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Crossing African strains with European strains.


I was wondering if its wrong to cross our local landrace plants with hybrid strains.Is it maybe unethical to mix our pure genetics?My last grow was Nirvana White Widow and I ended up with a really nice male plant.I have been putting the WW pollin on to my best local female clone.The confusing part is that I am getting quite a few negative reactions from other local guys who feel I should not be messing with our local genetics.Any thoughts or comments ?


where in africa and what landraces.do some for your self just to see what it comes out like and for some thing new and different


Active member
Namaste Hort1,

If your grower associates want keep some lines pure it does not mean that you must adhere to that program. Do it if you want! Cross them, experiment and discover something new.

good luck,

-BT :smokeit:


Cautiously Optimistic
You can name the resultant progeny: :tiphat:



senior primate of the 303 cornbread mafia
Maybe they are concerned that it will infect the wild population out there?

Gypsy's widow does hold some good males, but maybe they have a low opinion of European genetics in general. I know I sure do.


i just hate hearing shit like this.we have to keep landrace strains pure for the sake of cannabis diversity


i just hate hearing shit like this.we have to keep landrace strains pure for the sake of cannabis diversity
i hear you and your right put indoors or very controled so as not to let pollon fly out doors losly,but why not under these conditions


the best idea would be to ditch the male, use only males from local strains, make hybrids and keep landrace pure at the same time....cross local strains together for good results....it is a very big risk, look at mexico....everything there is nigh on contaminated with european stuff....the local gear will out perform anything else...:)

(by the way, the south african weed is mixture of indian and other lines, thanks to slaves, Jah bless they soul):D

do not share hybrid seed whilly nilly....it can ruin your great, great grandkids grow....:nono:


(by the way, the south african weed is mixture of indian and other lines, thanks to slaves, Jah bless they soul):D
I believe with our history of so many different groups of people stopping over in South Africa over the last 500 plus years our local weed could be a combination of so many different origins.I am sure you are right about the Indian contribution.


yeah bt find a girl or 10, spank um up with local males selected from a large batch of MALEs, so like 50 or so, down to 10...hit up girls from everywhere, then inbreed the hybrids far away from the local batch(2year cycles, on off, local, hybrid) pollen travels miles..not through valleys...:)

hope this helps...:)


Well-known member
Most of the south african landraces already have been "diluted", many european seeds were taken up to the transkei/swazi growers in the late 80's.

Anyone who reacts badly to your choice to make a cross is being unreasonable. Pollinating a clone of a local strain you have in your possesion is not what causes problems. It is more about when a early single european male can pollinate an entire valley of TK before any of the local males have reached maturity.

I have had some great results crossing other genes with our landrace sativas,


Well-known member
i just hate hearing shit like this.we have to keep landrace strains pure for the sake of cannabis diversity
lol. If everyone did this, there would be nothing other than landraces. Its the interbreeding that leads to diversity, not the other way round.


The main problem I have had is that even when we cross two very simmilar local plants the F1 genneration displays way to much veriation.I am hopping to produce a more uniform F1 generation featuring the best characteristic of both parents.


Well-known member
Yeah, I think thats because of what you mentioned in your previous post. South Africa was a major port for hundreds of years, also the movement of people from further north in africa would have brought their own genetics with them. You may well find that the characteristic you enjoy in our local "landrace" to be mainly influenced by a foreign gene:dance013: Where did you aquire the seeds your using in your project, hopefully a remote, unspoiled location in the transkie or swaziland? Seems like that might be your best hope of finding unadulterated SA landrace genes IMHO. Any pics?
My greatest success with local genes was a mistake. I personally do not really enjoy the terepenoid profile of most of our local herb, the spicy/woody/aniseedy/liquorishy flavors really aren't my cup of tea, so would not usually have given the male in question a second look. Bassically, to cut a long story short, an argument with a housemate led to him pollinating a cheese cutting we had outside with a random transkie sativa male out of spite. The cheese mother was such amazing bud I decided to give the offspring a chance, and grew out 10 or so, culling all but the most indica dominant. The female I chose in the end was interesting, looked and smelt like the cheese but with that long, tight sativa arm bud structure. I then pollinated that with an intensely indica KO Kush, and the results were pretty good, the spite had grown into kind! Smoking on some at the moment, call it cheesy transkie kush, gonna do a backcross with the seeds I have left, share a few where I can:wave:
Sorry for the rambling, and goodluck with your projects!!
I am from africa as well and I have been breeding for a while now, I keep everything i create to myself and the mixed lines I usually Cull off any males threatening my genes.

Namaste :joint:

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