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Credit/Debit Card Fraud!

Hello Fellow Buds!

I want to tell you of my personal experience with credit/debit fraud.

NOW, first and foremost, I want unequicoallly (sp sollysostoned) say this has nothing to do with GYPSY! K?

Just an FYI Heads Up!

Deposited pay middle of the month. No bills due, fo sho no fn automatic deductions except for $30.00 a month, easily handled.

Deposited almost a k on a friday, over the US labor holiday.

Paid no bills over the us holiday. Following tues had less than $50 in my account.

Pissed my pants.


My computer needed repair so was out of service for a (VERY) few days.

Of course this is when I

SHIT! My fnk cat just stepped in my last beer! Jerk!

Obviously I am upset.
Ok. Yes my stupid cat really did stepped in my beer. But it wasn't my last one so .... still have beer and smoke.

HOWEVER, this NOT identity theft. It is fraud.

I am VERY cautious with my card. Because of that I know where it happend but that does not meant "Goverment/Court" proof.
Pretty much here is what happened.

Bout 2 weeks ago I go to the local gas station and buy a case of beer. Didn't feel like driving the extra 6-7 miles to the local cheepie store and it only cost a couple bucks extra. Whatever.

Now, come monday i check my account online, and, hmmmmm.

Instead of one charge, there are two for the local gas station. I was like, ummmm, hmmm. Don't remember going there twice in one weekend (seriously, i would have driver to local cheepo store if i needed that much).

Unfornately, I second guessed myself to the point of "no return." So i just thought,screw it, 30 bucks,no biggie.
Jgrow, that is the first thing I did.

I want peeps to know the process I had to go through

My bank was FNK AWESOME! I was in tears, shaking so hard I could hardly write, and yet...
My bank was super helpful!

Never thought I would say that.

The rippers didn't get for TOO much. Under $500. Obviously a matter of opinion as to how much is too much.

I am fortunate. I am in a financial position where I could survive a year without income. But I don't want to have to.

I was simply stunned. Where the f did they my info?
So. Figured it out sorta. Everytime your credit/debit card leaves your sight, somebody could copy/memorize the number and exp date.

I am pretty sure that is what happened to me. Cuz I don't use my card that much or at too many different places ( yeah I am old and boring). I pay my bills through my bank so no problem there.

The moral of this story? Pay attention. If you are on these forums you have access to online banking (or should!)

JESUS! Stupid cat stepped in my fn beer AGAIN! L*&(%# is a dumbass!
As Jgrow said, I contacted my bank. Once the charges clear (meaning my account has paid the requests), I can contact the fraud department and request a refund. In most circumstances, the consumer (me) is reimbursed and the charges are reversed to the company that requested them.

Has anyone else had any experience with this?


Well-known member
Sounds like a double post. Happens more often than you think.

I've had something similar happen. Turns out it was just a flub up and I had enough dough in the bank that it didn't cause a chain reaction of insufficient funds charges.

It can happen on a deposit or a debit. The company I worked for used a 3rd party payroll company. About half the employees got exactly double their regular pay (direct deposit). Most of us were smart enough not to spend it, knowing that once the error was caught, the money would be subtracted from our accounts. Except for one greedy bitch, who spent that shit, then got pissed off when the bank took it back and she racked up a bunch of overdraft charges.

What I'm saying is it is probably a simple error that should be easily corrected.

Or, your friendly store owner tried to pull a fast one hoping you wouldn't catch it.


Well-known member
ICMag Donor
I only trust my cat, and sometimes I have some doubts about him. I do not use debit cards because the fraud that is associated with them, or so I have heard.

Jah Leon

New member
Had this happen to me a couple months back. But my bank was awesome, they called in this cool secret service voice and attitude asking me my details let me know to have "detected some suspicious activity with my card" and would like me to verify.

They asked my general information and then asked about a store and 1 euro purchase that blocked my card. They based their assumption on my buying trend which involves only online purchases. Mainly books and equipment for the lab studies. They sent me a new card everything.

I knew exactly then it was the rental agency that ripped me off. I went back there recently and they changed the policy for Europe. Everyone needs to put in their personal identification code. this makes it harder to steal as it is similar to a pin pass.

glad this was no sever in most cases.

Bless; love and gratitude


You know that little number on the back of your card, by your signature?
Memorize it and then scrape it off or somehow make it unintelligible.

Most, but not all, places online need that in addition to the number and expiration. So if the guy at the restaurant or gas station copies down those, without that other 3 digit number the card can't be used at as many places.

Not fool proof, but a simple way to reduce the chances of credit card fraud.
Credit cards are for broke people that like giving their money to banks. which is how banks want you to think.
Cash is king and accepted everywhere, but most folks believe they need debt to survive, that is a poor way to think, pun intended.
So I don't feel sorry for you.

I like saving, long term mutual funds and IRA's are they way to go, two words- Compound interest!


Green is Gold
Hey OP I feel your pain. I was taken for like $380 earlier this year from using my CC to pay for gas at the pump. The scammers had put a skimming device over the outlet and scanned my CC data and rang up all these charges in like two days. Like you said though, the bank was really good about it, the process to recover my money was pretty painless and within the week I had my funds back. I learned my lesson from that though and I never pay at the pump anymore, only go inside and have the clerk ring me up on the register now.

Clarification, my CC is a debit card so all the funds came right out of my checking account. I don't know WTF Wö£fëñxXx is goin on about CC are only for poor people, but that shit can happen to anybody so be careful and always check your bank account every few days just to be safe


Credit cards are for broke people that like giving their money to banks. which is how banks want you to think.
Cash is king and accepted everywhere, but most folks believe they need debt to survive, that is a poor way to think, pun intended.
So I don't feel sorry for you.

I like saving, long term mutual funds and IRA's are they way to go, two words- Compound interest!

Ever hear of a debit card?
It comes out of your checking account?? No interest???