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cresded gecko is my hemp keeper ;)

HI :tiphat:

I care creded geckos, in the tank i grow a autoflower. I use 2 exoterra repiglow 2.0 ( one 26W) for the light.
My gecko loves the cannabis plant :cathug: he sleeps on the big leafes, keep insects away and his poo is the best BIO fertilizer :jump:

For the ground i use coco-substrate and for the air circulation i ´ve computer fan.
have one of you some similar projekt?
Sorry for my bad english :)
OK u mean about the poo in my tank?... For the dump in the tank i´ve insekts for a closed öko. system. i hope u anderstand what i mean with my bad english.


Anoles would also work well for this. I would recommend Tokay geckos, but they can be pretty aggressive and have a surprisingly wicked bite for a wee gecko. AWFULLY pretty, though, awfully pretty.

Invisible, in English I think you mean to call them 'crested' geckos, yes?

I love creepy crawly critters, myself.
I know :) i also think about ptychozoon kuhli (asian flying gecko) for my home ;). I care a tokeh (gekko gecko) too, but not hemp in the same tank. u write it in the last post, why =)

Seamaiden jes i care in my tank with my Plants Rhacodactylus Ciliatus (crested geckos). If u mean that Tokay or tokeh i mean with crested geckos, i ve to say that is not correct ;)

What i can´t say in englich, is what i mean with a closed öko-system. I have insekts in my tank the eat all dump (dead food, mushrooms, the poo that the plants not need,...) and this is the circuit i mean :)

i love that kind of animales too


I think I get what you're trying to say, Tokay's are their own special thing, not sweet and mild-tempered like most other geckos.

I know a fellow who's very into orchids (the rarer the better) and he's got them housed in an orchidarium where he also has a green tree python.
Hi i have a new reptile ;) i have for my growroom some Lepitodactylus lugubris against all Insekts that are a Risk for my Plants. When they finished i can also feed them with fruits ;)


NICE! You need to start putting up some pix.

For those who don't speak taxonomy, the animal invisibleG is talking about is a mourning gecko.
I know but in my country the Police cotroll the internet connection (against terrorism, but they abruse ist :( ).
at first i have to finde a programm that change my ip-adress, after them i can give you some pix ;)


Active member
it loves my compost pile and tiny greenhouse . theres another one a bit smaller i think might be its mate. caught the small one in my haveaheart mouse trap the other day.

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