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Crispy seedlings



Hey all,

I have some 2+ week old seedlings that have gone downhill recently. This is how they looked around 10 days ago:

This is how they look now:

This one is actually kind of purple looking, but the light makes it look more brown:

They are in jiffy seed starting mix with maybe a teaspoon of worm castings in each pot. I've been watering only when they dry out, using no nutrients.

I did have them very close to the 55w PLL bulb, but once they started going downhill I moved them a couple inches away. It looks like it may be something nutrient related to me though, more so than burning.

Temperatures during the day are mid to upper 70's and mid to low 60's at night. I have no humidity dome on them right now. Roots are growing out the bottom of the pots and are drying up so I'm thinking that transferring to larger pots might be a good idea.

Any suggestions?

On the plus side I sprouted only 4 seeds and they all came out, despite being in the fridge/freezer for the past 5 years. Now if I can only get them to veg...



I would go on as planned.
Your main probs are the RH and that your soil seems to be too hot.

Getting the seedlings so long by using a pll is some kind of interesting :p errr... when repotting them make sure to digg your plants in that only the upper 2-3cm (1inch) sticks out of the soil. your pll shouldnt be as near or far away as 5-10cm(2-4").

edit: your day and night temps have a wide range btw. not good. :)


Active member
Definitely re-pot those up to their necks. :D By "Close" to the PL-L's... did you mean 2-5"? 'Cuase that's what they need. :D

They're also starving.... they need 1/4 strength nutes or so.

Stay Safe! :D


By close I ment 1/4 to 1/2" Now I have them ~3". I will repot and hope things look up.

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