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Cops tazer 10 year old child


Cookie monster

MARTINSVILLE, Ind. — A police officer called to a home day-care to help control an unruly 10-year-old used a stun gun on the boy and another slapped him in the face when he wouldn't listen to them, Police Chief Jon Davis said Thursday.

The child suffered no significant injuries. Both officers have been placed on administrative duty while the Tuesday confrontation is being investigated.
Davis said he believed the two officers could have restrained the 94-pound boy without using force. He said the Morgan County Sheriff's Department was investigating and an internal review was planned on the officer's use of the stun gun.
“We need to look at it a lot closer because it's not really made for 10-year-olds,” he said at a news conference.
Assistant Police Chief Dan Riffel said he spoke with the boy and his mother Wednesday and that the boy's only injuries were marks on his upper arm where he was shocked by the stun gun. Officials declined to identify the child.
The officers arrived at the house to find the boy out of control, hitting and kicking his caretakers, according to police. He also wouldn't obey the officers before they used force, they said.
Davis said the confrontation occurred on the porch of the house while other children were inside. Police had been called to the day care once before in recent months about the same child, he said.

Big brave cops eh :nono:


Haha what kind of cowardly shit is this??
They cant control a 10-year old without a stun gun??
Thats some big brass balls right there!! lol losers...


The cat that loves cannabis
Yeah really! The nerve of those cops useing their tazers!
Big time overkill, couple whacks from the nightstick would have done the job just fine, no need for the tazer. ;)
"the boy's only injuries were marks on his upper arm where he was shocked by the stun gun. "

assholes, what about the psychological damage


living in america...people wonder why im such a hermit...

look at this shit and you understand. Im so afraid to walk or drive anywhere outside of my home for fear of the biggest gang in america..the police

they can find anything to get you, and when they taser your grandma and that causes her to have a heart-attack and die, they get "suspended with pay"

what more can I say? I am at a loss for words, only rage

ps: anyone else slaps a kid, and the pigs will run them up and down , send them to prison as a child beater and give their kids to a foster family...but with pigs I guess its just tough love..its okay though that they can beat anyones child, almost killing them cause an 11 yr old childs heart most certainly is not the same size as a full grown adult, much surprised it didnt mame the kid or kill him, all cause they got the equivalent of constant 24/7 roid rage (its the RUSH!!! love that RUSH!!) with a fucking badge..and they all beat their wives and children and dont tell on each other

PPS: I didnt see in the article above but YES THESE GUYS were SUPENDED WITH PAY. only in america folks

Cookie monster

Honestly you'd worry about just exactly how trigger happy cops like that are if they are so quick to shock a little kid.


Perplexing Magnum Opus
ICMag Donor
So know should we be arming our children against police also? 10 years old(94 lbs.). you gotta be fucking kidding me. These worthless fucks need their nuts nailed to a table, then the 10 year old should get to taze the shit outa him. These clowns didn't even get put on leave.:noway:.

-~Wind Walker~-

Active member
They should have used flash / bang grenades and also tear gas canisters. Ten year olds are dangerous.

Save the tazer for two year olds having fits.



Cops don't have enough of the reasoning ability required to operate a stun device. They hear non-lethal and think they are allowed to suppress the disobedience of a 10 year old that is in need of an ass whoopin from the parents not a tazin' from the high school drop out goons


These worthless fucks need their nuts nailed to a table, then the 10 year old should get to taze the shit outa him.

Like that scene out of "Hangover" where the 10 yr old tazes the shit out of the guys in class. Hilarious!

I've crossed paths with a few 10 yr olds or so who it would be really gratifying to taze ... little bastards ... BUT, actually assaulting a child like that is a different story. Dunno how using a weapon against an unarmed 10 yr old could ever be justified by LEO.

Cookie monster

Dunno how using a weapon against an unarmed 10 yr old could ever be justified by LEO.

Oh i'm sure they'll find a way, probably say that they were concerned about hurting the kid by physically restraining him and it was safer to zap the little bugger.


Andinismo Hierbatero
they need to whiplash the cops on a public square, singapore style. and chop their dicks off a la lorena bobbit style.

attention cops, your buddies always makes you look gay and dumb.


Another perfect example of why everyone just needs to get a buzz,preferably to start the day off.Do you think these goofballs would have tased a little kid after smoking a joint of blockhead?Smoke pot dammit

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