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Crohn's Disease: What strain? Why?



I was hoping to hear from some existing MMJ users on what works for their Crohn's disease. I've been trying to find a strain to start out with, but there are too many to choose from. Do I just go for something less pricey, or is there a particular strain that really makes you happy?

I know that CBD can help with inflammation, but it seems to be hard to find. (Not that I want to resurrect that thread.) Anyway, any information is helpful.

Thanks in advance!


Active member
Maybe a strain like Legends Ultimate Indica, or LUI, which has the Ortega cut as a part of it's genetics. The Ortega cut has amazing anti-inflammatory properties, once made a swollen bump on my head nearly disappear after a single joint! That was part of the reason I ordered some LUI seeds...

Indica Jones

Active member
Michelle Rainey, who suffers from the same ailment, swears by the strain.........................Afghani Bullrider.


Active member
Michelle Rainey, who suffers from the same ailment, swears by the strain.........................Afghani Bullrider.

Afghani Bullryder is a clone-only strain that can be found all over B.C. They might also have it floating around the bay area clubs by now as well. It is true Michelle really loves this herb...I have not been able to acquire it yet. I have Chron's and struggle to find a good anti-inflammatory herb, and anti-naseau herb. But I am always in the works.... Let me know what you find out ;-)

Indica Jones

Active member
Someone told me there are clones of it in Oaksterdam.

W e e d t r a c k e r will have an up to date list of clone availability.
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Well, sadly, my location makes acquiring clones pretty much impossible. I had planned on buying seeds online and having them shipped. My current plan, depending on what I hear here (hehe), is to buy a GrowDoc seed mix (heard good things and they aren't too pricey) or a feminized seed mix of some kind that isn't too expensive. That will hopefully give me a few strains to sample, and I can figure out which one works best. (Or just keep growing several kinds. :D)

big mike

Active member
its just trial and error, unfortunatly.. what works for some, may not work for you.....
Michelle used to like Williams Wonder too, if i remember correctly. You can get some some from RezDog for about $50...


It is possible that method of use may have more impact than the strain used.

I've seen folks get great results from eating raw bud for chron's.

I'd start very small and watch to see how it works for you.
Crohn's Disease and Cancer

Crohn's Disease and Cancer

I honestly have experimented with dozens of strains over the years. Having known many fantastic breeders personally I was fortunate to try their many varieties. Williams Wonder was a favorite from 1995-2002 but I did get pain relief from Blueberry and Shishkaberry too. For the past 5 years Afghani Bullrider has been the ultimate in nausea, pain, intestinal spasm relief. I recently had a Radical Neck Dissection which caused painful nerve damage. My only relief has been the AB, no pharmaceuticals. Had 3 morphine shots within the first 12 hours of surgery but that was it! The Bullrider is Shiva Skunk apparently, and of course Afghani is Afghani, if you could cross the two then you'd have it! We all respond differently to cannabis, I never get (high) only receive relief! I also take 13 vitamins a day, 1 hour cardio workout 5 days a week, cook healthy meals too. Combining a pro-active approach has enabled me to live past 30 which apparently wasn't supposed to happen, I'll be 38 in June! If I can assist further please let me know!



Anyone here smoking cannabis and using tysabri? I don't have Crohn's disease, but I will be on tysabri for MS. I'm just curious about the affects with a combo of these treatments. Any info/comments would be appreciated. II don't mean to hijack the thread, but Tysabri seems to be utilized by those with Crohn's disease as well...
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Active member
Anyone else have a good strain for Crohn's or know where to get clones or seeds for the Afghani Bullrider? My brother in law is really suffering from Crohn's!


usage cbd

usage cbd

just wanted to say a friend who had chrohns told me that vaporizing does not release cbds ,and it would be more effective to smoke carbonize than trying to vape for cbd content.


Active member
Well there was a study here a few days ago saying how vapourising actually vapourises the cbd and cbn before thc. Talk of treating crohn's with CBD is misleading, may as well forget about it in my opinion and companies such as greenhouse who actively advertise using cannabinoid ratios are just using the desperation of people with medical problems as a marketing tool which is sick in my opinion as there's absolutely no way they can say that every pheno in their seeds has the cannabinoid levels they advertise, they've just tested the strongest clones they found from huge selcetions.

Anyway THC is just as potent an anti-inflammatory as CBD and is much easier to verifiably use. Any strain with high levels of THC helps my Crohn's, very strong sativas generally as the fact is you need to medicate a lot to sustain releif from the symptoms so I prefer to be able to do stuff. I also avoid indica doms for medicine as tolerance is a big factor medically as well as recreationally.

Whoever said eating raw bud was a good idea for Crohn's sufferers is completely wrong by the way. Weed is covered in trichomes some of which are sharp and can lacerate the lining of the bowel.

So basically your brother in law doesn't need a paricular strain just needs to get high as fuck. It wont cure him but it'll make his days a lot easier. The main cause of my flare ups is stress and negative emotions, doing anything that will make yourself feel better emotianally and physically will help, go for short term things first like getting high to releive symptoms then look at long term like excercise and healthy diet. It's not easy but excercise when possible and a very varied healthy diet helps me.

Crohn's is different for everyone so don't be surprised if trying things like diets etc doesn't work. The only thing that seems to be universal for Crohnies is the need for a positive attitude when thinking of the disease. The connection between the gut and the brain is a lot closer and more immediate than you'd think; it takes nano seconds for certain thoughts to give you a nervous tummy with butterflies etc it takes the same time for negative thoughts to affect the bowel too.

Oh nearly forgot, if you're in the uk your GP or gastro can prescribe you sativex. Crohn's was on the list of things it can treat but now the list has been removed and it can be used for anything a doctor thinks it'll help without a license. If you've previously told your GP you're a recreational user you might have a hard time getting it but worth a try.

In case anyone wonders I'm currently smoking homemade crosses based around NepJam and they work great.

Hash Zeppelin

Ski Bum Rodeo Clown
Premium user
ICMag Donor
Thankyou this thread is informative.

I find that strains that produce no paranoia are the best for my stomach. I really like Strains from the hindu kush region for my stomach. not all the new kushes, im talking about real kush. For sativa I love apollo 11. Itworks for my stomach and i can work on it.


New member
I was hoping to hear from some existing MMJ users on what works for their Crohn's disease. I've been trying to find a strain to start out with, but there are too many to choose from. Do I just go for something less pricey, or is there a particular strain that really makes you happy?

I know that CBD can help with inflammation, but it seems to be hard to find. (Not that I want to resurrect that thread.) Anyway, any information is helpful.

Thanks in advance!

Did you ever find a good strain for your Crohn's? Also, are you an engineer or mathematician?


Active member
just wanted to say a friend who had chrohns told me that vaporizing does not release cbds ,and it would be more effective to smoke carbonize than trying to vape for cbd content.

i don't think your friend is correct about the CBD's not being released during vaporizing.

i used the iolite and it works very well. CBD's in fact, if i remember correctly, are vaped at a slightly lower temp than THC.

the info is out there. googles mang.

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