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Cops... (The Show)


Active member
I must say, this is the ONLY show I watch faithfully (I'm more a movie buff). I feel its the only true Reality show, and has been for a LONG time.

I like to see how US police do things (for obvious reasons). I'm always shocked how rough they are with some people. I've been in that situation enough times...You rough someone up, ANYONE with instincts to protect themselves is going to "resist".

LOL, I always get a kick out of how these "Perps" claim the drugs in their personal possession isn't theirs, they've never seem "that" before. "I just bought these pants" :biglaugh:

I've been questioned many times...I'm Always mellow, calm, and collective...they may have me out numbered/powered, but never out smarted.
They know something is up or I wouldn't be in their presence, however I counted on a little thing call EVIDENCE too many times...



Active member
aside from deadliest catch, it's true crime shows that i watch (know your enemy)

-seen prolly every episode of cops
-first 48
-cold case files
-locked up abroad (love that show)
-any court show but mainly judge judy, peoples court, joe brown, alex
-city confidential sometimes

ive learned alot about cops and criminals from those shows


Active member
(know your enemy)

-seen prolly every episode of cops

ive learned alot about cops and criminals from those shows

That is what I was implying, I just didn't want to say it because I'm sure there is 1 or 2 decent cops...I just never met one (OK we had a friend who was a cop, but we let him know what we wanted. He got us out of a few jams)

When I was young I had another cop who was "interested in my mom" he showed up everytime my name went over his dispatch. He would tare up my citations in front of the other cops. It was bad-ass, however I may have benefited from him...that is still corruption. It was nice though...I was moving major weight of multiple "products" I knew I would get a "tip-off" if a search warrant was issued...giving me ample time to handle my business...


Styles P

i love locked up abroad some of the stories thos guys have are insane, and i thought prison here was bad.

h^2 O

the cops in my little wealthy suburb are fairly respresentative of a "little wealthy suburb" - they're nice people. They want to keep the residents of the town safe and happy so they can keep their jobs. This is true public safety. Now, I drive into the city yesterday, and a road is blocked and two city cops are chatting it up. I pull over next to them, and ask how to get around. This cop, this truly ugly-mugged degenerate, looking like Moe from the SImpsons, looks at me and says something like "yeah sir! It's down that way!" and continue chatting about who blew who last Friday.
Whereas in my small wealthy suburb the police are truly nice and "public safety officials," the cops in the city are just another high school drop-out sucking off the system like a fucking leach. Basically subway maintenance workers with guns and alcoholism.


I live in a pretty small town and the cops around here have taken the position that since they usually have nothing important to do they should fuck with anyone who is even slightly socially taboo. This means skateboarders, bikers, graffiti writers. Mostly anything that is fun and some old lady might bitch about, the cops around here are all over.

Luckily they're CONVINCED that nothing important goes down. There's 1 coke dealer in the whole town, they know who he is and they got a little "deal" with him. Makes me fuckin sick.

But yea I love watchin cops, nokuy where can I watch these other shows? Didn't know there was a DEA show...


Active member
DEA is basicly a "documentary of snitchin"

each episode starts w/ busting a low level street dealer....then letting him off if he flips....and busting the next guy up...and letting him off if he flips....then so on and so on as far up as they can go.


That's terrible, sounds awesome. Def gonna watch me some, thanks.


Active member

I'm glad people have better experiences with them.
We have a new Sheriff in town (LITERALLY!!) trying to shake things up...

My GF was just visiting from out of state, we had a nice waterfront dinner and I had several beers (GF didn't drink) and blazed in the parking lot. We went into town headed to our room, (GF driving) this PIG starts following us...(I'm always chill) he pulled us over for going 10 mph UNDER the limit. I did all the talking..."Last time she was here you pulled her over for speeding, shes being over precautious...Why don't you go find someone breaking the law"
Perhaps a little was the beer talking, but he didn't even ask for my ID or the bowl and weed in my pocket (actually stuffed down my pants at this point:joint:)
He ran her info and walked away kinda speachless...
The next day we realized he turned on his lights to pull us over before the speed limit raised 10 mph (too 45mph):noway:
He thought we looked suspicious :mad: My GF has a minivan with "Jusus" bumper stickers and shit on it...

I love to leave them speachless...its classic!!
I'm always polite, respectful until my rights are violated or they get disrespectful to me...Then I temp. make their job absolutely miserable...
I always worn them once...So I have an 8 year old warrant for a parking ticket, don't treat me like a POS, I thought the station was going to chip in to get RID OF ME:biglaugh:


h^2 O

The next day we realized he turned on his lights to pull us over before the speed limit raised 10 mph (too 45mph)

So I have an 8 year old warrant for a parking ticket
bro I don't understand that first one...he was trying to get you right where it DROPS from 45? Or..... I'm confused. They do sneaky shit though.

I once drove from Georgia to Massachusetts in one clip, and I stopped at a rest area in New Jersey for coffee. I get out and there's state troopers huddled around it (it's 2am) and they give me all this shit about parking in a fire zone, and give me a ticket to appear at some New Jersey courthouse. I told them I didn't even live there, but they gave me the citation anyway. Strange.


Active member
bro I don't understand that first one...he was trying to get you right where it DROPS from 45? Or..... I'm confused. They do sneaky shit though.

I once drove from Georgia to Massachusetts in one clip, and I stopped at a rest area in New Jersey for coffee. I get out and there's state troopers huddled around it (it's 2am) and they give me all this shit about parking in a fire zone, and give me a ticket to appear at some New Jersey courthouse. I told them I didn't even live there, but they gave me the citation anyway. Strange.

Nah...We were in a 35mhp, going 35...He popped his lights on JUST before the speed limit picks up to 45mph...Stating we were driving too slow...Complete BS

I was kinda pissed, because MAN THE FUCK UP and tell us you think we look suspicious. I've been pulled over MANY times over the past couple decades.....Never for going too slow.
Nice state for speeders though...They need to be Out in the Open in plain sight to clock you (No Hiding:noway:) But argue that in court with a lying cop...Pfft

h^2 O

hey at least they're not supposed to hide - that's kinda cool! Not sure how it is here...but I guess it's not the same...they like parking in spaces where you don't see them until you pass them, like against walls and stuff.


This is the money you could be saving if you grow
I like Forensic Files, Wildest videos, destroyed in seconds, but can't stand Cops. Maybe if the cops acted close to what you see on television I would be more tolerant. I'm still waiting for an episode where the cops falsify an affidavit, and the inhumane cop car. It would be similar to the State's Attorney asking the plaintiff if she has a mental illness 30 times in 15 minutes on court TV.

I guess I've seen to many things that just don't happen in America.


Active member
I wonder how often the "COPS" video of the arrest is administered in court??
I never met anyone on "COPS" to ask them...

Now I did fuck a chick that was on Jerry Springer Show,(not the kinda thing you tell ANYONE!!:D) that shit is completely staged, she portrayed as a lesbian stripper (Not too far off :D) Sheesh, we really had a great night...



Active member
the show cops is just sick , it's unbelievable that cops in the usa have the authority to treat people that way , in many other countries those cops would be the ones being arrested for violent and aggressive behaviour.


Active member
the show cops is just sick , it's unbelievable that cops in the usa have the authority to treat people that way , in many other countries those cops would be the ones being arrested for violent and aggressive behaviour.

Perhaps you never saw "COPS-Moscow" They beat the shit out of the people.



Active member
no i never saw cops moscow(lol didnt even know that show existed) still cops in the usa are sick


Active member
It was "COPS" in Moscow, just a special episode...
Once they were in Hong Kong and took down a BUNCH of Triads, they went peacefully...I was surprised.


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