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Crazy Loud, Unexplained Sounds Throughout The World.....



yeah a fiberglass horses head managed to fall on him and kill him,, this one with the glowing red eye,, that has now been swapped for a blue one i think,, that cute looking stallion is the fourth horse of the apocalpyse the pale one called Daarth,, welcoming you to the airport,,

seems quite unlikely to me since fiberglass is light and its painted on and built up bit by bit,, he was murdered,, bit like hundreds of people that constructed some of the underground facilities under the airport,,

Denver airport is where the worlds children will be taken,, just look at those seriously dodgy murals


a couple white kids, an asian, a north african, arab and native american indian all looking at animals that are extinct whilst the forests burn and the city in the background is covered in a toxic haze,, a toxic haze that was painted several times to look more and more toxic,,

also if you look hard enough you will see a dead leopard a dead penguin,, and in the two coffins on each side there are two dead people, one is a sub saharan african imo and the other a little blond girl with a star of david round her neck,, oh and a grown native american indian in the centre coffin

check out the storm trooper with his gas mask on stabbing the dove of peace up the arse whilst more toxic haze covers the sky killing a repeating image of women and babies,, oh and the last mural where the worlds children are looking at a little bavarian boy and smiling :dunno:

denver international airport also has its runways in a pinwheel (swastika)

rainbows are occult symbolism,, they believe its how the soul connects with "lucifer" who was promethius before the catholic church did its thing,,

anyone wonder about those georgia guide stones put up by rosicrucians stating they want to cut the worlds population down to below 500 million,,


could all just be psychological in intent but i really dont think so,,

quoted for the images

Wow, false. From the artist of the murals:

But murals of environmental destruction and war being conquered by peace sounds too simple an explanation to some. Of course, as much good art does, the murals do give a bit of a prophecy or warning about the future, but not without the resounding message of hope in the picture of the animals being protected and the children uniting above the dead soldier.

Its the story of the 20th century, dude, and its the decision we all face in the 21st. Its not a plan to use DIA as a concentration camp for children or NWO headquarters.

the thing is, to me the animals are not being protected, to me it looks like they are in glas boxes in museums like extinct species. very few of the animals in the first murual are alive. what about the chopped off buffalo head? the children don't look like they are celebrating saving the animals, more like they are sad for their extinction. also notice the 3 races in the coffins? also extinct?

the second one is definitely less sinister. this one actually could mean some kind of celebration. but it looks like there is no more technology around? looks like a back to nature type prophesy based on a new belief system. that plant thing in the middle.

the third one is totally clear imo, that's telling you what is coming before the nice back to natural paganism scene before. doesn't look like much fun. the sword stabbing the white dove is also as clear as can be. peace will have no chance.

the forth one to me looks again like the bribe to make you prepared to go through everything before. the forth pic being the ultimate reward for all the war, death, destruction and slavery, all nations will have their weapons forged into plows by the German boy. i wonder which nations or peoples are missing from the end pic? also who will head this paradise on earth? who will have enough power to force all the nations on earth to give up their weapons?

i'm noticing that the two theoretically happy looking pics are in much more detail then the other 2 more sinister ones. but i can't get a close up view to really analyze the details.

imo a lot of the above does not fit with the artists explanations. anyway i'm sure i read that he was said to have claimed to be given precise instructions on what to draw in those murals when first asked about them. it was only later that he gave the quoted generic answer.

on top of that there are many strange facts about that airport, from positioning, to the massive amount of excavation done under it, to the barbed wire and watch towers orientated to keep people in not out. the massive size of it for the little traffic it gets. in the end it wouldn't surprise me it they had built an underground self sufficient city bunker there. this thing was certainly not built as just another airport. some other purpose is clearly intended, the idea of a survival city bunker makes the most sense to me, with a convenient air port to get there fast in case of emergency. of course that's just speculation based on the few facts that are out there, like the amount of soil and rock moved and testimonials of miles and miles of tunnel systems under there.

lost in a sea

well that would be my interpretation lol

i guess some people are already in such a fear state that they wont allow themselves to even think for a second about such a possibility because the brain stem fires and cognitive dissonance kicks in,,

fight and flight from the scary information,, ill stick my head in the sand,,

it doesnt do people any favours to live in denial,, they are a dying species and will feel very alone as time goes on,,

i find it funny that even the army made a statement the year the airport was constructed that the underground baggage system was one of their biggest problems that year..


Active member
The first video is a fake. It stole the EXACT same audio from the Kiev video which was already proven to be a fake. The audio on these are slowed down birds chirping and twigs snapping.

People in Winnipeg said they heard no noises and that the person taking the video was facing the airport.

People in Mexico report the noises. However no video shows any shaking or vibrations. Same with all of the other ones.

An earthquake happened in oklahoma not too long ago. It can happen in Florida. The light flashes on the florida part of the last section are bogus. It doesnt effect shadowing, the whole video goes brighter and darker. Way too many holes in these videos. Its just as bad as the videos of aliens coming down during the Japan Tsunami

I generally dig your threads Krunch, but i can't believe nobody was coincidentally filming with a truly high definition camera. Nobody got that Florida rumbling on video that was on the news? I have friends in Winnipeg, family and friends all over Florida, and none of them ever heard anything. Hmmmmmmmm

sac beh

Please keep the negative reps and insults to yourselves. Let's discuss things as reasonable adults.

PoopyTeaBags, those interpretations are interesting my friend and certainly make for fantastic stories, but any reasonable person is going to ask you where the proof is for these claims and those lost in a sea is making. Its funny how folks get upset when I challenge the DIA fantasies, but everyone thought it was quite normal and unworthy of questioning that lost in a sea came out with this extraordinary, unsubstantiated claim:

Denver airport is where the worlds children will be taken

And if you really believe that, what are you going to do about? Nothing? Doing nothing would be quite reproachable given such a sinister and inhumane plot, don't you think? Coincidentally, humans are good at interpreting things around them in such a way as to relieve themselves of any burden of action as much as possible. If the guilty hand is the shadowy, unknown person or organization that can neither be seen nor proven, the moral burden in the situation is never ours. In the end, conspiracy theories become a complete diversion of individual moral responsibility to others and to the world. An evil that doesn't exist and cannot be proven to exist cannot be defeated. Meanwhile the real evil goes unchecked. This is the story of the murals.

gaiusmarius, of course they're sad! The destruction of our environment and its species should make everyone sad. Unfortunately many just don't care. There's no reason to turn murals like this into prophecies of future sinister plots when the destruction happening in the mural is already happening and has been happening. Instead of worrying about some shadowy, unknown future regime or organization that might be planning to steal our children and destroy the world, why not worry about all that taking place now by our own hands? This is the story of the murals.

The problem with all of the theories of sinister prophecies in the DIA art and architecture is that there is no proof for them, which means the advocate of these theories can infinitely invent new explanations and point at new nuances, saying, "Hey, what about this! No, what about this! And this over here. Oh, how about this!" and you can never been proven wrong or right. So I'm not going to one-by-one address every straw that lost in a sea grasps at. When you're making claims like, "Denver airport is where the worlds children will be taken", sorry my friend, the burden of proof is on you, not me.

lost in a sea

lol whatever mate you enjoy living in denial,,

i made one rash comment and you are jumping on it without addressing a single point anyone else made,, or any of the other points i made for that matter,, but that is typical of someone in your position,,

this isnt just about the murals they are just one tiny part to be considered,, but fine like i said go stick your head in the sand and dont look,, dont consider,,,

yes im concerned and yes i am doing something,, you are doing fuck all about what in in front of your eyes whether it is a purposely placed conspiracy or not,,

"So I'm not going to one-by-one address every straw that lost in a sea grasps at"

^^ how insulting to everyone else that can see you wont address the things they said which were identical to most of the things i said,, i wonder why ??


who's a pretty boy then!!

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yeah ok this shows why these kind of threads are usually binned preemptively. it always leads to people taking offense. also there is just too much reading to do to understand why some of the extremer theories come about. many answers are found in history and the simple principle of repetition. we do the same things over and over as a people.

you only have to look at what the US gov spends money on to see that they are preparing for some thing major, they are stockpiling every thing under the sun. they are making giant underground military bases all over the place, is it so far fetched to think the DIA might have been built as a cover story for a giant underground base? i don't know whats conspiracy about that with the way the world is going, if i had the cash i would make a self sufficient under ground bunker house too :)

lost in a sea

well at least they try and hide what they are doing in the uk and europe and in alot of other places,, but we still know what they up to,,

America is a goddamn slap in the face,,

it was created to be the last bastion of hope for free thought and look at the place !

its like a ragged corpse kicked through the mud since birth,,, the corpse of sanity,,

if only americans knew what their ancestors thought,, and its not anyones fault but for christs sake wake up and smell the coffee,,,


Denver airport really is pretty trippy. And the sounds around the world are trippy too!

lost in a sea

yeah almost like some guys have way too much money,,,and too much free time to think about how to use it huh ???

the bankers(the rothschielde cabal) already owned most of the world before 1776 anyway and that is a fact.

alot of it done through the UK when queen victoria was in power(but with other countries as well),, and they did not return those nations they all ended up with a rothschild centralized banking,,, acting through several european war mongering nations that were heavily owned and under their thumbs, including portugal,spain,france,germany,holland,denmark and sweden (christendom basically),,all now the heart of darkness,, the bankers took most of the rest world over the last few hundred years and more recently with the help of their latest friend (apart from israel) the USA..

some key ones were getting the ottoman empire during the ww as well as china during the opium wars,, and getting a power elite into india took a bit of work but they've done that basically as well,,

so so off topic dont reply to this
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as is all-too-common in my life, I succumbed to my
y'all are crazy! those noises you here, hell, that's just me grinding on my ole lady...


Active member
Btw, when researching these things do people only catch the stuff they want to make connections to? Completely brushing off all of the evidence against it.


Dear Haters, I Have So Much More For You To Be Mad
Yeah, its been dropped that these videos are for Cloverfield 2012

im frequent alot of forums, and no one has said anything about this, first time i heard....

Btw, when researching these things do people only catch the stuff they want to make connections to? Completely brushing off all of the evidence against it.

how do you explain the people on here, that heard those sounds?

CARE giver

Sour Bubble Connoisseur
Me my brother and my best friend heard yrumpets the other day. I thought we were just high. But i'm like in tears right now I swear this is the end of the world