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Crackhead next door.... should i be worried?



keep your friends close

and your enemies closer

I say you go smoke some rock with him ;)



the tweaker will help you look for it ?

Kind of dumb but kind of true at the same time lol. He's just describing the lengths tweakers will go through to convince you that they're not ripping you off even if it's painfully obvious.


Thanks for explaining that

yeah tweakers are the most crazy of the two


Active member
guess what, a hooker stopped by his apartment 2 hours ago....

now she just left... looked 20 - 22 max


Heres your plan

Heres your plan

This is what you do. Go to the store get a chocolate bar with nuts. Take it home pop it in the micro wave 20 secs. Smear it around your mouth and fingers when you see them out side stick your hand in the back of your pants walk outside pull your hand out of the back of your pants and ask them in a husky voice. "Want some? It's yum!"
I promise they won't fuck with you crack head or not. They need some rock and start thinking of who they're gonna hit. "Oh not that crazy shit eating fucker.. No no let go hit old man robinson instead.

Hope it helps... That being said...

Crackheads need love too.

oh and LOL at the tweakers helping you look for it...


Medicinal Advocate
ICMag Donor
guess what, a hooker stopped by his apartment 2 hours ago....

now she just left... looked 20 - 22 max
you may not like the way he looks & acts but I can assure you that no crackhead is going to spend the jing on an outcall hooker instead of his drugs. my guess is you got the right vibes off the guy (dirtbag, pervert maybe, a lowlife) but have assumed wrongly that it's all about crack cocaine.

you mention the whores appx age but not his, how old is this guy?



i think he's got more to worry about you,than you him,your all ways watching him,telling us, who you dont know about whats going on at his spot,stop being a little girl and get on with your own life or stay scared thinking your going to get robbed :laughing:


i think he's got more to worry about you,than you him,your all ways watching him,telling us, who you dont know about whats going on at his spot,stop being a little girl and get on with your own life or stay sceard thinking your going to get robbed :laughing:

I have to agree here.

Good neighbors mind their own business... you're taking it beyond just worrying about yourself and your own property now. You've now become that old cat lady bitch who's always peepn at everyone through the window.

Improve your security, learn it's just materialistic items, and get on with your life...


I know where all you guys are coming from , BUT , I have been a drug addict (not crack), for nearly 20 years , and I have never robbed a thing off anyone. I do not inject drugs and they are prescribed, so I aint in the fiend category .. I have done a masters degree in the past 2 years , and I get on with most of my neighbors ... my point is .. it isnt necessarily the drugs its the people who just have no morals .. if I ever had to stoop so low i would give up ...simple ... but I do think crack and meth are a completely different ball game