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CraigX running for Mayor in L.A.




Craig Rubin in Mayor's Election Agrees with Barack Obama

Tue, 27 Jan 2009, 12:02:07 EST Edited by Carly Zander

LOS ANGELES, Calif., Jan 27 (SEND2PRESS NEWSWIRE) -- The War on Drugs has been an utter failure. We need to rethink and decriminalize our marijuana laws, said President Barack Obama January 21, 2004. This quote comes from a video being passed via YouTube.com We need to rethink how we are doing the Drug War. Currently we are not doing a good job. Out of the wide group of candidates running for public office in California, one particular candidate - Craig X Rubin - stands out from the field because he claims legalizing marijuana will create jobs.

By all accounts this man should be behind bars as the government spent millions of dollars convicting and sentencing him to nearly five years in jail for marijuana possession and distribution, but he has yet to serve a day in our penitentiary system. Instead after losing his business, his employees, his house, his car and his pride the man of God is today running for mayor of Los Angeles.

When you hear the story of this pastor who opened a Temple on Hollywood Boulevard to minister to the lost and provide medical marijuana to the sick the question has to be, "What is going on with the Justice System?"

The Federal Department of Justice has been coming under fire for political reasons in recent years. Alberto Gonzales left his job among allegations that his department was hiring and firing U.S. attorneys not based on their qualifications, but based upon their political affiliations. Fox News' Geraldo Rivera is calling U.S. Attorney Fitzgerald's recent actions in the Blagojevich case shameful saying that he should not have arrested the Governor until he was prepared to bring charges.

Geraldo Rivera who interviewed the Governor of Illinois outside of the studios of the View seems to be sensitive the unfairness of our justice system saying, "This has the feel of a 'Kangaroo Court.' The court can make any rules they want. I think it is very unfair. I think he is getting screwed."

Geraldo is acting as a real man of the people on this one going against popular opinion to support and unpopular guy. "Blagojevich is getting a raw deal when it comes to justice, says Rubin, "Most people don't realize that a jury doesn't get to hear or see anything the judge doesn't allow in."

"I have a lot of respect for the law, but I will agree with Whoopie Goldberg in that I grew up in this country and had no idea how the system really works." Rubin was speaking of his own case where the judge decided that he was not allowed to mention the U.S. Constitution, medical marijuana, the First Amendment, quote from the Bible, or the California State Constitution.

Speaking about the Blagojevich case Geraldo Rivera complimented the Governor, "He is making a real point in letting people know how unfair the system is."

Geraldo also stopped Whoopie Goldberg outside the studio of the View and she stated, "I never heard the court can just make law up." Dumbfounded Goldberg continued, "I don't remember reading that when I was a kid. I always thought you could get a fair shake from the law. People have a lot to look at."

Rubin feels as if things are about to change under an Obama administration. On Fox's Business News David Asman recently announced marijuana was about to be legalized. MSNBC just did a special called, "Marijuana Inc." where they explained the simple economics of it, "It cost $400 to grow a pound worth $6,000 on the street."

Blagojevich arrested for "selling a Senate seat," is being impeached on charges having nothing to do with his arrest. He is being impeached for getting cheaper drugs for the elderly from Canada rather than buying them from U.S. drug companies. Jesse Ventura said when he was governor of Minnesota that the CIA acted illegally by operating domestically. Mike Ruppert former LAPD narcotics detective speaking to former CIA director Deutch on C-SPAN said, "The agency (CIA) has dealt drugs throughout this country for a long time."

Rubin stated, "If the Bush policies from the Drug War continue we'll be a nation of political prisoners."

YouTube video of LAPD confronting CIA: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4t3pl5Wxgyg

More information about Craig X Rubin for Mayor: www.Craigx4mayor.org.

Send2Press® is the originating wire service for this story.


Craig's a nice guy - we exchanged emails after he had his last run in with leo.

I wish him luck...

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