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Crazy Loud, Unexplained Sounds Throughout The World.....


Active member
but i assume that if people were hoaxing it, it would be everywhere on HOW they did it, or why....


I honestly thought those things would be obvious to all:

How -- video editing software/sound editing software. Everyone knows you can strip audio from video, add a different audio track, etc. Right? Dogs can be signaled to respond by hand signals or dog whistles inaudible to humans. Sound effects can be created by software. Right?

Why -- attention, marketing, wackos thinking it's the end of the world and needing to "prove" their silly notions, people love getting on a hoax bandwagon, etc.


Active member
There is a blog that I read yesterday. He has been studying these for a long time and all but 2 are confirmed fake.


Yah i got the neg feedback too i didn't think there was anything wrong with my post on previous page i was just being honest about how im feeling.

Definitely Lame


Active member
How about the 11-11-11 crystal activation (atlantean conspiracy).
...There were these big crystals buried under mountains that new agers say can reactivate the old pyramid grid around the earth....the christ grid, or flower of life grid. And besides the crystal of sound in bahia, brazil, the fire crystal on 12-12-12 will come back on-line before we kill our species....put there by Thoth, in dimensional lock,..hidden from the nwo and masons. This is the old haarp of atlantis in a bunch of pieces, hidden all over the world before the continent sank.

+1 for bringing the heavy-duty woo


Why -- attention, marketing, wackos thinking it's the end of the world and needing to "prove" their silly notions, people love getting on a hoax bandwagon, etc.
Plus, it's (allegedly) kind of fun to see people argue online ad nauseum about whether it's real or not, and the explanations/arguments/"proof" that some people appear to pull straight out of their ass can sometimes be quite entertaining :laughing:

I sometimes think that the true reason that DARPA originally designed the Internet was that they needed an online intelligence test for all of humanity :D

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Mr. Alkaline

Your Changable Self is Constantly Becoming a Refle
ICMag Donor
You can bet your behind that 'they' monitor individual public opinion.
-It's definitely someone's full time job, as well as some of 'them' posing as members here.
...Steering the morphic resonance of the discussion regarding resonance.

Wasn't tesla killed??? And john Lennon's killer heard projected voices from a sound canon or springboard device.???

Of course I'm high now, so if I were an agent I could lose my job, lol.
I tell ya, we have big brother, big sister....and overlord's which think they are Big Pimp Daddy.
It does not please me to delve too deeply into hologram projection technologies, aliens and free energy.
...Weather modification, amoebas that eat brain cholesterol....and the only codex we still have is this living card catalog/aka internet. ....and those huge towers that have wayy too much technology ontop of them to just be for a few dirt roads....


You can bet your behind that 'they' monitor individual public opinion.
-It's definitely someone's full time job, as well as some of 'them' posing as members here.
...Steering the morphic resonance of the discussion regarding resonance.

Wasn't tesla killed??? And john Lennon's killer heard projected voices from a sound canon or springboard device.???

Of course I'm high now, so if I were an agent I could lose my job, lol.
I tell ya, we have big brother, big sister....and overlord's which think they are Big Pimp Daddy.
It does not please me to delve too deeply into hologram projection technologies, aliens and free energy.
...Weather modification, amoebas that eat brain cholesterol....and the only codex we still have is this living card catalog/aka internet. ....and those huge towers that have wayy too much technology ontop of them to just be for a few dirt roads....

Woah dude thats heavy post man +1

Midnite Toker

Active member
O.k. so like the hair on the back of my neck is tingling and that feels f'ing grand so at least there's that!:) SERIOUSLY~
If I was terrorized by this noise, some said for hours....then found out it was a promo for a f'ing hollywierd movie....I'D SUE THEIR ASSES OFF!!! So I don't buy the movie promo or the virtual advertisement theories. So what the Hell is it? Oh....Like Bob Seger said: GET OUTTA DENVER, BABY!
Putting down the bong, mT


Active member
I dont think the movie is making the noise and scaring people. They are making different videos from around the world and uploading them. They are all just edited videos with actors IMO.


Active member
+1 for bringing the heavy-duty woo

Not so sure it's pure woo as it doesn't quite fit some of the characteristics:

Bullshit is generally just a lie pulled out of wherever, about whatever. Woo is understood specifically as a pseudoscience, uses a science-like formula, and attempts to place itself as scientifically supported.

Woo is used to blind or distract an audience from a real explanation or to discourage people from delving deeper into the subject to find a more realistic explanation. You can't make money if nobody buys your bullshit. (As such, "woo" that has zero paying customers is more like just ordinary batshit crazy.)

Hehe, it's more like a hybrid of woo/batshit/bullshit -- it was a heavy duty load of something, though, that's for sure.

mr noodles


this guy debunked nothing , he just stole other material from other users, this guy cant explain the real 3 phenomena that really happened and reported by real media .this guy want to be cool on the net ......he is one giant repost ...

those loud trumpets video are easy to debunk , a loud sound that can be hear from inside the house, enough to have only 1 jackass filming it, nobody but only one person at the time hear it....in urban area....nobody but one guy made it outside in wonder ? thats is enough to scream fake ...

the costa rica event(not trumpets, loud boom) was reported instantly on twitter , facebook and media commented the story .

same in canada with 2 distinct media coverage , the last one is in vancouver island and its kinda the same of costa rica boom events ...

i am a septic of the worst kind but there really something going on in canada but nothing to do with the retarded video made by people...so easy to spot these video using the kiev ,war of w,red state, bf bc2 scalar weapons . 2 seconds and you know ...

something or somebody is producing mass load of retarded video for few reason , humanity is retarded period , bible tumpers who want you to believe vs those who scream fake on everything and want to do something special in order to say its fake...problem none of these do something productive to their respective cause .

or somebody or some organization that ant to drow the fish ...weird event when reported now look like a hoax no matter.....even when something is really happening like in bc .

no ufo or end of the world but maybe a major earthquake is on the way on the west coast ... scientific talked about weird things we never heard before(ctv)...after the event some will say it has precursor sign of the event but nobody really knew what it was .

time will fucking tell ...

3 real events reported by authority vs 1000000000 of shitty hoax ....hard to give minimal credibility to anything after such amount of crap ...

nobody know....and not a bunch of debunker or conspiracy thinfoil hat 911 fanatic that jerk themselves over things they never see in person .they made theory in dirty sweatpants from mommy basement ...they are all the same for the most part . you can ask question but pretending you hold the truth is 2 beast .

their opinion and snooki opinion is the same thing ...




this guy debunked nothing , he just stole other material from other users, this guy cant explain the real 3 phenomena that really happened and reported by real media .this guy want to be cool on the net ......he is one giant repost ...

those loud trumpets video are easy to debunk , a loud sound that can be hear from inside the house, enough to have only 1 jackass filming it, nobody but only one person at the time hear it....in urban area....nobody but one guy made it outside in wonder ? thats is enough to scream fake ...

the costa rica event(not trumpets, loud boom) was reported instantly on twitter , facebook and media commented the story .

same in canada with 2 distinct media coverage , the last one is in vancouver island and its kinda the same of costa rica boom events ...

i am a septic of the worst kind but there really something going on in canada but nothing to do with the retarded video made by people...so easy to spot these video using the kiev ,war of w,red state, bf bc2 scalar weapons . 2 seconds and you know ...

something or somebody is producing mass load of retarded video for few reason , humanity is retarded period , bible tumpers who want you to believe vs those who scream fake on everything and want to do something special in order to say its fake...problem none of these do something productive to their respective cause .

or somebody or some organization that ant to drow the fish ...weird event when reported now look like a hoax no matter.....even when something is really happening like in bc .

no ufo or end of the world but maybe a major earthquake is on the way on the west coast ... scientific talked about weird things we never heard before(ctv)...after the event some will say it has precursor sign of the event but nobody really knew what it was .

time will fucking tell ...

3 real events reported by authority vs 1000000000 of shitty hoax ....hard to give minimal credibility to anything after such amount of crap ...

nobody know....and not a bunch of debunker or conspiracy thinfoil hat 911 fanatic that jerk themselves over things they never see in person .they made theory in dirty sweatpants from mommy basement ...they are all the same for the most part . you can ask question but pretending you hold the truth is 2 beast .

their opinion and snooki opinion is the same thing ...

and :yeahthats:

seems that most of these are attention seeking pranksters, that you tube clip shows it real well.



as is all-too-common in my life, I succumbed to my
I feel the earth, move, under my feet , the grounds a shaaaa-king to the beat..


Active member
I read that earlier comment as "woo-hoo". Like "big fuckin' whoop", and "really taking it out there." No meaning to that theory other than that to me. I love the pseudo intellectuals who spout shit like THEY, and they alone, know all the answers. Fun to watch is all I can say. Can you say HOAX? Either that or, "Oh no, it's the end of the world." Now this is what I call FUN! :cathug:

mr noodles

i bet a lots of these video are made by the same people who come and debunk , its typical of attention whore

i one point in my life i was a moderators on a major gore/weird/shocking video site that changed name to a more mainstream material .

on the forum we where able to track ip's and see whole conversation made by 1 person under dozens of different handle talking to himself alone...really schizophrenic...its need of attention or else ...i have no clue but if you could see these people going....many are well know 911 debunker with dozen of fake video and conspiracy specialist ...they are posting under dozens of id's in order to create momentum over their sad little person/story or in order to attack something/cause or else .

i know site like icmag dont track ip's but some people do the same here in order to build hype over their stains they plan or release or they want to built some kind of artificial credibility...more common is to attack a competitor that way .... it was full of that on overgrow why would it change ?

people are retarded beyond help .

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