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Crack your finest jars or bottles S-10 is DEAD

sweet, whats the difference today? only a few people grow high end top shelf medical grade cannabis anyway......

those should and will be the same people doing it in a regulated environment.

and mithra, to accuse someone as greedy or selfish is someone who needs to look in the mirrior. its selfish in greedy to grow carcinogenic beasters then sell it to school kids and who knows who else who may actually need it for medical purposes. not cool.

the point missed is on your end. reread my first statement. less then 1% of commercial growers grow for quality first. and they will still be doing it when all this stuff gets figured out. you dont think legalizing will put all those beasters out of business? lol hahaha open your eyes. and ears. why would anyone need more then 5 plants for personal anyway? thats what these new laws are all about.

ps its really funny to reread some of my superstoned posts when im not medicated, its even funier reading other peoples irrational super stoned posts when im not medicated lol hahaha you guys are awesome lol, d

I agree with pretty much everything you say, I am going to school to be a horticulturist, I also grow high grade cannabis. I hope some new laws come in, maybe me having a clean record, an education and hands on experience growing cana will help gain me accesses to a growers card in the future.
The days of herb coming from large scale grow houses that are Uninsured and Unregulated are gone.

1000w and 4-5 large plants would not be enough for you and your lady!?!? You need to pick up your skills bro, maybe try some new strains. Have a perpetual 2 monsters in veg and 2 monsters in flower. After that first cycle your golden.

Fighting something that is inevitable.... Waste of energy.
Educate your self, work with the system till it changes. Never give up but try and think logically.


I have been thinking about these plant limits, how are the plants counted? Do they count it by the pots? By the Stems? Could you plant more then one in a pot and train them to look like a single plant (for mothers)?

I guess the police could make up any number they wanted which would make it all meaningless anyway. The 5 plant limit seems to low and makes it possible to be abused by law enforcement, the different between 5 and 6 plants is 6 months in prison. I hope this get changed in the supreme court, a 20-50 plant limit for the 6 months mandatory seems more reasonable.
I have been thinking about these plant limits, how are the plants counted? Do they count it by the pots? By the Stems? Could you plant more then one in a pot and train them to look like a single plant (for mothers)?

I guess the police could make up any number they wanted which would make it all meaningless anyway. The 5 plant limit seems to low and makes it possible to be abused by law enforcement, the different between 5 and 6 plants is 6 months in prison. I hope this get changed in the supreme court, a 20-50 plant limit for the 6 months mandatory seems more reasonable.

20-25????? never going to happen. 25 plants = Lots of potential for illegal income. Imo

I make due with the plant limit and I smoke ALOT of grass
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Active member
Ditto... :rasta:




I too smoke ALOT of GRASS and i have smoked alot of grass for along time and 5 plants is not enough 10 yes but 5 no. 5 plants = 1 plant for mother 2 plants flower and 2 plants veg. Not everyone can grow 2 large plants , some just do not have the height or space for it , some prefer smaller SOG setups . I also grow high grade cannabis . Whats your point??

Why do you think people are gonna back down to allow commercial growers to set outrageous prices and supply them with meds that they could have supplied themselves at a fraction of the cost? There not gonna !! Jail time or not. And if the gov. would put plant and light limits on household grows with permits then whats the problem??
5 plants = 1 plant for mother 2 plants flower and 2 plants veg. Not everyone can grow 2 large plants , some just do not have the height or space for it , some prefer smaller SOG setups . I also grow high grade cannabis . Whats your point??

hahaha calm down bud, my point is just like you said 5 plants is do-able. They could have said 1 plant limit then jail time, it's the wrong approach but if you don't like the 5 plant limit, smoke less or risk going to jail that's that.

Do you really think the Gov. is going to give some joe like you or me the best possible scenario to grow a plant that many people abuse for money? No!!! If you don't want to goto jail you will have to learn to work around it or cross your fingers some punk does not rat you out. For the next few years anyway.

Why do I think people are gong to back down??? Well, the huge ops that are running illegal are not hard to find? And any intelligent person will want to go the legal rout "if it's an option" and try to have a go at it. There will always be underground but if the prices go down then it wont be worth all of the work and risk. I am all for the over grow of Canada don't get me wrong, the plant is a god in its own right. But their cant be this wild west shit going on, there has to be more regulation.

I am not a fortune teller this is just my opinion, dont feel like you have to agree :tiphat:


Active member
all i hear is alot of uneducated, opinionated bs here.

health canada is saying that grams will be 5 bucks for anyone with a license. if anyone can get a license soon, as doctors will be forced to keep their uneducated opinions about pot to themselves, then it will be legal for "medical" consumption. to think hc isnt watching cali and colorado is very niave for anyone to believe.

where the urban myth of gouging peeps with lics is total bs, id like a link to where its states that please. stop being so self centered, look at the bigger picture. eat some acid peyote or mushrooms if you are that stubborn minded.

applications for commercial production will be coming out soon. anyone would be stupid to not apply for one if they have the means, and anyone would be stupider to belive that hose growers can set there own prices lol

will people pls start talking about facts and educating themselves here to keep yourselves from being so offended all the time for nonsensical irrational jibberish that they made up themselves, d


Active member
the only people this will force to be fair is depos charging 11 a gram for stuff they paid 1500 for. and that is better for everyone, d


all i hear is alot of uneducated, opinionated bs here.

health canada is saying that grams will be 5 bucks for anyone with a license. if anyone can get a license soon, as doctors will be forced to keep their uneducated opinions about pot to themselves, then it will be legal for "medical" consumption. to think hc isnt watching cali and colorado is very niave for anyone to believe.

where the urban myth of gouging peeps with lics is total bs, id like a link to where its states that please. stop being so self centered, look at the bigger picture. eat some acid peyote or mushrooms if you are that stubborn minded.

listen to you...uneducated, opinionated bs here.
Your one to talk, what is it your way or the highway??
And where do you get all your health canada info? Just curious, were you in the closed door meeting??


Active member
do you know who john conroy is? how about kirk tousaw?

maybe who should google them ans see what they do and who with. maybe you should try the health canada website. where they post most up to date info about mmar. its not hard to find info if you actually look for it or know someone in the know.

not dg's or store owners that just repeat what other unreliable sources claim lol

call me out for gouging lol i provide medical grade cannabis for 200 an ounce, 2800 a lb. every other society charges 4500 a lb for beasters worth no more then 1500-1800. u guys really have alot of nerve with your unfounded, presumptuous accusations, d


Where on health canada's site does it claim all this stuff??? Send me the link because i call your bluff .
here the link to the MMAR program http://www.hc-sc.gc.ca/dhp-mps/marihuana/index-eng.php , they sell for 5 a gram now. That has nothing to do with the proposed changes and the commercial growers setting prices. This week is when we find out more on the subject . There was a 2 day closed door meeting last week, we shall see what comes.


Active member
4.1 Physician-Patient Interaction

Health Canada maintains that the determination as to whether the use of marihuana for medical purposes is appropriate for a particular individual is best made through a discussion with their physician. In this regard, Health Canada is proposing to eliminate the categories of conditions or symptoms for which an individual may possess marihuana for medical purposes under the MMAR.
Individuals would continue to be required to consult a physician to obtain access to marihuana for medical purposes. Since categories would be eliminated, there would no longer be a requirement for some individuals to obtain the support of a specialist in addition to their primary care physician in order to access marihuana for medical purposes.
The existing medical declaration would be replaced by a new document provided by the physician to the individual. Health Canada will consult the medical community on the form this document will take.
Individuals would no longer be required to submit information to Health Canada to be authorized to possess dried marihuana. Instead, they would submit their physician's document directly to a licensed commercial producer.
Health Canada will establish an Expert Advisory Committee to improve physician access to comprehensive, accurate and up-to-date information on the use of marihuana for medical purposes, thereby facilitating informed decision-making with respect to the use of marihuana for medical purposes.
Health Canada would work with the medical community, their provincial/territorial licensing authorities and their associations on the proposed improvements to the program.

i dont really see how u see that this isnt the best thing ever for canadians. it will be like cali or colorado, i think whats really happening is all u criminal elements are pissed you can produce anymore, d
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Active member
oops, heres the link:http://www.hc-sc.gc.ca/dhp-mps/consultation/marihuana/_2011/program/consult-eng.php

if anyone actually believes that there wont be a standard of quality/vs price, like anything else in the world, well dont be surprised. remember that propositions arent factual policy. nothing is set in stone yet. and if u dont want kcc quads when we start production, thats your problem not ours, d

just remember, med-man has the biggest stable of unobtainable genetics in mother form already, and 100x those in hybridized elite beans. when u are sick of purple kush being sold as bubba, master, og, king etc we'll be there for u, with ailment specific medicine, d

Green Supreme

Well-known member
Finally someone said one of the words that will matter. Standard. Medicine will have to be standardized, there goes the quality. Peace GS


FFS DMT, it's even in your sig:

"governments destroy freedom" and this here new bill is doing just that. You may capitalize on their ignorance but like most of us can see you sir are a leech. Can't have it both ways bro, so which is it?



Active member
You sell for 200/oz? Well I buy on street here (when I have to) for 150, and it's decent. That makes you more expensive than the street.

There's a better option - we go to you+ cronies if crop fails instead of street purchase - GOOD idea.

Forced to buy from anyone for any price and no growing - BAD idea, and I will fight it to dying breath while growing my 4.

I WILL be keeping my tent, lamp & other eq. I paid good $$ for and WILL be growing my 4 plants as my license says now. Even after the changes, I'll just keep it the same.

Worse come to worse - see you in court, prepare for a FIGHT!!! Ready + Willing!!

"Just say no" to gouging and injustice!



Active member
" the biggest stable of unobtainable genetics in mother form " and " 100x those in hybridized, elite beans "... " kcc quads "... u guys r funny, and i don't mean haha


Active member
il refer to a publication, check out hightimes feb 2009 under "canadas super seeds" or hightimes 2009 special collectors edition breeding guide. his chocolate kush and west coast sour diesel were just gifted in seed form to the right people to get it into the general market. his conkushion and mk as well in clone form. this is just the tip of the iceburg too, d

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