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New member
Vitamins and apricot pits and funguses......spare me

No, it'll spare you,not me. How can you sit there and bag something you have not only never tried,but are unwilling to try? You need not answer as that is a statement rather than a question

I completely agree the title is extremely rude.....but I'd also like to see all your proof of these people you have "saved." Where are the records, test results, proof of diagnoses etc for you miracles?

Yeah yeah, I'll come forth with anything you wish if you can assure me immunity from getting busted. Get real. Listen WH, haven't you even realized that in this life when one sees something they don't like, including what's written, they don't need to pay any attention to it at all? Let me also point out... don't bother with anything I have written if you so wish, and it won't bother you. Seeing as 'words' effect you that badly, I wonder if you responded as you have here when your goverenment fills the peoples ears with words of lies that actually KILL and MAME millions of innocent. Where are you then I wonder.

After reading your last post I see you have plenty of love for yourself, so obviously none is needed from others. I will not be back to this thread.

As you wish.

Except one last thing. Cancer is NOT a fungus. This is exactly the type of info that makes me so sad. You don't really even know WHAT cancer IS do you?

I had no idea you where better qualified to comment on this than a surgical Cancer reseacher of many years standing WHO is NOT money hungry and has genuine concern... as per the urls under the BiCarb section in my first post.

This is the last response you'll get from me WH as I can see you are beyond any form of help due to your set mind, if indeed you are suffering as you say you are, irrespective if you are or not. Go and watch all the urls I have posted incuding the ones under the BiCarb heading regarding Cancer as being a fungus if you haven't already... and that's a suggestion, NOT a demand. That's all I can offer you.

Failing that, I cannot help or perhaps muse you with such talk any longer. Say as you please about me, I don't care nor mind just know I've said all I have to say regarding this issue you have raised and done all I can to accomadate it. Have a good a day and I truly hope you can find your peace and grace in this life and that anything which pains you disappears. As for the rest, I'll let time be my judge, no one else.

Good luck

internal space

New member
Thanks so much for posting this info. these days it seems like everyone I know has cancer. I think it is the shallow water table and the nitrates/pesticides from the factory farming in this area. this gave me an extra reason to buy an ro system, I hope it takes out these carcinogens.
I'm sorry you've gotten such a negative response in return for your sharing. but people backed into a corner by life don't like to have their world view turned upside down when they think it will be their salvation, this causes strong attachment. I understand whats been said about desperation and grasping at straws but information quality control is each and every individuals responsibility. and from my own experiences with the healthcare system and quality control I have realized that our economy's insatiable hunger for profits and our own human need for healing are more often than not at odds with one another. no I m not saying docs are out to off their patients but the system is not working in our best interest. research grants do not go out to fund the best cheapest and easiest procedures. research grants are given to the most expensive, patentable, revolutionary procedures. so I am always thankful to hear about alternatives to the system, and I find it very sad to hear about those who are so attached to their point of view that they have closed their minds to a fuller understanding of their sickness and possible cures.
By the way, so far, I'm not buying the cancer/fungus connection. I haven't done any research on it but fungus is defined by its reproductive methods. as far as I know carcinogens do not sporulate or form mycelial networks they instead damage a cells dna causing it to behave and replicate itself abnormally possibly to the detriment of the host. The literature that I have found to be the most helpful is that which deals most specifically with how carcinogenic cells grow. I highly recommend the CHINA STUDY by T. COLIN CAMBELL
I hear ducks but not docs.....

I also have a youtube vid on how to grow any plant to 90% THC.
Of course it's not well proven, based on improper studies but there IS a video, so it must work.

As a 3 time "cancer magnet" I don't believe in ghosts or unsubstantiated claims. At least 30+ "studies" are released each that have "cancer cures" each year. All of them show absolute proof that they work. Except when other researchers try to duplicate them... Usually based on "junk science*"

Please keep reporting these interseting claims. Maybe one day, one will hit the jackpot. Till then.... it's just vaporware.

* it's a research term, worth the google. http://www.google.com/search?hl=en&q=junk+science


Active member
hey guys

the title is a bit strong and from the six miracles I only recognize chlorella and chlorella is a good preventive product ,and cancer is not a fungus.
about junk sience I know is difficult for some to understand and see the true from crap, but keep your mind open and learn and make your choices

in my 25 years of experience in the health business i agreed that chemotherapy and radiotherapy are not the best approach to cancer, the main reason is that weak your immune system . But you can do both conventional treatments and alternative medicine because some people only trust medical doctors ,and most of medical doctors don´t know nothing about natural products .the main reason for that occur that in this formation they only learn conventional terapeutics .Pharmaceuticals company have interest that doctors prescribe their drugs (money talks).my advice is look for a good professional in alternatives medicines and do both treatments.

What cause cancer?

wrong food habits (industrial food)

environment that you live(quality =water and air ,work conditions)

oxidative stress

emocional shock/(lost of someone loved)



tobacco and drugs abuse.

genetic profile (heritability)

sometimes his conjugation of multiples causes

there different stage of cancer, a stage 1,2,3 ,let be real in stage 1 and 2 natural products can help or cure but in stage 3 almost every case is a lost cause and only we can do is improving the quality of life .do not forget that cancer is a quiet disease and sometimes difficult to diagnostic. Prevention is the most effective thing that we all can do

I know a few protocols for cancer treatment that have been experimented by someone with 30 years of experience with some success

Imunoterapy and antioxidants- coenzyme q10,anoxe, super oxide dismutase, bio bran, germanium, squalene,


Enzyme yeast cells (imunestimulant and adjuvant to conventional treatment)

http://www.wolz.de/en/products/strengthen-the-immune-defense/immunkomplex-dr-wolz.html Paris 2008_.pdf

modified alkaloid chelidonine- product with great results a real hope

Angiogenesis- frozen liquid shark carltilage



Diet therapy- a special diet therapy (can post later)

Improvement of intestinal environment.- probiotics

Don’t ask me how to use or combine all this products because I am not qualified to do that.i hope i help someone .sorry for my bad english
