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Cops return vegetable substance

I'm in a small town in southern Minnesota picking up some dude.So me and this other guy pick him up and the cops pull use over because he just walked out of some place he was suppose to not leave(lock up)So anyway I get charged with aiding and abetting and off to jail we go.

I had one of those small Tupperware containers that look like a shot glass with a lid and some real nice cal bud in it.They found this on me and didn't know what the heck it was.They called it a vegetable substance because they never seen weed like this before(very good stuff)

So they decided to give me back my V S while still in custody and I smoked it in their jail.

This was in like 1981,I think.Paid 500 a qp and that was a lot back then.

That stuff was so good,they didn't even know what they where looking at.Funny!True story.

mean mr.mustard

I Pass Satellites
I had a similar situation with hash oil.

If they don't know it doesn't hurt you.

Here's to hoping we stay one step ahead of uninformed LEO...



Yea, if you ever get caught with hash oil just call it an "organic adhesive" and follow that up by saying "this shit sticks to anything"