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Cross breeding?


Active member
I would like to try some cross breeding but how do you pollinate one female with out turn all the other girls in the room to seed? I have Snow white and Big bud seeds and like the name Big snow.


tie a paper bag around a branch of the male you want to use,make sure it is tied good other wise you can dust your whole grow.after a few good shakes carefully tie the bag with pollen around the female flower you want to dust.hope that helps good luck


my buddy did this a few years back so i am trying to remember when he dusted his,i want to say a few weeks into flowering


Grow the male seperatly in a enclosed filtered container. And bash the female at week 3-4 of flower in a diifferent room from the grow this can be done again the next day to further pollinate once is sufficent but you will need to wash it down with water and leave it in a 12/12 schedule but not in the main room for a few days after..

hope this helps..


Active member
I have a 200L/50gal tall empty fish tank in my lounge room that would do the job for the male i will be growing sog can i just put the female in there with him with a fan will be fun doing a small grow in the lounge room:)


Active member
i could put a big rock in there and hang some fish a round i am going to piss my self :) man that is stealth


looks good man ,big snow sounds bomb ,it should have a pretty good yield due to the big bud.i will be watching this:smokeit:


one good way to choose a male plant is to rub the stem.if the plant smells or resin and is pungent it could be a keeper