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cube steak, onions and potatoes, what to do?

Ok, I'm sick and i asked a friend to shop for me and asker her for "meat". I guess she thought i wasn't going to pay her back and instead of a nice steak, she brought me cube steak.

SOOOOOOO, i got cube steak, potatoes and onions...

Any simple recipes that need no oven? IE, skillet or wok recipes?


Cookie monster

make a stew.

A bit of stock, onions, peas ,carrots, the steak of course, stout beer and herbs and spices and if your lucky enough to have some bone marrow fire it in.

Let cook away in a crock pot for an hour or 2 .


Active member
Really....thats a no brainer.Fried potatoes and onions and fried cube steaks,bread the steaks season the taters.Enjoy:joint:


Active member


chop it up and make a shepards pie! yummmmm

Seer the steak with some onions then add some browning sauce or gravy, a very little water, then simmer for 2 hours(an hour if yer really hungry and add veggies and simmer another half hour-45min

you can make a simple gravy with bullion, water and flour.

spread mashed potatoes on top, couple inches thick, then cover and keeping heat on low let all the flavors come together. Spread some butter and/or gravy on top and get yer grub on!


I would cut the cube steak up into smaller pieces, slice up them taters and onions, any peppers you got, fry em all together with some cheese and a couple eggs. Hot sauce of your choice(franks red hot or tabasco for me), and you got a killer breakfast.
mcsqrd, elaborate on that... i'm liking that.... kinda like a hash you mean?

i do love me some hash....

dammit, my big skillet isn't heavy enoguh to retain enough heat for proper hash/homefries making... gotta get a damn flattop

Smooth B

I love cube steak.

Batter in flour with some salt and extra black pepper. Plastic grocery bags work good to shake it up. Fry in Canola oil (no cholesterol) till brown on both sides.

Either put on white bread with mayo or make a gravy.

Pour out all but 4 tablespoons of grease. Add a couple tablespoons of flour and brown 1 minute. Gradually add some milk. Too thin keep cooking...too thick add some more milk. You can tinker back and forth to get the consistency.

Potatoes and onions go good together. Put cut up (don't worry about peeling the potatoes...skins are good for you) potatoes and onions in a microwave safe casserole dish. Put pats of butter all over the top. Add a dash of salt and pepper. Cook on high till potatoes are tender. Maybe 8-10 minutes.

Peace :wave:


I feel ya on the skillet, I've only got frying pans, nothing heavy, but they work alright. I just slice a few potatoes chip style, and thin as possible. Cut your steak into thin pieces also. Chop up your onions, peppers, any other veggie that sounds chronic. Oil up a pan, medium/high heat, and throw all your fixins in there, and cook it up. Stir it occasionally because those onions like to stick to the pan. Keep a plate or something over the pan to retain heat. Grade up some cheese, and throw it on when the fixins are about cooked. Then when the cheese is all melted up, throw everything on a plate. Cook up a couple eggs (over easy for me) and throw it on top. Ample hot sauce, and your golden. Bonus points for bacon!




"It's just a flesh wound"
Chicken fried cube steak! Be sure to tenderize the meat by smacking the hell out of it first to break down the fibrous tissues.

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