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criminal mistchif charge looking for advice


basically this girl i use to date tried to sneak out to come see me last night and she completely busted her screen and bent the frame. thing is she is a dumb bitch and when cought by her dad said I was there and did it. I haven't talked to her in weeks and had nothing to do with this at all. :fsu:

Well last night a officer comes to my house and serves me with a summons for crim mistchif. this is the second time her dad has brought me to court on BS charges and the first time it was a restraining order that was thrown out and the judge scolded him for wasting court time with bs charges.

the thing is i can afford to be missing work and going to court ever time her dad files one of these bs charges. I cant afford a lawyer so i was hoping some one would have some advice on how i should defend my self in court on the charges and how i could get him to pay some how for falsely accusing me of all this bs? idk any and all help and advice is apreaciated thanks for even reading all this :wallbash::wallbash:
It's word against word, if they don't have proof, she's saying you were there and did it, you are saying you didn't, the father is not a witness.
I'd basically just tell the truth and maybe bring up the previous case and make it obvious that the father has a problem with you.
Ask the court what can be done to stop this happening, I'd say that they suggest that if she's under 18 that they'll say to stay away from her. Somehow you must be associating with her or in her circle, but it seems like a case of just tell the truth and normally you'd get off with it.

Jeff Lebowski

Have your employer state what wages would be earned on that day, get it signed and bring it in. Sue the guy for lost wages and harassment and consider a restraining order against the girl. If the judge was on your side previously, the courts will probably side with you again.


Cuz honestly crimminal mistchif? If you are worrying about that I don't know what to say.. Whats the most that could happen? You have to buy a new tv? haha dont even worry about it.


Could be worse

Could be worse

I was working in Fresno California (3-21-09) minding my own business. When a roommate thought I had stole something from him. So he called the police and said I had "threated the blow his head off with a glock".(so he could ransack my room, garage and car looking for what he thought i had)
I was sitting in my van in my driveway smoking some weed. It was just after dark, when all of the sudden 2 lights come through my window. Then 2 fucking PIGS draw their guns and tell me to get out of the car. I said WTF and the drew their tasers. So i opened the door. They told me to get out and I was under arrest. They booked me on "Threat with intent to terrorize". A fucking felony and a stike, and a weed charge(under a oz). The bail for the felony was $25,000 and the weed ticket was no bookable and $100 bucks.

I spent 9 days in county jail. NOBODY knew i was there being all my family and friends didn't live in the state and couldn't call collect due to fucked up shit(person needs to have a prepaid account to receive collect calls) ghetto shit.
I lost my $45,000 a year fun job and had to live in my van on the streets for 2 weeks as i fought that shit in court.
Only to have all charges dropped because there was no evidence and the fact I was working the day he said I was home commenting the crime.

Even my court appointed joker kept trying to get me to take a plea and cop to a misdemeanor and give up my right to own or use a firearm for 10 years.

I left cali a broken man, only to return to the mid-west unemployed at the worst time to be looking for a job, but I'm not in jail or living on the streets so no complaints here..


I Feel Good
ICMag Donor
Cold -

it sounds to me like YOU bent the frame. ive long known that you can easily remove a screen from the inside, but if you try from the outside, you will bend it up.

sounds to me like you are lying, and are coming here to us to help tighten up your lie.

If you were any sort of stand up guy, I dont think the girl would be lying to her father or the father would be trying to make your life miserable.

If in fact you KNOW you are innocent, then why are you scared and running to us for help? You should be making every effort possible to let the father know what is really up.

im calling bullshit.



Active member
damn son that girl musta really wanted to see you if she busted up her dads shit.

im diggin lebowski's advice in this case......... if it's true.


oh and dont be messing with lil teenage girls anymore
dats one of the worst stories yet, coon. thats one of the worst thing about the legal system. if you're innocent it is designed to fuck your life up to the point that you'd be better off if you just accepted you were guilty in the first place. And if you're slick enough to get off with no charges? Don't expect a sorry or even an extra slice of bread. You'd be lucky to get a pat on the back.


ICMag Donor
First of all, the father didn't do anything wrong. According to you the daughter told him that you damaged property. How is that the fathers fault?

If she goes into Court and says that, chances are you are going to get convicted. If she changes her story, she's going to get arrested for filing a false statement.

I'd suggest stop getting involved with school girls....


dats one of the worst stories yet, coon. thats one of the worst thing about the legal system. if you're innocent it is designed to fuck your life up to the point that you'd be better off if you just accepted you were guilty in the first place. And if you're slick enough to get off with no charges? Don't expect a sorry or even an extra slice of bread. You'd be lucky to get a pat on the back.

What the fuck?
Slick enough to get off? I continued to proclaim my innocence. Having the DA prove something that didn't happen and having no evidence to support their charges was the least of my concerns.
Fuck the police & Fuck the courts

But i conquer, stop fucking around with bitch's who still live with their parents.

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