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Crazy shit in Humboldt, deal gone bad one dead


Active member
The six dealers were obviously rookies. Maby they were trying to sell there whole crop at once?...

and, why does it take what, eight people do do this?....

Rooky dealers, even rooky stick up men.
Had either side of the eqausion been pros, this situation wouldnt have happened/escalated the way it did,,,

Getting involved in the MJ business is no joke. Ive been robbed at gun point(back when I was younger and much more nieve)...Ones thing fore sure, you better be damn good at reading people.

Believe it or not, there are alot of guys out there who do solid, steady, good business. If you have the eye, they shouldnt be hard to find.

C'mon silly.... even in Humboldt, unless your working with someone BIG, not alot of ppl have 14 lbs sitting around... of thos 6-8 ppl, one guy brought 3 lbs, another brought 2 another brought 4, they had to get some friends together to make that order, kidna stupid tho that they ALL went together....ususally there is one or two orcherstraters then they come back with a stack of $$ and divide it up....


Bunch of noobs.. a group of 6? gotta be kidding me.. I know some people who grow weed outdoors in large groups.. To me thats just retarded and Ive told my friend of the group to do his own thing many times..

some people just dont go anything alone..

I bet the cops want the 6 to cooperate kuzz they need to know where the weed came from.. I couldnt imagine for one sec. that the 6 are going to be treated as "victims"..


Active member
Lmao....this happened in Humboldt.... which is in california.....

they were college students [amature x10 from the sound of it] meaning prolly 5 of the 6 have their recomendations

their assaliants had AK-47's and shot at the po-leece during a car chase......

They will be treated as victims [unless you read the Arcata EYE, i bet he will manage to talk som shit nontheless]


I can't stand the eye. I'm really surprised nothing bad has happen to that cat. He writes some crazy shit. Has anyone see that video of him going from house to house asking if the people living there. Was growing cannabis inside their home. He was like, I smell pot.

I met him a few times while visiting friend up in Arcata. Really didn't like him in person, but that's my opion.


Active member
another lesson in risk and reward... u want to sell all 14 at once u take a big risk for a big reward... 1 at a time little risk for a littler reward but a reward none the less... i prefer to set the rules as to how much i'm gonna part with at a time and i'm real suspect when they want to double or triple the amount right before the deal... usually then i'll only bring half as much; was all i could get man and the price went up ;) if they don't like it they can go elsewhere or stick to the agreed terms in the future

not that i ever condone that sort of action but if i was selling 14 p's and rolling 6 deep i'd have 2 of those six in the woods with hunting rifles; but that's just me... hell i have a friend provide overwatch for me in a separate car when i'm selling to clubs... live and learn... from the sounds of it these 6 kids learned real quick

at least karma is still working; surprised the police didn't return fire... where i live they empty multiple clips if you so much as show a gun to a cop let alone shoot at em

Weedman Herb

The 14 was probably at a discount bulk rate ... if you pieced it out it would net far more cash in a longer period of time ... they should have been more patient ... now the kids have no loot and no dope ... selling QPs to a few friends a week makes more sense ... I bet the weed was jacked to begin with ... That's why they were eager to enter a larger deal that became a heist ...


Active member
Lol.... You obviously have no clue as to how things work in Humboldt

Ive been in a Hotel room in Arcata helping count out almost $200,000 because I came late to drop off my 2 elbows, and got stuck helping with the final count, but I made an extra $1000 for my services!!

Billygoat, you should add Jay's friend Hiemstadt that just died of the cancer to that list... If your in th eknow his name will have popped up somewhere...


We're all dead in the end...I don't mind if fools want to race me there.
Screw 'em all. Fucking college kids dealing with screwball ripoff, no accounts. No 'victims' there. screw 'em all. I hope they learn some fucking thing. college didn't do much, it seems.

puff, puff, pass....


Active member
wow thats pretty crazy. thats why i dont do business with anyone from antioch, they are all jackers out there.


Active member
not that i ever condone that sort of action but if i was selling 14 p's and rolling 6 deep i'd have 2 of those six in the woods with hunting rifles; but that's just me... hell i have a friend provide overwatch for me in a separate car when i'm selling to clubs... live and learn... from the sounds of it these 6 kids learned real quick

For real. what the hell were they thinking, all walking up to a deal that big, with no one to cover them.

Sounds like some newbs to me.

Kids getting real desperate these days, and they all have AK47s!!


Active member
I bet the two maniacs show heavy meth use in their blood tests...the way they acted, it's so obvious they were fried brained, speed freaks as well as being the lowest form of scumbag.

antioch = lots of meth

i know folks in the "yoch". its grimey out there, i would be a really depressed person if i had to live in antioch my whole life, (and i live in East Oakland right now which aint a good part of town either). kids from pittsburgh, yoch, fairfield, they cant make alot of money in those shitty towns so they turn to robbbing drug dealers, breaking into houses, selling meth, cooking meth, its a shitty town.

kids from that area do not give a fuck, and alot have robbery experiance because they jack their southern neighbors in walnut creek and concord so often. i know like 5 dealers in the 925 who have been ripped off by youngsters who just break into their houses, or robbed at gunpoint in parking lots for Ps and shit, i dont know why kids deal with this shit. i am a ghost when it comes to "gangsta" drug dealing. We are businessmen NOT GANGSTERS.


for the money they spent on those guns they coulda had a decent grow setup running.. :2cents:

and the idiot shots himself and misses.. lol no wonder no cops were injured..


In search of Genetics
Okay two seconds ago your shooting out the windows and then you go over the curb and roll down the hill in your car 100+ feet or whatever it was.

I'm thinking the guns fired themselves, finger on the trigger and trying to brace yourself in the car

OR they tried to kill each other possibly.
Either way just seems nuts


either way it was a wasted bullet they should have just piont the gun at the po'po's if they wanted to die 4 sure ..........

and the mom of the dead kid said he was right handed and was shot in the left temple while riding passenger..

.sounds like the driver didnt want to loose his boyfriend to bubba while in prison......


having a suicide pact is planning for disaster, they expectedto kill or be killed before it happened

i bet they both loved GTA


Lol.... You obviously have no clue as to how things work in Humboldt

Ive been in a Hotel room in Arcata helping count out almost $200,000 because I came late to drop off my 2 elbows, and got stuck helping with the final count, but I made an extra $1000 for my services!!

Billygoat, you should add Jay's friend Hiemstadt that just died of the cancer to that list... If your in th eknow his name will have popped up somewhere...
If you intended to give anyone a clue about Humboldt, you failed miserably. Glad you made a grand though.


Let me throw this out there to see where it will land. I can almost feel the bats already but, does anyone think the "gangsta" culture thats been on the rise for the last 20 yrs might have a teensy bit of culpability in all this? Young dummies trying to emulate their heros "get rich or die trying"?
Jeez ...What ever happened to playing guitar to get fame, money and (mostly) sex? (you can tell I never got fame or money out of playing ...lol.
Darwinism in action. I know 6 guys are slapping their heads "What were you thinking !" when they realized how lucky to get away alive after being robbed by brain-dead freaks.

Your Dad was right....It's those damn rock and roll records....

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