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Craigslist kicks ass!


Oh man I'm so excited! I just got some used gear for an incredible deal: 3 water pumps of different sizes (the biggest one is BIG), a dual outlet air pump and a kickass little fogger that will go great in a cloner, all for $50! The guy was really nice, he threw in a little nug and packed me a bowl of his ISO, and it was great!

When I first built my little garden friends advised me to check craigslist first for used gear at great prices, but I really wanted new stuff. Now I feel like I'm striking gold!
hell yeah.. ive used fulla sale sites and picked up shitloads of used gear for cheap..

its only newbies who want all brand new high tech stuff because they dont realize that its more about the grower than the equipement.. not saying you can grow bomb shit with incandesents..


Active member
damn i found a sante fe classic on CL for 750 bucks but dude already sold it...i had a feeling he would be you hahaha....


hell yeah.. ive used fulla sale sites and picked up shitloads of used gear for cheap..

its only newbies who want all brand new high tech stuff because they dont realize that its more about the grower than the equipement.. not saying you can grow bomb shit with incandesents..

lol, that's kind of a bold statement

I 100% disagree with you

Considering what we're growing, the amount of money it takes and the length of time... it's worth it to spend a few extra bucks and get new, reliable equipment. I trust something more when it's new, in the box, than I do getting it from some random guy on craigslist?


there are some things I would not buy used, like bulbs unless they we were being given away and I was desperate. I prefer magnetic ballasts but if I went digital, I would go new unless seller gave me the original receipt. same for any electronics, controllers, etc

hoods, tables, buckets, fans, pumps etc I would jump all over anything used

I would probably go with new filters as well


Green is Gold
Bought my entire cab setup off craigslist, box, cooltube, light, fan, ducting, filter, the whole works. And for the low low too. Best money I ever spent considering the return I've gotten off it. I would not hesitate to purchase more gear off CL


Active member
yea certain things you get used, certain things new. my flood tables...used for sure. not paying 200 bucks for a freaking flood table when you can find em used and cleaned for 50 bucks.

but nutes, ballasts, lights, all that shit has the be new. im not risking my money buying someone elses old ballast that doesnt work properly. unless you personally know the grower and see the equipment in action and know its legit...any other way and you are asking to be ripped off.
Yea i wont buy nutes second hand, bulbs, or electronic ballast, mags why not they are built like tanks just dont buy one thats been sitting in a garage for a couple of years with a bunch of rust and shit.

Same with meters those things are too touchy, oh yea and i dont buy clones off craigslist either.


Active member
scored my growtent on cl, it is a little beat up, but for 90$ off it's well worth it...funny meeting the guy with cash in a random park location haha


Active member
...funny meeting the guy with cash in a random park location haha

craigslist parking lot sales lol... one time i sold a flood tray on CL and when i pull up to sell it to the dude in a busy walmart parking lot, hes already meeting with another guy buying flood trays from him, coordinating everyone, dude must have been setting up a warehouse in a hurry...

and dont buy clones on CL...one time got mites, another time got a batch of hermy who knows what. utter garbage that barely even frosted up.
like said about dont deal outta a parking lot unless you cant beat the price...

for 200$ i emptied an old guys storage locker when he was moving out.. i got a 12000btu window ac, 3 1k hps ballasts, 1x1k mh ballast, all the used bulbs reflectors. 7 25l gas jugs that were clean used for outdoor watering, a air echanger, 10-12 folding metal chairs? 200 little 3l pots 100 were brand new still sith orignal string holding the pack together, 160 3 gallon pots, he gave me ferts, meausring cups, tempstats, jiffies, domes, trays, it was crazy the shit... i sold the air echanger for 200$ on another sale site, and the rest worked fine,.

i bought 5x750w digital ballasts hps lumitek with the recipt.. they were old but work fine, 5x bulbs, and 4x mag 1k mh ballasts, 8 bulbs mh, timer on board with plugs, and a roll of black n white, 3 6" turbines, for 900$.. everything worked and i was able to flip some of the shit and turned out costing 500$ after selling the mh ballasts and bulbs..

sometimes its a gamble for sure but arent we all gamblers :)

if the price is right why not..
i also have grown 2lb per 1k with 5year old hortilux bulbs and old brown ballasts..

my newbie comment was about the people who listen to a store sales man who robs them blind with 200$ tempstat/hygrostats, and 1000$ digi ballast bulb and air cooled reflectors.. the crazy shit that a newbie cannot even see the benifts of yet because hes not at the co2 level or whatever it might be.. i had a dumb friend who paid thou his nose to have a cooler grow room than me, and i still killed him w dirt and cheap ass shit...



I've been selling stuff on CL lately too, not grow equipment, just stuff laying around the house, and I price it way under because sometimes I just want to get rid of it quickly. I've now bookmarked the farm and garden page and am checking constantly for more great deals. Anyone here selling cooltubes in San Diego???


Active member
just got a 100 pint santa fe classic plus condensation pump for 750 bucks, looks new blows air strong guy said he only used it one cycle... saved almost 700 dollars
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New member
very cool! what search term do you use, i find searching hydroponic will bring up everything. alternatively 215 in CA will get good result.

i think it goes both ways. sure you can get that killer deal but many things to avoid.

avoid: ballasts, bulbs, pumps.

basically anything with a digital circuit or moving part. you are wasting time and money if you do this. you are sacrificing maybe 20% off SRP with no warranty. also if this shit breaks YOU are screwed.

btw i've prolly only spent like 2500 at grow shop in my year or two o growing.


Active member
I'm sure everyone already knows this, but make sure to disenfect anything you buy off craigslist! You never know the condition of others gardens. And I don't want to bring any of their shit into my environment..

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