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CPS, MMJ and Oleta, the preschool teacher

Storm Crow

Active member
I wanted to tell you about my friend, Oleta, she lives in northern California. Oleta is a small, mildly disabled woman. Have you ever read the book “Gnomes” or “The Hobbit”? Oleta looks like a gnome or hobbit (minus the furry toes, of course). Plump and chipper like a little sparrow, wise in the ways of the Earth, and a heart that is overflowing with love—that is Oleta. She is a respected and well loved pre-school teacher.
Oleta once was married to Daryl. They divorced, but remained in contact. Daryl, has a good heart, but makes mistakes. Last year, Daryl realized that the divorce was one of the biggest mistakes he ever made. Another mistake he made was growing medical marijuana without having the papers from all the people he care-took for. He’s one of those “handshake” kind of guys. He got busted, but now has the letters, so he believes he will be OK on this one since he was following the law except for not having the letters. (Oleta does not use any illegal drugs, incidentally.)The third mistake he made was about a year ago, just before he realized mistake #1—he had a brief fling with a speed freak. The mother was unfit and CPS took the child, Anastasia, away at birth. She (the speed freak), after the DNA tests were in, informally, but in writing,conceded custody of Anastasia to Daryl, but CPS already had the child.
CPS gets a big bundle of cash for every child they place for adoption. CPS wants Anastasia. Daryl is a legal medical marijuana user, and he care-took the plants of several people. But because of the bust and (even more) his (legal) use of cannabis, CPS wants to deny Daryl custody of his daughter (for obviou$ reasons). About the time of the birth, Oleta and Daryl remarried. He was up-front about the child and Oleta was horrified! Not that he had had a child by a speed freak, but that his child was “in the system”. As a preschool teacher, she has seen repeatedly what “the system” can do to a child. She began to fight for a child she had never even seen-- a child that many women would have hated or been indifferent to at best. Daryl has done everything that CPS has asked, took parenting classes (even the breast feeding class!), offered to build a completely separate outbuilding as a smoking room, so Anastasia won’t be exposed to second-hand smoke, had the psychological report done…everything they asked and more.
He is allowed just 90 minutes a week with his daughter. Oleta only sees the baby as she passes through to the visiting room. She, the child's legal stepmother, is not permitted to see the child! CPS objects! Oleta tells me about every move she has seen the child make, worries about her health (neural damage from the mother’s drug abuse), and most important, loves this child of her husband’s as if Anastasia was her own. This gentle, little woman loves her husband’s child, with all her heart. This is a child who likely faces a lifetime of problems from her mother’s heavy drug abuse, yet Oleta, her gray braids flying, has come out fighting like a mother bear for her. She has never held Anastasia in her arms, but she holds her in her heart. I worry that the courts will take Anastasia away to be adopted (if she does have physical problems and CPS finds her another home, they get even more $$$). CPS drags its feet on every move. Phone calls rarely returned, they are often late in bringing Anastasia for the supervised visits (once almost an hour late!), banning Oleta from visiting the child, it’s a complete runaround! They even have gone so far as to tamper with a witness! Daryl’s adult daughter (a candidate for an in-family adoption of Anastasia) was told on the phone NOT to come up for the trial! It would be a waste of time, since this child WAS going to be adopted out!)
I worry that “the system” will crush the heart of my gentle, compassionate friend by denying custody. No other home could provide more love than what Oleta feels for this child. As a preschool teacher, she knows far more about small children than most mothers. This child is likely to have special needs and few women are as prepared as Oleta to meet those needs.Even if Daryl goes to jail, Oleta is the child’s stepmother and fully capable and eager to care for this child. She wants Anastasia in her home. She loves her. Oleta will fight for the rights of any child, but when it comes to a child she loves, she is unstoppable. Oleta is the soul of love and compassion.
I wrote this a while back, but things haven’t changed much. The psycholgical report was very badly written and quite biased, but what can you expect from CPS’s “pet” psychologist? Daryl got a second opinion from a psychologist outside of the immediate area and it read totally different. Daryl is hyperactive and has PTSD from his military days. That’s a lot different than being a total nut case! I have asked for help for Oleta and Daryl at ASA, ACLU and other places I thought might help. So far ASA has been the most interested. Most of the places that I’ve asked for help haven’t even had the politeness to send a return email! It’s damn discouraging!
To make things worse, their house was broken into while they were at court. Not much was taken- Oleta’s CDs, her “handicapped” plaque from her car, little stuff. They think it was some kids downriver from them. Their lawyer seems to be getting more and more senile, although he still has occational flashes of competence.
I wrote a piece for Oleta (I’m the better writer) and with her permission and approval, I sent it in her name to about 50 northern California newspapers as a LTE. One small local paper called her back. We hope that if the letters get printed and shine a light on the corruption at CPS. We’re grasping at straws.
Oleta is a remarkable woman. When we met she was functionally illiterate and she has learning disabilities. On sheer guts and determination, she has made her way through college and is now a certified, accredited, preschool teacher. I can think of few women who would be a better role model and mother to this poor, damaged child.
I’m feeling a bit depressed and had to rant about this. Thanks for listening.


ICMag Donor
Storm Crow..thats quite the story, so very sad, there are probably so many kids that fall thru the cracks, no one to love them and watch out for them....your friend sounds like a great person, I wish I had magic words to fix their situation but I dont, BUT they do have you helping them so that a good thing...keep talking to people like you have been doing, maybe someone will listen...good luck and thanks for sharing that very touching story :)

Storm Crow

Active member
Daryl was found guilty of cultivation.

Daryl was found guilty of cultivation.

He will be sentenced next month. Oleta is in tears. Anastasia will go into the system and be lost to Oleta. We are going to try a few last things. Their lawyer is useless, so I guess we have to do it ourselves! 1) Inadequate representation by the lawyer - he IS going senile. 2)A juror in Daryl's trial fell asleep- possible mistrial? 3) And the best hope, an adoption by Oleta- as the child's stepmother and/or as a single parent. 4) Appeal Daryl's case. Anyone have any other ideas? HELP!
Im kinda questioning why this guy had a "fling" with a "speed freak" But i agree, custody should be given to Oleta and the dude. That is far better than what a speed freak or the government would do for this child. But thats just probably a agreed upon opinion you will have to prove to the state...


ICMag Donor
I would try to find a different lawyer..hes sounds useless, maybe one that specializes in childrens cases...good luck

Storm Crow

Active member
Oleta is up on the mountain right now, mediatating and praying. Later this evening she will come over and we will figure out the next move. I have printed out your responses and will give them to Oleta tonight. She needs to know that others, who are not directly affected by her troubles, care enough to respond. Thank you, one and all!


so daryl is a felon now..bet that does great for his wages..

it would be in oletas best interest to ensure proper placement of the child into anothers care...

daryl is an unfit parent--and is at the core of this problem...he is selfish..foolish..and pathetic...oleta can not afford a speed baby with her lack of time and money...therefore making her also unfit..dont go consult a pot forum on such matters...a lil hint these people havent really thought about what raising a kid entails...

Storm Crow

Active member
Oleta has raise 4 children who are adults now. I've met one of them, and I highly approve of her as a person. Oleta knows how to parent. Daryl is hyper, but a 2nd psychologist's report states that he has no mental defect that would interfere with parenting. This psychologist also observed Daryl and the baby interacting and did a report saying Daryl is interacting properly with her. He also has children by a previous marriage, so he has experience as a father. As a preschool teacher and a parent, Oleta is more than adiquately prepared for a special needs child. One of her 4 kids was a special needs child! I think that a pot forum is EXACTLY the right place to look for help and comments- who better to know about what CPS can do to MMJ users (and how to fight CPS) than MMJ users who have been through it? A noted MMJ expert (Chris Conrad- hired to testify in this case) has stated to me that he feels that there were several appealable errors.


did oleta raise the otehr kids alone...having 4 sybling offers a healthier household in absense of a parent(s)...thsi would be a single child..you must admit the circumstances are different and where she is not in necessity to care for this child..oleta must work a good portion of the day...and during thta time i believe you mentioned someone else would offer care..thats most the waking day..well thats what im striking at..the child is being raised by another person in this case anyhow...

i am just unsure of oletas ability to raise this child based on her CURRENT job..and the time it requires..and the money it offers...ive taken care of kids..lots of them..

in regards to daryl...i still believe him as generally unfit..he chose pot growing over his kid when herb can be locally purchased...etc etc...

yea and moose..the only assumptions made here are from you and the horrid picture you draw of the "system"...CPS aint a joke...

the situation is clearly placed above...and dont think the speed addict concieved the child by sitting on a toilet seat...so yes two people to blame...the biological parents who selfishly brought a child in to the world who will be affected gravely multiple times by the shitty choices made by others...in regards to oleta....half her income will go to the extraoridnary care needed for a speed addict child...

as to placement..yes there are many things should can do to help ensure palcement and further to the point offer money to the child...consult the approapriate pages/staff/lawyers...a speed babies health insurance is 400 a month easy for full coverage..and the baby aint even gone out the house yet...

and what about oletas life...left to cover daryls ass...nahh...her hearts to big for her pocket book...

its funny how people wont buy a car because they cant afford..but a kid...well the money will come from "somewhere"..yea me and you...

so im paying for it...and ill blame anyone i damn well please...



moose...i dont want to argue with you..i wanted to post my input as my moral duty and go...but you didnt allow that..so here i am again...

i can only do a few things on my end..but namely give advice and support...where I think it is deserved..based on that..i feel anastatia is in great need...i feel most of you ahve been sucked into this story and forget that the child... if "one" is to be with here real mother.. would be given back to her speed addict mother...so in a perfect world... the woman should get off speed...get a life in the true sense..and get HER kid back...and let oleta get back to her own life which seems complicated in itself...has the real mother even been consulted..?? See moose you just assume CPS was wrong...and oleta is right...why i asked for the best place possible...not just fight for the corner nearest me..

so as i understand it..when a child is going to foster care...the parents can make a list of who are prime candidates for fam 'foster' parents..this typically includes grandparents..perhaps oleta can sign...but moreover perhaps the poster is wrong about this: "No other home could provide more love than what Oleta feels for this child. "..better yet....i know the power of love--most of us do...but as turner once said..."whats love got to do with it.."...it takes more than a single parent and some friends "with love" to ensure a good life...and all i asked was not just jump at the situation and actually think: will taking the kid even offer the kindest solution for all--what is the best most effective solution??

i mean you dispute in favor of a father who grows and doesnt get a docs letter--to later get one AFTER he gets busted...oh... so the kid didnt motivate...prison did..great dad...and what about MMJ...he didnt have a letter...and what about federal laws...guess theyre crossing that bridge now..eh...

"is there anything about your life that others pay for/subsidize"

ive used many public services most notably cheap education.. roads..buses too...plus all the external costs liek the byproducts of combustion pollution this lap top creates at the elec gen station...tis as part of commerce society and economy...now how does a meth baby help ANYONE??? having meth babies is not a great future use of public goods which by nature will always be in deficit and are therefore already hyper-scarce..

"CPS offices are audited infrequently by other state governmental bodies"

yes and they fuck up..a lot..i too have personally witnessed this...most govr public services are poorly managed...union workers...anyhow...if it werent for CPS/ the kid would still be with a meth addict mother...and a highly irresponsity and possibly to-be incarcerated father..great home...tehn show me them statistics one more time..you and oleta etc can be pissed all you want at CPS..if the kid were still with the speed addict..who would be the first "assholes" you would call...uh huh...

" Dr. Chasnoff"
whats a thread without name drops..well this is methamphetamine not neutralized shake and bake..yes..perhaps youre right.. degreaser solvents..oven cleaner.. and match stick tips are uber healthy for pre-natal developement..now..why would you ASSUME nothing is wrong or going to go wrong...when often it does...so you can be facing future financial needs 10 years from now for major corrective medical...oh thats brilliant..once again...most wouldnt do it with a car/house/major investment..but with a kid..well money dunt matter....as to oleta having cash...dude...well-off children dont grad with grey hair...and people with good savings dont hire senile attourneys when 'their' kids on the line to then take consultation from a WEED forum..

"Perhaps you've talked with the same NIDA researchers that I met at DPF's conference who research this sort of thing?"

moose consult the NIDA white papers where they express prenatal exposure to meth as a public health concern...furthermore their investigations are incomplete on longterm studies..as are anyones...japanese invented the crap..ask them...

and why you ask// do you like to gamble with peoples quality of life??


well that was a good post and youre a good person imo..

i feel no need to continue the metadiscussion...i think we both adequately stated our arguments where they dont need to be revisited as many are sussed or exist due to symantics...i dont necessarily agree with your points..just feel they weve becoem as helpful as the can be at this point in those regards..

but im left with 2 major sections that need more mention..

in regards to family fosters you wrote:

In theory this is true. And it's even written into most CPS admin. code, as well as the ICWA. However, the condescending nature of that branch of services has a propensity to disregard input from families that they've targeted and pre-judged, and Oleta has -no- legal standing in this case, unless there's native blood.

now things are different by states i believe..but seems like an underying code...but by my understanding...CPS worked under the court where the court would be offered the list..and CPS would/ BY LAW/ be be forced to exhaust the list. Considering that the speed mother probably has family and parents..these can be considered along with daryls family...while daryl and bio mom must file...its their right and im pretty sure even "friends" can be added on the list which could include oleta...or oletas friends who seem to want/will be helping anyway..

seems foolish to just chalk it up to it not working...i could have simply said the same about any/all your previous advice...neither of us can control the actions of others..which leads me to my next point..

you say: "I appreciate the flattery tainted, but I'm not that powerful."

not true..while you have no control over my free action...you CERTAINLY can influence...i wont go into my motivation...just say my duty was never to YOU per se..but you raised points which questioned my duty to the people being affected..

in this case...you have the power of influence...why do i bring this up...

well..as you stated in the other post...you seem to think only legal grounds work here as i mention "oleta should ensure a good home"...see...i have no legal grounds..but im doing MY PART to influence..and "ensure a good home"...so once again...you, oleta and i all have this power..and i suggest oleta use it..

take care...
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Storm Crow

Active member
Update- Daryl got off with 3 years probation. He has gotten another lawyer and is fighting the probation since he feels it may interfere with his regaining custody. He wants nothing less than an acquittal! Oleta, strained between a 45 mile commute, changes in the preschool she worked at, and all the family stress, has quit her job of the last 6 years and is applying at a closer Head Start center. The baby remains in the custody of the state- her first birthday was the 14 of December. The new lawyer appears to be more on the ball than their original lawyer (not hard to do, considering...) My asocial/antisiocial brother, after hearing about the case, gave me $300 to help them pay for the new lawyer. Totally floored me! He NEVER does stuff like that! (NO, this is not a plea for $, it was just SO outrageous that I had to talk about it!) Oleta and Daryl are not going to give up. Anastasia's home is still waiting for her.


ICMag Donor
Believe it or not, being on Probation will strengthen his ability to get custody. There is no better person for evidence of a persons lifestyle.

The system loves to be able to flaunt a success story. How do you think it will look in Court when his Probation Officer testifies on his behalf that he has become a model citizen and has done everything he has been asked to do. My advice to your friend would be to let the system work for him for a change. The chances of getting the Probation overturned will be slim. I would write a letter to my Officer and tell him that allthough I feel the Probation is unjust, I am dropping the issue so I can concentrate my efforts towards getting custody, and I would tell him any advise he can give me will be appreciated. He needs this Probation Officer his friend, not his battle partner...

There is one other thing I am curious about. In order to take the child from him, there has to be "imminent danger". What are they saying the imminent danger is? If the grow is gone, that should have taken care of the danger. What are they using now? Also, has the wife filed an adoption petition? If she is what you say she is, that should be done to strengthen his case. Without doing this, she has no legal right regarding the child.......
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