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Crackhead next door.... should i be worried?


Active member
He saw me (im on ground floor) few times while passing by, im not worrying about weed but i got lots of expensive things in my lfat like 26 inch moniotrs... custom build PCs and sound system.

I doubt he will make a move but he might have some friends of his that might .. and i spend only 5 days a week in my flat, he can show up in other other 2.... good thing im insured but still i dont wonna loose my stuff


I'm always here when I'm not someplace else
Well you already are worried and that's probably a good thing.
Tighten up security and don't show off your stuff. Keep things under cover and hope for the best.

Make sure that when the cops show up next door, (and they will eventually, they always do) that they don't smell anything that causes them to knock on your door.

el dub

We had a young, attractive neighbor turn into a meth head a few years back. Eventually "friends" of hers were hanging out in their garage, on the lawn, in cars parked on the lawn. Domestic disturbances with threats of guns started up, etc. Eventually she was kicked out of school, lost her job, had the power cut off in the house and then one day she was gone.....

Two potential problems have been brought up in posts above...

Crack-head B&E and increased police presence in the building due to zany crack-head antics.

I'd lay low and try to wait the situation out. However if crack-head infestation worsens, it might be time to consider a move to a better neighborhood if you are just renting.



Freedom Fighter
Buy a few timers, and put a couple lights, radio, and tv on them...to come on at random times on the days you are not there--


May your race always be in your favor
Anytime there's a tweeker living next door there's cause for concern! Be on guard.


I would be very careful with your neighbor. She may act nice some days but I hear she can be very violent and crazy when she is all cracked out. I wouldn't trust my possessions to be within a 1/2 mile of her.


Oliver Pantsoff

Active member
Thieves are everywhere..watch the people that are closest to you, and know you have those expensive pc's and what not...Oh yea, crackheads hate weed....

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To Have More ... Desire Less
well look @ IT............this ....way.....He'z bound to draw more attention too him self than U....will..........just stay safe,armed, and dangerous.......maybe a self impossed......lock_down for a week or so.....probly enuff time for said "tweeker".......to reck HAVOC.....else where and no longer become a problem......tweekers....cum and tweeekerz.......go........just don't feed there A short attention span and U'll be fine...............

@ least itZ..........not my neighbor.......just look @ what I put up with.............gee_whiz......

had a similar horror story but honestly in the end it was better they were living there because they took attention away from the tripple fel going on downstairs


Active member
Crackhead will steal anything.
They prefer sneaky crimes.
Your place will most definitely get broken into when he has no cash, and feels you're not there.


Active member
make some weed pancakes and offer him some.

make sure they're really strong and dosed with maaaaaad weed butter.

he'll never be back


Watch yourself and be sure they don't have the impression you might have anything, even an extra smoke.In the event of any unforseen conflict be a tough prick because those tweekers are always paranoid and scared, when they're loaded they're easy to knock around.Just be carefull, my nieghbor is/was a crackhead and it was the freaks that hung around there just doing nothing with an absentee mom.My problem is that I don't want them f-ing up my grow by attempting a B&E, so keep them away from you, no favors, zero.I'm more afraid of what could happen if I catch the kids than if the cops show up.They come over there several times a week anyway because the kids are always stealing shit and destroying summer houses for entertainment.Don't be afraid to be a prick, if you act in a patronising manner they'll get up in your shit, believe me...:)
lock your doors
keep to yourself but don't be a loco who doesn't at least say hello and act friendly in passing
don't flaunt your weed, money, ect obviously
I'd even go as far as to keep your weed smoking on the down low in the house
that smell can even trigger ideas about what else may be in your apartment.

My neighbors were at first crack heads, these neighbors were older grey folk and they would have tons of young people cruising by all hours of the day coming and going real quick. Then they moved. Then we got these party drunk college kids who stuffed their apt like it was a free volkswagon at the mall contest. Parties every night, loud music, drunk people coming and going..so what at first looked like a bust was a godsend because they took the attention off the real issue. One time one of them stumbled down the stairs all drunk and I was standing on the porch after airing out my place(never smoked at the op house) and he looks at me and goes it smells like weed down here. I just looked at him like he was a drunk ass and was like cool, you probably smell like it. That was the end of that. When you are already taken a huge risk you can't be so easily defeated by things like this...if dude wasn't a drunk college kid and instead a normal family was living up there and said something like that..I'd been out of that apt in a heart beat..
dont try to be friendly at all! it will bite you in the ass.
starts with something small like, "can I get a smoke" or "give me a ride to the store"
being a nice guy, Ive been their and done that, then they want more and more!
keep your distance and check all your doors and windows make sure they are locked GOOD. If you do speek to them for some reason give them the impression that you are flat broke and have nothing, good luck


Active member
well don't let him know you are away 2 days a week. keep information like that private. if you share something like that then he will definitely know. when i had neighbors i wouldn't see them every single day. this is how people DO get robbed. they reveal private info like that and it gets around.

secondly -- don't ever have him over. never have any of his friends over. don't get close to this guy at all. say 'hello' if your passing by or something, but otherwise there's no need for him to figure out you have nice things.

set up a camera and if anything does happen you'll have proof.


I lived next to a crack head for 5 years and it was the worst time of my life and my famillies and every package we had sent to our house that was left outside was stolen by cracka lacka. I moved house last year and beat the fuck out of him:)
