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cops plant weed on suspect in front of their own cameras


how about the lady who recently got hit by a cop, then the dashcam recorded their whole conversation on how to "word" the police report to make it sound like her fault

fucking pigs! take responsibility for your mistakes you coward fucks!


The Hopeful Protagonist
See how brazen these fvckers have become ?

Makes one really wonder just what they've really been getting away with....


I N Hail

Growing Grower AKA Wasted Rock Ranger
G-Dam fucking pigs,This just pisses me off ,Yeah the fucken hand signal shows ya
this is something they do on a regular basis.

Fucken cop should be put under the jail.(And charged with possession)

And the pig let his dog bite the guy Man i'm so pissed right now i gotta smokeout
fucking pigs I HOPE WHAT YOU LOVE THE MOST LEAVES YOU fucking pig.

Sorry for the F words guys ,I'm just really pissed about this!!!!!!!

Peace INH


Yet another example of how we are sliding quickly into a Police state. Its sad that corrupt cops are becoming the normal thing instead of the exception. Some cops seem to be able to get though their careers without having to even draw their guns and yet those type of cops are going away. Its seems to me that some point the police stop being apart of the general population and have moved into this different class. They have become bootjacked thugs instead. This shit needs to stop and my feeling is that its going to get alot worse before anything happens. Its important that we see that type of stuff. This way it doesn't go unnoticed. Thanks for sharing this with us, even though it really pisses me off.


Medicinal Advocate
ICMag Donor

I think the cop should be charged with 'TRAFFICKING' after
all he actually transferred possession to another person.......

let's be just like the pigs this time and overcharge his ass too.


og kush

freakin cops man........
to protect and serve my ass. they need to scrape that off there cars now and put "to control and abuse"

who the hell carries weed in there back pocket anwyays? i dont want my nugs smashed up...........


Well-known member
it's nothing new for Tennessee cops...they all think, they are 'walking tall'...the bastards

The area of Tennessee (Cookeville/Crossville), where this took place is Deliverance, Dueling Banjo, Hillbilly, country. "Redneck" is the offical language, and "Squeal Like a Pig" is their motto.

I've been to that area on business several times over the past 30+ years, and it's disturbing to say the least. I've been all over the world to some pretty rough & undesireable places, and none of them made me feel more uncomfortable than the Cumberland Plateau of Tennessee. And I'm white and from the deep south.

As recent as the late 70's, there were local businesses in the Crossville area, that had signs warning blacks not to be caught in the area after the sun went down.

These cops need to be locked-up like the criminals they are. Not just for being dishonest but, for being to stupid to walk amongst decent people. Attempting to plant evidence on a suspect while the cameras are rolling is ignorant beyond belief. Send the bastards to a nice state pen and let them mingle with the brothers from the cities.



Medicinal Advocate
ICMag Donor
Now I'm really confused.......

Now I'm really confused.......

We all saw what we think we saw on video, that cop had checked Carlos' pockets several times, he reached into his own pocket while glancing back at the camera and then made a cursory secondary search before suddenly announcing that Carlos had weed & another charge to deal with. All of this happened in '07 & so I went in search of more info on the outcome here and found this.......

Evidence not planted in Cookeville police video case
Posted: Feb 28, 2008 8:54 PM CST

COOKEVILLE (AP) -- A man who filed a lawsuit claiming a Cookeville police officer planted marijuana on him has acknowledged that he did have the substance during his arrest.

Carlos Ferrell has filed a $10 million lawsuit over the arrest, which was recorded on a patrol car video last June. Ferrell's admission came as part of a Tennessee Bureau of Investigation probe into the matter.

Ferrell had claimed previously that the tape shows officer Chris Melton planting evidence. District Attorney Tony Craighead said the admission by Ferrell concludes his inquiry into the conduct of Melton.

The lawsuit claims authorities used excessive force because a police dog bit Ferrell's leg and arm. He was sought because of a domestic assault complaint against him. Blair Durham of Nashville, Ferrell's attorney, said the lawsuit stands.

I've looked at the video again and again and I swear I still see that cop planting weed on Carlos, and fuck even if Carlos did have that weed he should have kept his mouth shut. I'm actually thinking that they somehow got him to confess to having the weed even though he didn't.
(I guess not now.......)

OK, now I'm getting the picture here, the hand signal from the other cop was the letter 'C' meaning activate the camera to record the finding of weed, they might have really found it a few moments earlier but wanted to make sure its 'discovery' was captured on camera.......

COOKEVILLE, Tenn. -- A man has admitted to the Tennessee Bureau of Investigation that he had drugs with him the night he was pulled over by Cookeville police.

Carlos Ferrell filed a lawsuit last week accusing Cookeville police of “excessive use of force” and “planting contraband" during a domestic assault arrest last year.

Officer Chris Melton was placed on leave with pay because of the incident, and five others are named in the federal lawsuit. Melton returned to work this week. He also took a polygraph test to clear his name and get back to work.

Police car video from the Cookeville Police Department captured the incident that triggered the lawsuit.

On the night of June 4, 2007, Ferrell was stopped by police on a domestic assault warrant. According to the lawsuit, Ferrell's ex-wife, Tiffany, saw Ferrell, called police and was involved in the initial chase.

Once Ferrell came to a stop, he was ordered out of the car by Melton. “Put your hands up, and get out of the car,” Melton is heard telling Ferrell on the tape. Ferrell, 28, exits the car with his arms raised while Officer Jeff Johnson is holding the department’s police dog. The video shows the dog bite Ferrell several times.

Attorney Blair Durham is representing Ferrell.

“The dog is released. The dog then chews into Mr. Ferrell's leg where, of course, he goes to the ground,” he said. "Your dog just ate my leg off,” Ferrell said on the tape. Durham also accused Melton of planting drugs on Ferrell. In the dash cam video, Melton is seen searching Ferrell's pockets a number of times.

Then, Durham said, another officer appears to give a signal with his hand, at which point Melton then reaches into his right pocket and looks into the camera. It’s at that point on the tape that Durham said Melton appears to put drugs in Ferrell's pocket.

“Whoa, Carlos, weed? Now you got you another freaking charge, how about that?" Melton told Ferrell in the video. But a Tennessee Bureau of Investigation concluded that Melton was reaching into his pocket to hit a button to make sure the camera in his car was recording the arrest.

Acting District Attorney Tony Craighead also pointed out some audio later in the tape where Ferrell can be heard saying to the arresting officers, “Yeah, you found the weed in my pocket."

“The TBI's finding is there is no wrongdoing by Officer Melton. The DA's office is not picking sides here,” Craighead said.

The night of the stop, Ferrell was charged with evading arrest and possession of marijuana. He has not dropped his lawsuit. “That’s a complete drug plant is what I'm alleging. It’s a complete unlawful search, first of all, and it’s a planting of paraphernalia,” Durham said last week.

Cookeville police said they are "completely cooperating with the TBI (Tennessee Bureau of Investigation)." A representative said the department is not trying to hide anything and doesn’t want to look like it is.

Police took Ferrell to an area hospital for treatment of his injuries. Durham said Ferrell is no choir boy but that he's never been arrested on violent offenses. According to his record, Ferrell has two DUIs and a previous drug possession charge.

as Paul Harvey says
"And now you know the rest of the story......."

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The Hopeful Protagonist
$$$$$ + the charge

He was bought off man.....there's no way that cop didn't find that weed after the FIFTH time he searched him.....


Thank you for posting a follow up to this. I would love to be a fly on the wall when this was discussed. The tactics that they used where still abusive and I am still not convinced that his confession of having the weed wasn't something that was worked out behind closed doors. The guy was no saint. Still doesn't mean that the cops where in the right. On a related subject what ever came of that texas town that was taking all that money of people driving thru with large amounts of cash? What happened to the 2 judges that where putting thousands of teen in a private jail for cash? What happened to the NY cops that keep on anally abusing jailed inmates with battons, what happened to the cops that Kopbusters caught raiding a fake grow setup? Its is just another example of how the police abuse their power. I am sure that we could make a long list of just the recent abuses that cops has done in just the last couple of years. Thank you again for the information.


its me Dave man open up the door...
ICMag Donor
pigs are slime balls,if i was a betting man i would put my money that carlos was paid a nice lump of money and had his domestic and any other charges dropped...thats how the dirty slimey pigs cleared their names on this one
...crazy link thanks for the post....and for that follow up.

Guest 18340

His admission came in the back of the police car. Theirs a vid on the 'net somewhere but I can't find it now.
He's in the back of the car and the cop is standing their talking to him and you can hear him say "yeah, you found weed on me".
To me it sounded more like a sarcasm, you know like " Yeah, of coarse you found weed on me because you put it there."
His lawsuit is still pending and he and his attorney still say the cop planted the weed.
The Tennessee Bureau of Investigations is the one who concluded all this. Cronyism at its best? If it walks like a duck and quakes like a duck...


See how brazen these fvckers have become ?

Makes one really wonder just what they've really been getting away with....


You have no idea. There's loads of innocent people in cages because it was their word VS the cops word. Who is the jury/judge going to believe?

When the Judge, DA and cops are all playing the same ball game this kind of thing is just going to get worse.


I was trying to see where the story of the confession come out. Confessions in cop cars don't mean much really.

any confession you say in front of a cop mean's a whole lot. Even if you were just explaining how it couldnt have been you who committed the crime


These cases happen every day. I remember a few years back when a latino soldier freshly home from active duty. Was shot several times by a cop while sitting in his Corvette. The case has all but disappered..


Active member
ICMag Donor
........ What happened to the 2 judges that where putting thousands of teen in a private jail for cash?

The Judge presiding over that case just revoked their plea agreement.

In a major reversal, a federal judge rejected plea agreements yesterday for two disgraced former Luzerne County Court judges accused of taking kickbacks for sending juveniles to for-profit detention centers.


..... On a related subject what ever came of that texas town that was taking all that money of people driving thru with large amounts of cash?

That case hasn't gone to trial yet.

The defendants in the lawsuit have yet to be served, but they are aware of the suit's action. The case will be heard in the Marshall division where it could be classified as a class action lawsuit. Similar allegations have surfaced in south Texas and featured in articles and investigative reports.


... What happened to the NY cops that keep on anally abusing jailed inmates with battons,

Unfortunately there has been more than one incident of this happening so you will have to be more specific.
This was from one of the more sensational police sodomy incidents:
Justin Volpe – the cop involved in one of the most sensational police-brutality cases in city history – has asked for a commutation of his 30-year prison sentence from President Bush.

There was a more recent incident that has resulted in charges being filed against one of the cops, incidentally he was turned in by another police officer.

Kern, a four-year veteran, was implicated earlier this month by a transit officer who told the grand jury that Kern stuck a 2-foot long NYPD baton between Michael Mineo's buttocks after the suspect was wrestled to the platform.
