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coyotes and you


Active member
anyone waht to relate their coyote stories . i have had several that included my dog. luckilly he was big and there werent any problems.just wanted to hear others stories.
Well heres a little info. When the coyotes are hunting your dog they send out weak or young and lure your dog into trap!! When your dog goes to chase and it the coyote runs to the pack as the pack hides and waits for your pup and then surprise 20 against 1! I also know a person whos dog was killed on their porch when he wasnt home poor dog was tryin to get inside!! Very gruesome! One more they coyotes around me use frozen ponds to their advantage! They chase deer on the ice and deer do not do ice. It makes them fracture their hips and Bambicilcles!Coyotes adapt to their enviorment very quickly you can see it in the matter of generation or 2! Hope you enjoy my episode of NATURE with SBG!!! LOL Ohhh yea my Mini14 keeps the coyotes out of my area!!!!


Active member
those cock suckers killed 7 of my chickens. I got really drunk one night and forgot to lock the chicken coop. I woke up the next morning soooooo hungover and I go out to let the chickens out of their coop so they can roam. I walked up to a horrific scene. It was like d day, bodies and limbs everywhere. There were feathers everywhere. It was probably one of the worst hangovers.


Active member
The ones at the park stand in the road knowing people will slow down, then they come up for food. Don't see them much out in the hills. They follow the people. Followed the settlers out here in the west.
I had a goose...Goose Goose, used to greet me at the gate. She was white, I think she had a thing for my little white Tercel. It and a white bucket I had. She'd greet me and i'd call her name."Goose Goose" and she'd start flapping her wings all happy and excited. One day no Goose Goose, just a pile of white feathers down in the wash. Then there was my shih tzu, Peaches...Don't dislike them, put up with them and learned to watch my animals better. Figured it was my fault, not theirs.
They were there when I moved in. The house was on a hill, a sand dune anyway and they were dug into the side under a creosote.
We were looking to rent and there was another couple from the city there as well . I could see the landlord was favoring the sharp dressed couple over my hippie looking ass so I casually mentioned the coyotes and as it turned out they changed their minds.


pollen dabber
ICMag Donor
well i never knew much about coyotes, didn't really know what they can/would do. only thing close i have dealt with is gators and snakes.

Camping in a nevada state park was the first time i heard them. I couldn't sleep the whole night, just kept popping up in the tent waiting for a fight. howling and barking all night, between that and the people having sex in a near by tent it was some night.

definitely never had anything unfortunate happen like loose a dog


Cottontail thought he had a good plan. A safe haven of last resort. The outhouse at deer camp. He was wrong. They ate the shit house and the rabbit. He went UGLY..


Medicinal Advocate
ICMag Donor

I like to call 'em in close first and then


finish them off w/my .22 magnum.

coyote make for good target practice.


Active member
i know all about coyotes . on my last property the were actually two families of coyotes. thanks for contributing strawberryg and others

Miss Blunted

Resident Bongtender
I won't kill coyotes, but I hate them. I hate hearing them kill things on my property. Makes me want to pull out the rifle. I just couldn't kill something uless I was gonna eat it and coyote sounds gross.

I like to call 'em in close first and then


finish them off w/my .22 magnum.

coyote make for good target practice.

lol...pretty much same story.....

....grew up in wyoming, and had thousands of acres of ranch land in the family.

....always got paid bounty on coyotes (was usually $50 - $100 each)

we kept the pelts, and turned the right ears in for the bounty

many many saturdays that i made $1000 or more ....and that was mostly in elementary and jr high school...


Active member
there used to be a female in my field in front of my house . she would hang by the huge woodpile waiting for the sawmill. well my dog soon learned this . one day on porch looking out in field i see him and the female running in circles . he was trying like hell to mount her . it was comical. my dog then proceeded to run off the biggest male . we were going to back field where i hunted turkey and deer so we always creeped up. dog was trained to be still till i let him go. lo and behold there is the big male taking a shit. my dog got to withing like 30 ft before the coyote saw him. guess it was a good shit LOL. my dog didnt kill him but there was alot of blood and fur. before that coyote ran into the woods, my dog chased him but i heard him crashing and yelping and coyote got away.


Active member
I won't kill coyotes, but I hate them. I hate hearing them kill things on my property. Makes me want to pull out the rifle. I just couldn't kill something uless I was gonna eat it and coyote sounds gross.

i agree . my dog kept coyotes in check. altho one night they got me really mad and killed a few of my feral cats. they were right on my lawn howling. out came some firepower but by time got to porch they were gone


there used to be a female in my field in front of my house . she would hang by the huge woodpile waiting for the sawmill. well my dog soon learned this . one day on porch looking out in field i see him and the female running in circles . he was trying like hell to mount her . it was comical. my dog then proceeded to run off the biggest male . we were going to back field where i hunted turkey and deer so we always creeped up. dog was trained to be still till i let him go. lo and behold there is the big male taking a shit. my dog got to withing like 30 ft before the coyote saw him. guess it was a good shit LOL. my dog didnt kill him but there was alot of blood and fur. before that coyote ran into the woods, my dog chased him but i heard him crashing and yelping and coyote got away.
Fuck! Fight! Or Grow under lights. 2 outa 3 Hell Sman that boy is one of us.


Much racier than mine. Just love that fluted barrel. Got mine from a guy who bought it to hunt otes with dogs in the winter. Some here tried the 17HRM. Not enough penetration.


personally I like a 12 ga. w/ #4 buckshot but I live in the woods longest shot is almost always inside 50 yards.



Sweet gun my 2 of choice I have are the 17 hmr and old faithful 25-06. 17 is sweet for 100 yds and cheap to use. I hate the bastards they tried to eat my dog but the neighbors dogs and mine tag teamed them and got a couple and I got 1 those asshole did not come back for a while.
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those cock suckers killed 7 of my chickens. I got really drunk one night and forgot to lock the chicken coop. I woke up the next morning soooooo hungover and I go out to let the chickens out of their coop so they can roam. I walked up to a horrific scene. It was like d day, bodies and limbs everywhere. There were feathers everywhere. It was probably one of the worst hangovers.
The coyotes in the California desert will kill a chicken. They only eat what they kill.
They DO NOT KILL for sport.
Most likely it was a neighbors dog prowling around and killing for fun.


An old farmer friend of mine that has dealt with coyotes for the longest time, told me a trick for coyotes. He says if you kill a female, gut it and hang it out in your field, and the coyotes will stay away. Something about female coyotes being the more dominant in the packs, and it freaks the males out. Never tried it myself, but I have let my dog have a go at a few. So far my dog is 2 for 2, but I wasn't gonna let her chase them into the woods to get ambushed.
The coyote is a top predator. They are only in conflict with humans because there are too many of us. I'd rather shoot one of you than a coyote.