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craigs#### in co/wa ya'll lucky peeps

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Active member
only newbs and desperate folks use Craigslist or thugtrader to get shit.....you have to be seriously un-connected to be forced to use those websites.

i had a friend from a non med state always telling me to "go on thugtrader and buy some of those super cheap 1600 LBs of the best high grades and il come out and get them"....no thanks homie, not trying to get robbed or busted.

Lmao Prop....I was thinking the same thing...

I tried Craigslist once....some thugs selling bunk Cali Connect phenos as the real deal....No more for me!!!


3rd-Eye Jedi
Ok so you caught me before I decided it wasnt worth it and edited. But since you replied so will I.

I just dont see how growing a clone is side stepping mastery. Not every situation is as black and white as peeps in this thread are making it out to be.

Like making the assumption that if you grow a clone or you want a certain clone you must be an amateur that cant grow.

When in reality there are plenty of people that grow from seed and clone. Being able to grow from seed and locate worthy keepers is a learned skill. I pop a lot of seed per year but I also grow clones from what ever keepers I find grow after grow. Being able to regenerate a clone, grow it many times while dialing it in is also worthwhile skill that one must obtain on the road to mastery.

And Im not saying fly out to CO to buy clones to get ahead, some people just want shit to have the experience of growing it. I was just stating it wont be long til people are doing that and it is going to be hard to keep the weed and clones in CO.

Where I come from the average smoker doesn't give a shit about a name or whats hot in cali, they just want good weed. And for those that don't know there is plenty of it out there in seed form if you know what to look for.

As for what I said about self promotion, that was a poor choice of wording. It just seems like in a lot of your posts you are trying to turn it into a 100 page argument like the everybody a breeder thread. No harm no foul, I respect your work it just seems like you take a lot of shit as a person attack. There is difference of opinion, and difference of situation, lets not lose sight.

P.S the true master never considers himself a master, because he knows you never stop learning

growing a clone is divergent from understanding the natural life cycle of the plant and you lose out on understanding the reproductive system, learning these two things I find are very important. I could write extensively on the subject and what it has taught me.

I simply said when I first chimed in short cuts make you lose out on something more, not that they made you any less.

The pot got stirred when someone said people who bash clones don't know what they are talking about.

AM I misunderstood? yeah but that doesn't invalidate my logic even if it is difficult to follow. If the logic I applied to growing and breeding is do defective than I simply ask people to prove it in the pictures I present because all I have done here is shared my real life experiences, nothing more, nothing less.

Im not trying to sell people on me or my genes or my methods im simply suggesting people embrace the fuck out of the relationship you have with that plant.

Not only is your grow a reflection of your being, but the kinder you are to it the kinder it will be to you, the more dynamic you are with it the more dynamic it will be for you, treat it like a commercial prospect get commercial results.

in the end relativity is key, the motive behind why you select what you do is reflected by the plants in your garden.

that said most of the complete people (people happy with their own results) here even if they argue amongst themselves have full circle relationships with the plant

if you can look at the evidence in a macro sense and without personal attachment it shows you how amazing a plant it really is because many people doing it different ways get results they are satisfied with

thats why I say it is worth the effort because too many people got lucky if you base it all on math


in the simplest of terms plants are "programmed" to express a full potential and it is a combination of environment and genetics that expresses it and at our best we simply keep from doing something to fuck it up

How the fuck did you bring the god damn "Environment" argument from that other thread into this one where a guy who maybe lives in some ass-backwards southern state or some shit is halfway stoked on seeing some decent clones available to start a garden, grow some weed, and get some people baked?

you're fuckin looking for a argument these days huh?


If/When Florida becomes a med state, I will look till I find a reliable supplier for clones. If there will be a plant count, clones from a dispensary will make that less of a problem. No sense wasting plants/space on possible males unless your wanting seeds. I just want to be able to get reliable herb for my needs. Sativa for daytime and Indica for nights.


Active member
Hello all,

Clones...seed plant what's the difference beyond knowing sex?

I have done both...nothing lost in using clones.

That said, a much more efficient process then from seed stock. In situations when you already have the plant characteristics that is consistent in each cutting, your result is clearly a more consistent product.

Seed produce many variants obviously.

With that said as well, seed will provide for potentially superior crosses.

I go with clones from a dispensary. This allows me the selection for my garden...though as with all things bought caveat emptor.


PS. The plant breeding that is necessary to promote one characteristic over another is well beyond the means of most folk as the numbers of variants and crosses to achieve something spectacular are staggering.

Most amateur breeding is just that...amateur breeding, a shot in the dark and most often a swing and a miss.

What is fairly consistent with breeders and growers alike is to express their belief as to what is good and what is not. I am not immune as I think my buds are AAA myself.
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3rd-Eye Jedi
How the fuck did you bring the god damn "Environment" argument from that other thread into this one where a guy who maybe lives in some ass-backwards southern state or some shit is halfway stoked on seeing some decent clones available to start a garden, grow some weed, and get some people baked?

you're fuckin looking for a argument these days huh?

all im saying is my weed pics look good cause I dialed the plants in

tough concept to grasp on IC mag

that said NO ONE gave me my start and I didn't have an internet to teach me and it wasn't that hard to grow weed and get baked.

Did take a little time and effort but anything good in life normally does.

enjoy your shortcuts and fuck dialing in plants they should do that shit on their fucking own



Thanks for all the input people. I believe that clones will be more popular than seeds in the legal states .if A newbie was only aloud 6 plants They wouldn't want any of them to be a male.... The less experienced newby growers are gonna go for the sure thang.. Cause most r just gonna want some good easy bud,and not devote there whole house to a grow.. The real growers are already in the game, now that's its legal the rest will give it a go..


Bug Scissor Hand
I have grown from seeds & clones, clones r much easer to start with if u can get them, as they r 99% female, cant get clones here no one has them here , But getting clones from someone Will get u bugs
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