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Crazy irresponsible neighbour. What would you do?

joe guy

Well as the old saying goes you can build 1,000 bridges and be known as a bridge builder,
You suck one cock and your a cock sucker for life.. Same applies to rippers..
You can grow a million plants but you rip one your a ripper.. And we all know how we feel
About those guys.. I'd welcome a fag into my home any day but a ripper, really?
Come one buddy I do see your point in full color but u need to step back and look at it as if you were that you were that young dip shit who's never been on down time..
Their not Gona think twice to bring tools of skull distruction and split yours clean open.. Just let stupid guide stupid..
As said earlier dont take my post as a shot at you. Remember you asked us what we think, and or would do if it were our shoes.. Good luck buddy just don't ever bring that title to your name... It's a deep hole you'll never dig out of..


Active member
You can't fix stupid, so why bother trying?

Be glad there is some low hanging fruit in your area. Sounds like these guys would be hard to out-stupid unless you had enough contact with them or their crop to get infected.

joe guy

Damn bro, your the only cat I've seen use that expression since my pops use to say it... props bro.... Az
Thanks AZ hopefully a lot of young bucks read that and it sticks in their heads like it you and I for ever like it will stay in our brain till were are fertilizer lol..
Fuck that shit. Walk swiftly away and never look back. You have kept your head down this far...Why stick your neck out on a chopping block for retarded fucks? I have seen tell tale signs of a grow at other places.....not a chance in hell I would say "excuse me, could you hide your nursery pots and bags of soil better as your yard is dead as fuck and your not fooling anyone, and get a better carbon scrubber" You already made a mistake, by even letting em know.....Hope it doesn't bite you in the ass. You opened the door now find a way to close it. Kick back and laugh when you see em on the evening news.

and the manila envelope thing was an act of war....they are not your plants.....I would let that patch get ripped or die on the vine...fuck it, is it really worth it?..or are you as reckless as them?
if were them back in my young dumb and insane days I would've thought u were the problem or law enforcement. now I know ur trying to help, but self preservation is best. stay away from them. keep them out of ur business. and stay out of theres. imvho


Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
i'm not fucking with them at all, why would you say that? i'm scaring them

So what do you expect them to do? Run and hide? Be more careful? That's what older smarter people used to do. Young, uneducated people these days typically resolve being scared by pulling a gun.

As good as your intentions are stop trying to insert yourself here. The most likely outcome for you will not be a good one.


Game Bred
What ever happened to minding ones own fucking business?
And yes I have done time..

More over why the absolute fuck did you out yourself?
"grew pot as a kid" how transparent can you be?

To reiterate...



Where I come from I call those kinds of people martyrs in the war on drugs, and I am happy to let them fuck up and take pressure away from me.


Active member
Yup..stink up the neighborhood.... make the cops spend man hours investigating their stupid asses..

Sometimes the cops will even wait a touch longer than they should...just to make sure they get you with a really good haul...They know when a poorly run grow is getting some scissor action..


Active member
Jesse, Brah,,,, I totally GET IT,, your trying to help these Kids, but they aren't in this 4 any thing but $$$ and Bragging, they ALLREADY know it ALL, and some Old Timer, aint got Shit to SAY.
You are prolly LOW PROfile, no Beemers, Bling, Monster Trucks,,, ya Know.
So they see you the same way the Cops have for as long as you have been doing what WE DO,,,, Joe Citizen.
To them if You aint Flossing You could NOT possibly know shit.

Dude I am just NOW at 47 figuring out You can NOT save the world by sacrificing Your Self.

I try Dropping wisdom where I see the Need Too, but You told us the kind o Kidz Your dealing with.


I come up with Hair Brained Shit like the Whole camera thing too, but generally after a moments thought, I come up w/the same scenario's as Most here have also mentioned, and SQUASH it.(usuealy)

It hurts to know that no matter Your intentions,,, That some times folks have to be hit with a dose of reality, B4 they learn.

You cant save um all, but you SURE as HELL can WEAR Your self OUT trying.

Plz,,Plz leave it alone.
some one down the line will miss out on your well intentioned WISDOM down the line if your Hurt as a result of trying to help Stupid/Volital young fools like you have described here.

Good luck; 1TT


Active member
I hope you enjoy the ride in the trunk because you may not care for what happens once that trunk lid opens.

"No ...Really ...Seriously guys...I was just trying to help..."

Some people are not meant to be a part of the gene pool.


New member
The suggestions made by the OP; a stern lecture, the magnanimous handing beck of the stolen plants, the condescending words of wisdom to the obnoxious frat boys (but still good kids deep down), if I actually believed any of this actually transpired, would make the OP very much a meddlesome, arrogant, patronizing fool.

The only piece of advice that applies to this problem is to mind your own business, always and everywhere, unless it is fulfil your moral duty to protect the life or dignity of a person or persons weaker than yourself .
If someone is being indiscreet with a grow in the vicinity of your own operation, just have to shut down your own operation and/or move it elsewhere.