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Could "Tweed" and other Medical MJ company's be part of a "Pump and Dump" scheme???


Do people even realize what 15,000 kg is LOL. That's 15 tons of product, jeeeeez

Don't forget...If you are a licensed producer with the MMPR in Canada, you are allowed to import/export MJ.

The import/export means nothing at this point in history except they can bring Medical MJ in from outside Canada. But as soon as the world starts to accept the legalization of Marijuana(and they will [look at the states, never thought they would legalize before Canada...ever!!]), the LP's can/will be shipping world wide. At that point...15 tons is a drop in the bucket. Prices will drop immensely once the world accepts Marijuana, but profits should/will stay high by dealing in large volume, instead of large costs.

My comments focus mainly on the large corporate structure and publicly traded nonsense "licensed" producers.

These "public" companies are just getting settled in. Considering they haven't even offered any kind of remarkable product or even justified all of the hype of the money they are expected to make.

Once the US, Canada and the IMF's "agenda" of legalization rolls out..all of these companies, who are part and parcel of the governments in question, will be settled in nicely, and the money will flow into the same filthy hands that have our countries constricted and controlled beyond tolerance.

If one reads between the lines, making corporate class money from legal marijuana, only works to it's fullest extent, if the average citizen is still prohibited from cultivation.

Sounds like tobacco don't it.

Considering not a single whimper of support was heard from the dying lungs of all of Canada's political opposition in the days of the MMPR re structuring, it is no surprise that both the Conservatives and Liberals have key players lined up at the pig trough.

I encourage everyone to follow the money, with ATIP requests.

Follow the control the PMO has in manipulating the dates of the releases of court decisions.

Plug in key dates of the Rob Ford nonsense and I think you will begin to see a pattern of Mr. Ford being used as a large and flaccid smoke screen, reducing damage from more threatening news, that should have captured major national attention. I was originally investigating another matter, but when my custom app kept indicating a pattern of manipulation regarding key headlines involving Rob Ford.

It appears Ford was and is being used to cover the news on the court report on the Robo call investigation, from the PMO's Nigel Wright's perfectly orchestrated fraud to the Albertas Conservative leaders "removal" from office.

If you got bad news...a fat little crack head criminal will give them all a belly laugh and a good supper.

I'll stop before i sound too much like Icke.
Follow the money guys, follow the pattern to the headlines.