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Crack down in the Fort, please help


New member
This just happened:
I am sitting inside my house trimming my first harvest when I hear a cop knock on the door. I did not answer for a minute and then 7 armed members of Larimer County Fort Collins, CO drug task force entered my house with a search warrant. I was taken outside for about 20 minutes while the house was searched. My two roommates and I all have our med cards, we have not signed anyone up as our caregivers and no one has any of us signed up as caregivers.
Our plant numbers were legal, 3 flowering and 3 in veg for each of us. I admitted to selling extra medicine to a local dispensary. (BIG mistake, when you are told you have the right to remain silent, you should remain silent) Two hours later the cops left parading the bags of evidence out to their vehicles. They took about 10-14 oz of usable medicine as well as some recites and $950. In another room I had a plants worth of branches hanging to dry, and a half plant hanging on a rack. There was confusion between the cops, all of the sudden someone said "we are taking all this too," referring to the hanging branches. (about one to one and a half plants worth) I could tell they were unsure of what to do. They left the remaining flowered plants where they were found as well as the 9 plants in veg. It was made clear to me that without anyone having me signed up as a caregiver all I can legally do is consume the rest myself. What can I do???
As they were leaving, still unsure if I was being charged with anything, I asked what was going to happen next. I was given a Fort Collins Police business card with a name crossed off and another two written on top. I was told they would be in touch. This all happened about two weeks ago and I have not heard anything. Any comments or opinions would be greatly appreciated. I am very unsure what to do next.


So what was confiscated was what was over the legal limit correct? They left the plants? Sounds like they are allowing zero overage. And what's with taking the branches? Maybe because you already had your plant limit filled the hanging branches were considered extra?

I'm sorry to hear about this, do you have any ideas on what made them show up in the first place?


10-14 oz? looks like you guys were way over your possession limits. The 3 of you could have a combined total of 6 oz.

I would assume that the confusion about the branches was if they were going to classify that as smokable weed to add to your overage charges or if they were considered plants. Either way, the fact that they were there is bad news for you, as you said you already had all plants growing....
classified as a plant = over your plant limit, classified as smokable bud = even more over the limit that you were already wayyyyyyy over.

Shitty situation man, better get a very, very, very good lawyer!


One day you will have to answer to the children of
So you were stinking up the neighborhood?
Next time, carbon filters...or your roommates told the wrong person.

Affirmative defense implies that you can propose/prove a reason for needing X amount of medical marijuana.

If you hire a lawyer, then make sure they have some experience in medical marijuana cases.

And you said it, next time don't feed the cops what they want to hear. But since they had a warrant already, you got to ask yourself why?


Active member
If they had a warrent then someone that has seen your garden is a CI. I actually told an undercover cop about a grow, plants, could get him clones, and sold him weed. All that still wasn't enough to get a warrent for my house.

Regardless keep your head up bro...little probation never hurt anyone.

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