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Cops used k9 to find my small grow?


get them as well as anything illegal off your property!

get any and all grow equipment off your property and put it in self storage

then file the report and raise hell. It would not be a bad idea to flip a lawyer a couple of bucks to walk into the police station with you and demand to talk to the sarge. Make sure they know you mean business! They will normally leave you alone after this, they may even avoid you. If you let them get away with this shit they will keep doing it and harass you..


follow your heart
ICMag Donor
you messed up somewhere.. I would find your leak


you messed up somewhere, and consider yourself damn lucky your not talking to a lawyer right now


If he were under investigation, they would not illegally enter his property and risk having the case thrown out.

It makes no sense. If they had evidence, they would build a case and get a warrant. If they had no evidence, they wouldn't break into your porch with a K9. On top of potentially ruining any case against them, This would most likely alert any suspect and give them time to destroy evidence.

Why wouldn't he just knock anyway?

My bet is that it was unrelated.


Active member
Your able to keep calm? I feel like this would be a challenge for me. Obviously you just do it, but I think it would be painful. I go to great lengths to avoid police contact, pretty much a lifestyle at this point.
Cops have been at my door many times. The first few times I was so scared but they were never there for my grow. I was just being paranoid. There are many other reasons why a cop will come to your house. They aren't looking for closets.


Active member
Thing is one cop never comes over for a pot bust because they know people think pot busts are unethical and will often argue. They know if there's other stuff to be found they'll need more people.

The guy was roaming around looking for one of the residents or a resident couch-camper or roomate, who'd gotten into some trouble.

But he wasn't there for your pot.


Active member
yup we had cops at the door last year.. they were asking if we witnessed the neighbors house get ransacked.

its not always the worst thing.. unless your odor control is slacking lol


Active member
Dude god dam relax there not like your a major grow op with the small plant count you got its a misdemeanor slap on the hand i would be concerned if you had 500 plus plants your mickey mouse in the real world of things get a couple plants growing and be down with it like you said its personal and what i would do is have it out in the open so your not hiding it

Trust me if cops thought it was serious your door would of been kicked down long time ago

Since ANY cultivation is a felony in the state I live in, that is just not true. I think you're assuming a lot there.

With all due respect, that also doesn't mean some fucking K-9 piggy won't fucking ruin his life on a whim just because somebody pissed in his Wheaties that morning, so he's out to get revenge somehow, so he picks on the easiest target he can think of. And that reality is still very prevalent in the majority of the states in US, where a lot people still do NOT live in medical. I say, better safe than sorry.

Fucking cash croppers or med state people piss me off sometimes blinded by their own egos. Not all reality is just like yours dude. Sorry. I'll just STFU now.


aka "Doc"
If eradicating grows is their goal...then LEO will do what they want. But if the DA (prosecutor), mayor (budget) & Chief (boss) normally treat small time grows like pesty fleas (swat em when you see 'em...but don't look for 'em) then the odds are in your favor. Then I would stay low and be smart.

That said, just because LEO is snooping around does not mean he knows all that you know. Private property is not really "private"--which normally means the path to your front door is usually considered "public". Here in So Cali, your front yard is considered "public"--drink a beer in your front yard and you can be cited for "drinking in public". BUT if you are behind a barrier (say 3' picket fence) then you are on "private property". Each locality defines "public" and "private" property differently...and most give LEO broad latitude when "investigating suspicious activity" (he could be looking for a lost kid--who knows?).

One way to find out what your community's view are on these particular matters--is to compare the DA's activities with LEO's arrests...as most of this information is "public" and easy to obtain. Compare LEO's "arrests" with the DA's "prosecutions" and subsequent "convictions/acquittals"...and then think about your situation; if they aggressively seek and bust closet grows and have good conviction rates--then you are behind enemy lines and probably should move sooner than soon. If they go after the "usual suspects"--then make sure you don't have a bulls-eye on your back.

Hopefully "you are just over reacting....and all is good". But IMHO, you can never be too safe.


Active member
Thing is one cop never comes over for a pot bust because they know people think pot busts are unethical and will often argue. They know if there's other stuff to be found they'll need more people.

The guy was roaming around looking for one of the residents or a resident couch-camper or roomate, who'd gotten into some trouble.

But he wasn't there for your pot.

most likely true... but this he is in Florida... a grow no matter how small its a felony, this noisy cop goes back to the office and tells whomever and now Whereami IS under the radar... He was smart to chop it all down, but are you sleeping well now? probably not.

Green Squall

Well-known member
I think you owe your dog a pork chop or something. Sounds like he scared the guy off. And You'd think with all the nice weather people would be more chilled out and laws would be more lax.

I once got a visit to my house for "reported gunshots". The "gunshots" were my dumb ass neighbors lighting fireworks in the middle of the night...


Active member
any good lawyer can get a k9s alert tossed out in court.. just by having a expert come in.. a dogs nose can hit to so many things.. and a lot of k9 cop dogs will hit to just money.. straight cash.. .. and they use that BULLSHIT to say they have probable cause for a search..

but in reality.. every bill in America.. has drug residue on it.. and a dog will and has hit on that bullshit..

id say. just burn it.. go in the back yard. start a fire.. let it get hot.. and then put the plant matter into some brown paper bags.. put some gas on it and burn it.

also .. do as the other guy said.. take pictures.. and file a report.. as he did violate your rights by coming into your porch especially if he cut a hole in the screen to allow his dog into your porch.. that right there without a warrant is illegal search . and will be thrown out.. so if your smart report it.. so that you can fight any warrant later on..

good luck man. that blows..

and yes.. we all get used to the weed smell.. and honestly... a carbon filter alone.. will not completely destroy the smell.. not for all strains..lol


Burn it so ypu can buy our weed... lol.... burn it in small amounts.... ground up finely and rolled in a thin paper like thing..... inhale the smoke and relax.... take your grow equipment down.... chill out.... caught with a bag of weed is nothing.... as if they even coming back anyway...


Active member
you just really don't wana be caught with wet plants.. that's the only thing they can fuck you hard with.. down in florida. its a fucking JOKE.. the cops are corrupt.. you guys might think.. o they wouldn't risk it .. but in reality.. they don't give a fuck.. they plant drugs on people in florida.. I have family living there right now.. that shit is retarded in florida.. with the pill epidemic and shit. I don't get why medical wouldn't pass.. but then you think about it.. big pharma made that happen.. they don't want opiate sales to slow down at all.. so keep that shit illegal.. and make people get a script for some HEROIN


Active member
JointOperation, Florida has the same problem every state has and few had...
and that's, the older generation still thinks A. cannabis is a drug, and B. it leads to heroin, crack, and stealing their tv lol... and the fact that they vote, and tho our younger generations are starting too it's still not enough... also, our culture, ie the cannabis cummunity, does not have enough people in local government to change this.

we need to keep doing what we have been doing, like in the new rec states, and thats... educate people, and get out n vote, but yes, unfortunitly there will always be corruption n greed, that's never gona change.


Active member
Since ANY cultivation is a felony in the state I live in, that is just not true. I think you're assuming a lot there.

With all due respect, that also doesn't mean some fucking K-9 piggy won't fucking ruin his life on a whim just because somebody pissed in his Wheaties that morning, so he's out to get revenge somehow, so he picks on the easiest target he can think of. And that reality is still very prevalent in the majority of the states in US, where a lot people still do NOT live in medical. I say, better safe than sorry.

Fucking cash croppers or med state people piss me off sometimes blinded by their own egos. Not all reality is just like yours dude. Sorry. I'll just STFU now.

to find houses containing grow operations the cops have to rely pretty heavily on ratting-out. Neighbor's complain sometimes of a smell, or of suspicious comings and goings, or people busted for other crimes will reveal grow locations for various reasons.

The impression I get is that while the cops check things like power consumption to confirm the likelihood of suspicions, they really don't go looking for the grow-op houses - they wait until someone tells them where to look.

However, every bust I've ever heard of involved one or more of the Holy Trinity - Smell, Sell, and Tell.

Hey i just saved 300 going to Geico lol


I think you are wrong there since Feb of 2014 police can enter anyones property or home with out a warrant don\t kid your self thank congress as federal court ruling on this matter

In other words, you have no property rights slave, and they can snoop through your personal belongings if they wish. to

In another devastating blow to freedom, the Supreme Court ruled Tuesday that police don’t need a warrant to search your property. As long as two occupants disagree about allowing officers to enter, and the resident who refuses access is then arrested, police may enter the residence.

“Instead of adhering to the warrant requirement,” Ginsburg wrote, “today’s decision tells the police they may dodge it, nevermind ample time to secure the approval of a neutral magistrate.” Tuesday’s ruling, she added, “shrinks to petite size our holding in Georgia v. Randolph.”

Georgia v. Randolph was a similar case the Supreme Court addressed in 2006, in which a domestic violence suspect would not allow police to enter his home, though his wife did offer police consent. The police ultimately entered the home. The Court ruled in the case that the man’s refusal while being present in the home should have kept authorities from entering.

“A physically present inhabitant’s express refusal of consent to a police search [of his home] is dispositive as to him, regardless of the consent of a fellow occupant,” the majority ruled in that case.

The majority, led by Justice Samuel A. Alito Jr., said police need not take the time to get a magistrate’s approval before entering a home in such cases. But dissenters, led by Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg, warned that the decision would erode protections against warrantless home searches. The court had previously held that such protections were at the “very core” of the 4th Amendment and its ban on unreasonable searches and seizures, reports the LA Times.

According to the AP, Justice Samuel Alito wrote the court’s 6-3 decision holding that an occupant may not object to a search when he is not at home.

“We therefore hold that an occupant who is absent due to a lawful detention or arrest stands in the same shoes as an occupant who is absent for any other reason,” Alito said.

all this di was piss me off! =[


Active member
all this di was piss me off! =[

honestly getting your place searched after you get arrested is old news. Hasnt it always been like this? Did anyone think it worked differently? What I do think is ridiculous is that they are allowed to search your property if you're not home since you couldn't tell them "no". With that logic the burgler, the murderer or whomever the fuck were talking about is allowed to hang out on my property and trespass because I wasn't home to kick him out??? It's not trespassing unless I'm there?Am I misunderstanding this bullshit?


Active member
JointOperation, Florida has the same problem every state has and few had...
and that's, the older generation still thinks A. cannabis is a drug, and B. it leads to heroin, crack, and stealing their tv lol... and the fact that they vote, and tho our younger generations are starting too it's still not enough... also, our culture, ie the cannabis cummunity, does not have enough people in local government to change this.

we need to keep doing what we have been doing, like in the new rec states, and thats... educate people, and get out n vote, but yes, unfortunitly there will always be corruption n greed, that's never gona change.

it failed because of BIG PHARMA spent alot of money making sure it didnt pass..

florida is the biggest pill distribution state in the country... has more corruption then most states.. and has alot more dirty cops and they dont want weed to be medical there because pain pill sales will go down .. and big pharma cant make money off it.. so they say fuck that shit.

i got a few family members living down there.. growing weed.. not cash crops but for personal 3-4 1000w lights.. type of grows..
and they are terrified.. of getting busted.. and the reason my family member even started growing was because his connection.. got busted.. and got 5 year sentence..

he figured if he doesnt sell it.. or show anyone it.. and doesnt have to go meet anyone to buy it.. he can avoid 90% of the issues that get people arrested.

Lester Beans

Frequent Flyer
Florida is no joke, glad you blending and flushing that stuff. I would do the same, sell trailer and move. I would not even want to get caught with a sack down there. Sorry for your woes, good luck bro!!

Yeah I can see how med state people, who probably never grew before it was legal can't grasp how this would be a big deal. If you never have broken the law to grow then stfu IMHO. Shit is scary, while you are at Walmart buying clones we are still hiding out and trying to not get penned up for a few grams.