flow? (cfm etc.) no exhaust

Is the fan blowing directly at plants? yes (but its a light setting) the leaves have have gently but constant movement....is that good?

Is the grow substrate constantly wet or moist? not anymore

Is your water HARD or SOFT? couldn't tell ya

What water are you using? Reverse Osmosis (RO)? Tap? Bottled? Well water? Distilled? Mineral Water? was using distilled at first but have switched to tap water that has been sitting out

Has plant been recently pruned, cloned or pinched? no

Have any pest chemicals been used? If so what and when? yes sprayed neem 2 nights ago

Are plant's infected with pest's? not anymore

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Hey bro - plants are actually lookin fairly good!

I'm curious though - you 'saw a bug'...??? What kinda bug? Not all bugs are bad for your ladies ya know...

Please remember - if you mist/spray your ladies - it can be as effective (at their young age) as watering them... the droop may have something to do with watering them (via spray) or possibly the contents of the spray (though I doubt).

Best bet - WAIT... I know, waiting sucks... we all want to DO something to fix everything immediately... but it's just not how mother nature works... give em 2-3 days and check again.

Also - next time you see a 'bug' - try to identify what it is prior to treatment... not all bugs require the same my friend.

i have no problem waiting 2-3 days, but the brown spots on the leaves is what worries me even more than the curling..that can't be from overwatering... and last time i over watered (yeah i know ,,haha) they looked different more yellowish and the leaves were droopy not curly...it seems to me that something else may be at work here...possibly ph problem???? just can't seem to get this right....


You planted deeper because of stretching ... Your plants are probably having a problem getting enough air. Maintain the level they were sprouted at IMHO ... Can you bury portions of the stem Yes but do you always want to ? No. They look healthy except for that curl ... and the curl isn't a Droop ... The Claw as it is called is caused by a few things ... Too Much Nitrogen (OF is hot for seedlings and should be cut with a starter mix) is one and Poor Air Flow around the plants is another that come to mind. The neem will also add weight to the surface area of your leaves for a day or so and may aid to the curl you have going on. Get some air flowing around those little ones ... and try some seed starter in that mix.
WeedWrapperMan said:
You planted deeper because of stretching ... Your plants are probably having a problem getting enough air. Maintain the level they were sprouted at IMHO ... Can you bury portions of the stem Yes but do you always want to ? No. They look healthy except for that curl ... and the curl isn't a Droop ... The Claw as it is called is caused by a few things ... Too Much Nitrogen (OF is hot for seedlings and should be cut with a starter mix) is one and Poor Air Flow around the plants is another that come to mind. The neem will also add weight to the surface area of your leaves for a day or so and may aid to the curl you have going on. Get some air flowing around those little ones ... and try some seed starter in that mix.

well they have been planted in the of for a little over a week now...your saying i should transplant them into a new container with some starter mix? i thought at 3 weeks i was more in the veg phase then seedling and i would need the nutes?? if i transplant them to a starter mix they will need nutes, so why not just leave them in the OF? (sorry i'm a new grower and have been overwhelmed with what to do and what not to do, gets kinda crazy!!!) the next time a plant seeds it is DEFINITELY going to be done with starter mix.....i also have a fan blowing constantly on them so air flow (atleast above ground is good)

any idea on the brown spots?



neem oil has nitrogen in it and the downward curl is most likely from the foliar application of the neem, as for the spotting if it happened overnight after as you say a heavy spray you may have leached out some of the other elements, hard to say for sure but I think they will recover in time.
The Archivist said:
neem oil has nitrogen in it and the downward curl is most likely from the foliar application of the neem, as for the spotting if it happened overnight after as you say a heavy spray you may have leached out some of the other elements, hard to say for sure but I think they will recover in time.

wow...who would have thought...this seems like it could very well be the cause...it makes sense and fits the timeline....should i use a pure water foilar spray and try to fix it? or should i just leave it alone and wait it out? i guess with the high n soil the neem was too much...i should have tried to identify the bug like budlove said....


well it's up to you, but if the spotting was caused by leaching then it would only get worse with more foliar spray, my advice sit tight,it's not severe.
The Archivist said:
well it's up to you, but if the spotting was caused by leaching then it would only get worse with more foliar spray, my advice sit tight,it's not severe.

will do thanks again


You could replant them ... but ... I'm thinking your plants may just grow out of this problem. If they really look fried in a day or so let us know. Next time start with a medium that is not quite as hot (Fox Farms suggests using OF as such on their feeding schedule "Use Fox Farm Ocean Forest when transplanting seedlings into larger containers").
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WeedWrapperMan said:
You could replant them ... but ... I'm thinking your plants may just grow out of this problem. If they really look fried in a day or so let us know. Next time start with a medium that is not quite as hot (Fox Farms suggests using OF as such on their feeding schedule "Use Fox Farm Ocean Forest when transplanting seedlings into larger containers").

well as of right now, they seem to be growing and who know whether or not the leaves will ever straighten out.....i think in a few days everything will be back tomorrow...

i'm just a little worried that between this and my earlier over watering my plants may be dwarfs or stunted....i really hope not