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Crappy Weather


OverGrow Refugee
Hey all, just wondering if everyone else is having issues with the real crappy weather we have been having..ie the wet soggy and cold weather that the eastern seaboard has been hit with..Floods in Louisiana and floods in Manitoba and cold dreary rainy weather in SW Ont...

Anyone else having shitty weather conditions for the spring/beginning of summer...I have been growing for 5 years now OD and I usually am able to put my plants outside by the end of May...well today where i live it;s like 10 degrees Celsius and raining,,,not the best planting weather,,I sure hope this improves...

any others with same issues...

btw I can't even start on my veggie garden,,its been such bad weather

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Claude Hopper

Old Skool Rulz
We had scattered frosts here last night and we are PAST the last frost dates!

Cannabis is tough, I say get them out and they'll be OK.

Here's a pair I set out on 4-24. Even the weeds weren't growing!


Here they were yesterday:


Stay Sneaky!


New member
I actually put mine out last monday in sw ontario. I was a bit worried because we got and are still getting tonnes of rain and my holes are a bit soggy, but they seem to be doing fine...so far :S

Like Claude Hopper I'm still waiting for some of the surrounding cover to grow up a bit though. Seems like everything is behind like 2-3 weeks


I think the cold crap is finally, finally outta here. Bring it on, hazy summer sky, warm sunshine, rampant growth.
My weather sucks!!! I am still 2 weeks out but june will be very busy!! I had plant in the ground and rooted last year! Each season has its challenges. I think mother nature is slowin me down for a good reason!!!!!Which i am not what that reason is yet?????LOL
In the northeastern area im at has been raining daily for almost a week and it's supposed to keep raining until the end of the week.
How's that for crappy weather..


Active member
my area it has been raining for a week almost and is stil calling for almost another 2 weeks straight of rain... i just said screw it and put half my lil fellers out today...

nice pic claude hopper.. that weed in the middle has really gotten big :D


OverGrow Refugee
lol now the guys in Cali are having weather problems....and NOW everyone cares about the shit weather we have been having....LOL what a joke



The summer predictions are HOT and DRY for this year in ON according to those weather freaks that seem to never get things right....

Man, wish I had a job that I could be sooo wrong sooo often and still keep my moderately well paying job.

D.S. Toker. MD

Active member
My weather has sucked! April was hot and rainy. May arrived, it turned cool and rained every single fucking day!!!! Form late march until this week, we had 3 sunny days.

Our weather has changed dramatically over the years. Weve lost our seasons and now it turns hot and wet in April and then mid july the rain stops and we dont get another drop until late october. Weve gone from 4 seasons to a wet season and a dry season. It sucks.


Active member
you guy's weather has kept us little bit cooler here in the SW than normal. thanks.


Well-known member
Midwest has been very cold this year the. Around mid May last year 90% of the corn crop was in compared to 37% this year.


An inch deficit for the month's rain, scorching temps, and here I am hauling water already in MAY. Looks like another drought season; I'm hoping for some rain!

On top of that someone began logging an area I had set up for the bulk of my plants, and now I have to scramble for another location. All that digging for nothing and no way to recover the ferts. Plants are 3' tall - in solo cups, waiting for planting and turning yellow. Yikes.

D.S. Toker. MD

Active member
Maybe they could grow rice hamstring! Rice needs wetlands !

The gods must be crazy! I think they look down on me and laugh. I can hear them saying, " well, we couldnt drowned the sonofabitch, lets see if we can cook him!" And while youre at it, throw a little fungus his way!

Its going to be 94 and steamy today.

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