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critique my soil recipe

I will be getting ready soon to mix my soil and dig my holes for my outdoor grow this spring. This will be my first grow and I want to make sure I havent left anything out of my soil mix. My native soil is quite sandy so I will be mixing one part native soil, with one part composted cow manure, and one part topsoil. In other holes I will be mixing two parts composted cow manure, with two parts coco coir, and one part native soil. I'm not sure if i should mix any perlite in with the soil since my native soil is already pretty sandy, does anyone have experience working with sandy soils?

My holes will be approximately 1.5ft deep with a 1ft radius. I will add 1/2 cup mexican bat guano (for nitrogen source), 1/4 cup peruvian seabird guano (for nitrogen and phosphorus source), 1/2 cup of kelp meal (for nitrogen,potassium, and trace elements), 1/2 cup greensand (for phosphorus and potassium), and 1/4 cup of dry molasses (for potassium and to feed microorganisms). I will also add lime and epsom salts if necessary to balance ph and add magnesium.

I will supplement feeding with a veg tea made from mexican bat guano, worm castings, liquid kelp, and molasses. For flowering food I've chosen to use budswel which I will also make into a tea and add molasses and liquid kelp.

Does this recipe sound alright, and does anyone have an idea how long the initial fertilizer i add in the holes will feed my plants for? thank you
I have a more specific question about my mix. If i mix 1 tablespoon per gallon of soil of mexican bat guano(npk rating of 10-3-1), 1 tablespoon per gallon of kelp meal, one tablespoon per gallon of greensand, half a tablespoon per gallon of dried molasses, and half a tablespoon per gallon of peruvian seabird guano(npk rating of 10-10-2) if this mix will be to strong and burn 3-4 week old seedlings that are transplanted into it. I will be mixing the soil and amendments up and allowing it to sit for 3-4 weeks before I transplant. I would like to set up a mix so it will feed the young plants for 3-4 weeks until i have to begin supplementing them with teas. How long do you think this mix will feed the plants for? longer than 4 weeks or less? I know i will just have to keep a careful eye on them and adjust as necessary its just that this is my first grow and im trying to research as much as possible. I have already purchased all my supplies and will begin in a few weeks so this is the stuff I have to work with since ive spent most of my budget for this grow already.

*note i will only be feeding my seedlings worm tea if and when they show yellowing. I have heard that it is almost impossible to burn plants with worm tea so im not worried about this.
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Active member
Sounds like you've done some reading..you're heading down the right path.You're seedlings should be started inside under flouros in just a good old pre-mixed storebought. They usually don't require much ferts in good organic soil for approx. 3 weeks, unless you over water and leach away the nutes. Then give a low npk at 1/2tsp/gal.I would try to sex the plants before putting every thing in the ground.This usually takes 6-8 weeks strain dependant? The veg.mix you mentioned ''could'' be alittle hot for young ones..but worse things have happend.I usually shoot for 1tbs for all ammendments.But the soil I use is very rich nute wise and I know it well.My mix per/gal is=3qrts soil,2cups perlite,2cups worm castings.I ammend with bone meal,10-3-1 bat,epsom salt,kelp meal,soft rock,green sand, mychorizal fungi(1tsp./gal),and for outdoor,I use water polymer crystals @ 1/2tsp/gal.Do Not use much more though...I've done lot's of experimenting w/ this stuff,,a little goes a long way!Out door plants grow at such a dramatic rate,you will eventually need to add additional ferts..even toward the end of veg.In the flowering stage you will really need to kick it up a notch..I usually add a micro-nutrient and magnesium supplement about every other week..just to be safe.During week 4-7 bump you're flowering ferts incrementally..and then start flushing with plain h20.Other products I've used with sucess are L. Karma and FF Big Bloom.Am also experimenting with ''Sweet'',should know the results of that in 4 weeks.Good luck..!!
hey thank you for the response. Yea i dont think ill be able to sex my plants indoors even though id like to. Ill be putting enouogh plants out though to make sure i end up with a decent amount of females. Your mix sounds similar to mine except ive heard bone meal can attract animals , this is why im not using it, do you have any experience with animals digging up your plants? Also ive heard water polymer crystals give your buds a plastic taste, is this true and is this why you say a little goes a long way. I will be supplementing with a veg tea made from mexican bat guano, peruvian seabird guano, worm castings, liquid kelp, and liquid molasses. For bloom tea i will be using a mix of budswel, worm castings, liquid kelp, peruvian seabird guano, and liquid molasses. I plan on feeding twice a week during flowering weeks 4-7 and then flushing with straight water for the last 3 weeks.


Active member
I've never experienced any critters digging-up anything..bonemeal at 1tbs/gal. is virtually odorless.THe polymer crystalls impart nothing in the way of taste..I would consider them ''inert''.I made the mistake, several years ago, of adding a couple tbs to about 5gals of mix..after adding h20,What i ended-up with, looked like those little bubble-sheet packing plastic exploding from the soil...way too much!!!I think they are just a great insurance policy,for the months of july and august especially.I think they only help..just don't go overboard!! You're mix and fert.regime sound pretty damn good to me...the only bad thing i ever experienced using organics,was a serious sulpher/mag. deficiency...my fault. I always ''Harp'' on that nute now..I think my strain seems to eat it up..haha...good luck!!!
I know epsom salts are good for adding magnesium to your plants, but I know that worm castings and molasses contain a great deal of magnesium and since i will be feeding these at least once a week do you think this should be enough to supplement the plants for magnesium and other trace elements. I will be adding molasses that contains sulphur to the mix and supplementing with a liquid molasses as well. Im not sure if the liquid molasses contains sulphur but i know that dried molasses does. Ive been told that since i live in an area with sandy soil to stay away from using gypsum so this is why ill be using molasses with sulphur and epsom salts. Thanks for the quick responses this forums great and Ill be sure to add water polymer crystals to my shopping list.
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