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Cops grow pot too!!!

-~Wind Walker~-

Active member
Did they raid him with a SWAT team?

Did they shoot his dog(s) for fun as well (refering to the Columbia Missori raid down south).

Taze his ass!




Active member
should get charged with guns you know he had at least 1 in the house gun charge for me if it was me, will most likely get off with a fine what about the murders that's the crime


Feeling good is good enough.
Another Meth-Head growing weed...!

If he ain't, he surely looks like one... Cop or not.

Spunned like a mofo!!!!


better'n coco pops any ol' day o da week
Roids and Coke, baby!

Is it just me, or does he look like a crazy fucking guy. One that I would not want to meet in an alley.

the info your govt gave you about roids was misleading and deceptive

just as they have done with the blessed herb

question authority

i recommend watching the movie "bigger stronger faster", it can probably be found on youtube :)


Twice as clear as heaven and twice as loud as reas
ICMag Donor
the info your govt gave you about roids was misleading and deceptive

without having to watch the movie - what do you mean specifically?
curious as I have experience (hahaha) with some steroids....

Tony Aroma

Let's Go - Two Smokes!
I always wondered if cops in Cali could get MMJ cards and grow/smoke... Any info on that?

Just guessing, but I 'd bet the law doesn't specify that LEO are ineligible. They probably don't talk about it with their comrades if they do get a rec. And they'd know about raids on dispensaries in advance so they could go in beforehand and stock up. Or just get their meds for free from the seizures.

Interesting question though. I wonder if they have any statistics on how many LEO have recs in legal states. I'd really like to know.


better'n coco pops any ol' day o da week
without having to watch the movie - what do you mean specifically?
curious as I have experience (hahaha) with some steroids....

for example, your country used news media to create the impression that roids create "roid-rage", as though this were actually a fact

like when wrestler Chris Benquoir (spelling) killed his gf and then himself, your media flooded the airwaves that he did it because of roid rage, and then of course you flooded the airwaves with so called "experts" talking about roid rage, about hallucinations and so on, as being a side effect of using steroids

this is all bs

the guy who made the documentary I suggested you view actually interviews the gv't go-to guys (mouthpiece liars), as well as actual experts in the field

to try to create some understanding of what roids will really do to you

do not trust the lies govt tells

they are reacting to the reaction of the people, when they discovered the over-use of roids in baseball, and held the congressional baseball/steroid hearings

get educated ;)


Twice as clear as heaven and twice as loud as reas
ICMag Donor
for example, your country used news media to create the impression that roids create "roid-rage", as though this were actually a fact

like when wrestler Chris Benquoir (spelling) killed his gf and then himself, your media flooded the airwaves that he did it because of roid rage, and then of course you flooded the airwaves with so called "experts" talking about roid rage, about hallucinations and so on, as being a side effect of using steroids

this is all bs

the guy who made the documentary I suggested you view actually interviews the gv't go-to guys (mouthpiece liars), as well as actual experts in the field

to try to create some understanding of what roids will really do to you

do not trust the lies govt tells

they are reacting to the reaction of the people, when they discovered the over-use of roids in baseball, and held the congressional baseball/steroid hearings

get educated ;)

cornflake, sorry bud. thats a load of bullshit.

get experienced... and you'll learn life lessons. :tiphat:

ive been on collegiate (NCAA Div 1) football and track teams with members who were using steriods. Ive seen the attitude changes occur in other using steriods... ive been in the fights with them.

ive also taken steroids myself for the sake of getting bigger for football & track. winstroll & anadrol. a few cycles of each.... not proud of it. winnie i injected and the anadrol was pills. and it was done under the 'unofficial' supervision of the team asst strength coach during the offseason

winstroll was "light and easy" (except for the needle prick that was always kinda weird i hate needles) but the anadrol...

anadrol was the strongest one available then (mid 90s)... when i was popping those i was wanting to fight everybody. In the gym if i was working out and i saw someone staring at me in the mirror i immediately wanted to start shit... not that i always did - i still had control of my actions - but i went from having a long winding fuse to destruction to just a simple button i pressed - I was always in a bad mood with the anadrol. i was a pretty mellow dude then and i didnt need to be a dick as i was already bigger and stronger than most and id trained my body to do some pretty cool things... but i noticed specifically when i was cycling the anadrol that my attitude/personality shifted. and not in a good way.
i was pissed off all the time - "a wrong look away from headbutting someone". I started a lot of fights with dudes that (maybe in hindsight ahaha) didnt really do anything to deserve a beat down. if thats not roid rage then i dont know what is.... it took me EXPERIENCING IT to understand it >>> that folks pumping themselves full of steriods can just "SNAP!" and kick someones ass up and down the block ala have a "roid rage". Thats what made me stop taking them. i didnt like being pissed off all the time .

the attitude adjustment roids add to your personality.... THATS PART OF WHAT SOME OF THE GUYS TOOK THEM FOR!!!!! they were smaller/weaker/not as good/not as aggressive/looking for any edge they could... including me!!! believe me dude you can easily become a different personality and when you do lash out its viscious. in fact im sure if yummybud took some anadrol and ate right and lifted hed man up some even.

if i am understanding you have the opinion that steriod rage is not in fact actual, then you need to stop learning about steriods from youtube and the internet.

i can say i dont know about halluciantaions or whatever allegation... so from experience i can agree with you there at least :wave:


I cough up honey oil
I'm on JUICE RIGHT NOW!!! I'm more shredded than a julienne salad! WANNA FIGHT ABOUT IT?!?!?!?! lol


I love my life
well at least they know what schwag looks like if it was only 50k for 47 plants it had to be dirt weed.

Yeah, how the fuck does their math work? These pig ass clowns used to use $4K per plant then we could say their brother pig had $188K worth of weed. The government of the US and many of the states are more criminal than murderers. I am NOT proud to be an American, where at least I know I am NOT free.



Active member
Yeah, how the fuck does their math work? These pig ass clowns used to use $4K per plant then we could say their brother pig had $188K worth of weed. The government of the US and many of the states are more criminal than murderers. I am NOT proud to be an American, where at least I know I am NOT free.


With any and all due respect....don't let the door hit you on the way out...

edit- let me elaborate a little further, because I have respect for you based on what I've seen you post in the past, and I don't want you to get the wrong idea here.

To question government is not only NOT un-American, it is the epitome of America as it is supposed to exist. However, by complaining about government without taking action in some capacity to help correct what you feel is an example of malfeasance in office, I think that you arguably do just as much of a disservice to this country as do the corrupt folks you take issue with in the first place.

There is a lot wrong with America as it exists today, but there are (imo) far more benefits that we receive simply by being citizens of this country that we sometimes can take for granted.

peace :tiphat: