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Creating a Drying Room..



ok since i just harvested my small room.. i decided to make that into my new Veg room 1000w mh.. so i took down the 400w light.. closed up the room in panda film.. so its nice and dark...

im going to try to use a 4x4x7.5 room for drying this go around..

what temps should i be keepin this room at.. and what humidity.. im really hoping i can start drying in here because the fact i dont have my closet for drying anymore due to the new puppy so we had to move all my shit into the closet n such..

but anyways..

i want to allow the dry to take as long as possible without mold and fast drys.. honestly. ive noticed long drys. = way better smell and taste.


Drying RH should be in the 50%-55% range, with temps as low as possible, if possible. If RH goes below that, it's ok as long as you're not looking at whole plants drying in just a few days. I think we're on the same page here.

Curing, which is the other very important half of this equation for me, occurs best at an RH of 60%-65%, again with temps as low as possible. One month is a minimum cure time for me, two are usually much, much better.

You got a new puppy, eh?


a year old pit we got 10 months ago or so.. hes still a lil puppy.
but ya.. im trying to get my rh up.. but the thing is. honestly.. with the room empty.. no plants hanging its 30 % RH.. so im thinking with the room filled from top to botom. with a couple tiny fans just moving the air around enough to notbe stagnent..

but if the temps are like between 50-65 F .. and 30-60% RH. its not a huge deal? ive been drying in my closet wich in the summer is super humid and hot.. and winter super cold and dry.. so i cant use it anymore its also full now.. so i need to find a place to dry.. becsue even my bedroom in the winter gets too cold.. and we turn heater on it gets too hot.. lol need to get a new thermostat.. so it stays at a constant..



Heh, he's gonna be a puppy for another 2yrs. 60% RH for drying is too high. If temps are low, like in the 50s, and RH is as low as 30% I'm not sure how well that will go, but only because I've never achieved RH levels that low with concurrent temps. I use my basement for my drying and curing, so I have limited control over environmental parameters.


well im going to have to figure it out.. cause some nights wen its below 0 outside. if the lights werent on in the flower rooms it wouldnt be warm enough to grow.. so i had to have stuff on during day an night to combat the cold.. but now.. with this 4x4x7ish . im thinkin honestly.. ill be able to dry in it no problem but im just hoping it drys slowwwwwwwwww. i dontn eed it that fast so id like it to take a bit and be amazing.


if u can dry buds in a room that stays between 60-70.. humidty is at 30 with nothing in there.. with the plants hangin in it im sure its going to raise.. i have fans i can use to suck air out and in to the drying tent.. but i just wana make sure that im not going to damage my plants drying them in a colder room ?


The point where cold becomes a problem is where in combination with relative humidity it invites mold. Or, conversely, let's say it gets as cold as a freezer (well under 32*F), then there would be a risk of trichomes breaking off if they're hit. I personally think you'll probably get better results cold-curing, again, as long as it doesn't dry too quickly.


ok so . got the lines up... got the plants in.. got the temp and humidity reader in the room.. says its 62.5 F.. 51% humidity.. with 60 plants in a 4x4x7 ish panda film tent.. i have it exhausting so hopefully the humidity wont go any higher.. pretty much the entire room is full right now from top to bottom.. i have a fan in there.. just blowing air into the wall which inturn blows it all around the room without having the fan directly bloow on the plants.. if things go rong n the room doesnt wana cooperate ill just bring them into my bedroom and just hang lines across it like ive done in the past. with no problems.. its just annoying. having plants hangin and walking into them and shit wen all stoned out. lol

can anyone help me on this i dont kno if i should leave them in there i just dont want them to dry fast in my bedroom because i use my heater and temps are all over the place.


Don't move them, the conditions you describe in the tent are PERFECT! As long as the RH doesn't climb into the 60s. It's going to take a week to ten days, maybe as long as two full weeks. I think this will work out a lot better for you than using a bedroom. I know I do not like using a bedroom, it makes the whole house reek and my husband does have this thing called a job he has to go to every day. One year we just had to do it, and he went to work and people kept saying it smelled like a skunk. Then, one of his employees looked at him and said, "It smells like skunk in here," winking at him. No more drying in the house unless we move his clothes!


lol ya well i ended up losing my job about 5 months ago.. and let me tell u .. it sucks.. i cant find work so i have to try to get my yields up.. and my drys got to be perfect.. no mold.. i didnt know COLD Temps and relative humidity caused mold. i thought it was only really hot temps and humidty.

its been going down.. in humidity about 1 percent a day.. very slow dry.. i rather slow dry then quick anyways.


"...i dont have my closet for drying anymore due to the new puppy..."

Shoot the puppy, problem solved!

(I'm kidding of course)


Active member
"...i dont have my closet for drying anymore due to the new puppy..."

Shoot the puppy, problem solved!

(I'm kidding of course)

That is awful, even for a joke. I dream of winning the lottery and having a drying/cure room!


Is there a difference between curing at 55-65% humidity in a jar versus a closet, room or tent? I think one of the things often over looked is how temperature fluctuations can drastically affect things.
Here is a useful tool to help with designing a drying room.