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CryptiC's Micro Grow Show!!


Well, i've lurked IC Mag for quite some time, and this is my first ever grow.

I don't expect anything from this grow except a learning experience, a step towards proving CFL's can and will perform well like other compared methods, and hopefully some new friends/helpful advice from other ICMag members :D

Now with that said, here is whats up:

This is going to be a CFL Grow in rubbermades doing a perpetual style grow like Dr.Master Jedi and his Wife.

I have everything except the lights and mylar which im going to be picking up within the next few days. At which time I will also pick up batteries for my girlfriends camera so I can photo document this like the rest of the grow shows.

I have a good questions though, i've heard alot of people say get an emergency blanket for the mylar. Where can you pick these up generally? Also can mylar ballons be used, like I were to cut them and invert them for the shiny?

Just a curious question.

I just popped 3 seeds and they had about an inch taproot and got them in their respective homes waiting to break soil. I'm going to have to get a mother plant and start cloning but I figure i'd start my show here to be able to soak up much more information for the time period.

Now I must be going, im going to go attend a Children of Bodom/Black Dahlia Murder Concert :jump: :rasta:

Thanks for stoping by and thank you Dr.Bud/Wife and Thundurkel for inspiration!!!


you can get mylar blankets in the camping section of any huge retail store like walmart or dicks sporting goods. Good luck with your first grow man. get some pics up very soon.


Ok I'm going to get my mylar today, and try to find the single CFL ballast similar to Dr.Buds pictured here...


I didnt find them at the home depot by me, any suggestions, and does anyone know around the price they cost by chance?

Also my first seedling broke soil today i'll get some batteries when I go out for the rest of my equipment and get pics up today.

Again thanks for the help, and suggestions are always welcome! :rasta:


New member
"single CFL ballast" im guessing you meant socket

and if you're growing in a rubbermaid i'de suggest 4 socket vanity fixture


haha yea I was tired when I typed that, I did mean socket.. there was no high enough rated vanity fixtures at home depot for 42 watt cfl's


the fixtures at home depot will do fine with the 42w, I have been using them for 2 years..............I would also recomend paint over mylar, the mylar will make your box a few degrees warmer...........
I also use the vanity fixtures with 42s. They work great. A lot less hassle than wiring all those sockets up. Although with the sockets, you can put them wherever you want. It's all personal preferance. This site has all you need to know ab growing and then some. The search bar is a good friend of mine. Get to know him well and good luck with your grow.


Im writing this from my phone so its going to be short.

For the emergency blanket, there is the mylar side and an orange side. Should I keep that orange side on?


Ok.. just got home for work and stuff and pulled out the emergency blanket.. totally on thing so scratch that last question.. applying it tonight and the lights tomorrow.


Ok due to complications with life.. the always show up when not welcomed eh? lol

I didnt get everything set up in time when I wanted to... So my seedlings stretched with only light from my room but are now vegging in one of the totes with some mylar over the top while the other tote I am paint white is drying awaiting a second coat of paint.

I used flat white spray paint, dont know about the reflectivity but my girlfriend is allergic to latex and the only other paint I found at this local hardware was oil based and figured it wouldnt stick to the plastic.

Any input for flat white spray paint is extremely welcome.

As for pictures give me a few hours, my girlfriend is sleeping and I dont want to disturb her with the lights or flash at the moment but picks will be up of the half set up so far.

As for the seedlings going into veg late, how will that effect them? I'm still going to grow them but I currently have 7 seeds germing waiting for tap roots and will not mess those up :D

Other than that sorry for starting a grow and not continuing it right away, didn't mean to be a jackass.

All is well now and lets get this going!


I use flat white paint in my flowering cabinet, I heard it reflects about 90% of light and doesn't create any hotspots. IMO flat white paint is the best way to go.

Reflectix insulation rolls at Lowes look good too, easy to handle and cut to size. That would probably hold in heat though. I think foil and mylar are too difficult to work with.

Good luck!!


reject said:
I think foil and mylar are too difficult to work with.

Yea its a bitch to work with for the most part... I mean with a fair ammount of determination and the right materials.. it can go on smooth. But paint has just about the same reflectiveness.

I'm just wondering if it makes a difference with reflectiveness if its spray paint, latex, ect.

Also im going to get pics of my half assed current set up in a few hours so stay tuned :joint:

And i've been reading more and more and these 7 seeds germing are going 12/12 from seed. Trying to obtain nice budsickles.

And I think I have found access to 4 Purple Widow, 3 Durban Poison, and 2 Holland's Hope seeds. So hopefully that turns out well ^_^


Ok, so the most unseen complication so far this grow is the fact that I must have smoked to much :joint: and packed my camera and the sd card usb reader in different boxes from my recent move. :fsu: :muahaha:

So pictures are taken and I will post them after work tomorrow when I get home. :bashhead:

So sorry for another delay but they are coming! Germing seeds should start showing tap roots tomorrow :rasta:

:jump: Update tomorrow with pictures! :jump: :jump: