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Cop Says Smell Of Cannabis Makes His Tongue Numb


Active member
This is the cop who busted Chris Simms, NFL quarterback. Ex QB, that is, as he was canned after the bust. This cop went out of his way to destroy this guy's career, and so far he has succeeded.

"Unemployed ‘‘zombie’’ quarterback Chris Simms was so high on marijuana when he was busted this summer, a police officer said his tongue went numb off the weed’s aroma, the cop testified today.

Simms pleaded not guilty this morning to one count of operating a motor vehicle while impaired, before defense lawyers asked a judge to throw out the evidence, claiming cops didn’t have probable cause to bust the football scion.

NYPD officer Francisco Acosta said Simms was pulled over at a checkpoint at 331 W. Houston St. on July 1 and the former Tennessee Titans benchwarmer reeked of pot.

‘‘There was a strong marijuana smell coming out of the car. When I approached the driver’s side I noticed that the defendant had a very flushed face,’’ Acosta testified in Manhattan Supreme Court.

The cop said the odor was so strong when it hit his face: ‘‘My tongue got numb.’’

Manhattan Supreme Court Justice Charles Solomon told both sides to make written summations and he’ll decide on Nov. 19 if the evidence against Simms should be sacked, or ruled in-bounds for prosecutors.

Acosta said everything about Simms — his smell, appearance and speech — made the out-of-work QB look like a ‘‘zombie.’’

‘‘When I started talking to him, it [marijuana smell] was coming from his breath, his eyes were very watery, he had slurred speech,’’ the cop said.

‘‘He was like a zombie. He was acting like he was in slow motion.’’

Simms allegedly copped to using the pot and finished it all in just four puffs.

‘‘He told me he smoked the marijuana in the car, but there’s no more marijuana in the car,’’ Acosta testified.

‘‘He told me he smoked it earlier, he said he had four puffs.’’

As the QB was being arrested, Simms wife — who had been riding shot gun in their 2009 Merdeces — told her hubby to keep quiet and not submit to any urine or breath tests, Acosta said.

The signal caller later agreed to take tests looking for booze, and it found no evidence of any alcohol in his system. Prosecutors played video footage of Simms at the station, declining to take drug tests.

‘‘I was talking to his wife and she was telling me, ‘It’s not fair you’re arresting him,’ ’’ Acosta said.

Simms’ wife barked out this signal her husband: ‘‘ ‘Don’t do anything, don’t take any tests, don’t say anything to the cops. Keep quiet,’ ’’ according to Acosta.

When Simms was busted this summer a judge cut him some slack, and allowed him to get back to Tennessee Titans training camp. The Titans have since released Simms and no one has picked him up.

Cops said Simms — son of CBS commentator and former Giants QB great Phil Simms — fell into a deep sleep while he was in the holding tank with other drivers busted up at the checkpoint.

‘‘I tried to wake him up [later], I called him by his name and he didn’t’ respond,’’ Acosta testified. ‘‘I told one of the other prisoners to wake him up for me. One of the other prisoners tapped him, he was in a slow motion."

Defense lawyer Harvey Steinberg said all the evidence against Simms should be benched because prosecutors didn’t bring in any NYPD brass to explain why the check point was necessary.

‘‘Clearly he [officer Acosta] doesn’t meet the criteria for a ranking policy maker,’’ Steinberg said. ‘‘The purposes of the check point has to be established.’’

Man, NFL quarterbacks get all the best cannabis, I want to puff on something that can numb a bystanders tongue....ooh, wtf? Who stepped in the bullshit? That is all I can smell and my tongue didn't go numb....damn. That is beyond ridiculous....

Gypsy Nirvana

Recalcitrant Reprobate -
I have heard that you can get a contagious disease from airborne pathogens....

.....But this is the first time I have ever heard of someone getting affected by airbourne cannabinols (the parent compound of tetrahydrocannabinol)..... other than from passive smoking....

Baba Ku

Active member
Other dipshits would think; "wow, yes...if the pot smell was so strong it made the officers tongue numb, then he must have really been high as a kite!"

This all works and rings true in the world of a dipshit, and the world is full of similarly ignorant dipshits. It is why we have all the problems we do...an overabundance of ignorant dipshits.

The young over zealous leo obviously got some of his info from his Just Say No seminars he gave to the school kids. He apparently has gotten the effects of cocaine and marijuana mixed up. But, no big deal...they are all dirty drugs that only the dregs of our societies partake in.
Little facts shouldn't matter much in court either...not really...

(a good lawyer would eat these bozos for breakfast. I would think they could make young leo look like a vigilante and perhaps scare the shit out of him with a defamation suit...I'm just sayin'...)


Poor guy, no job and uses weed to get through these terrible times. Leave the guy alone. It's his body he can do what he wants with it IMO. He'll get off or atleat a DUI. Who cares? Maybe probation and a fine :( .

Classic Seeds

the cop needs to pull his head out of his ass and his tongue will quit going numb i can not believe this b.s. was not dismissed after these obvious lies by this slime ball piglet


Freedom Fighter
Any Lawyer will be able to show this cop's incompetence...since Cannabis doesn't make your tongue numb, it must be from the crack the cop was smoking earlier--


The really funny thing is,if his tongue got numb from the smoke wich had hit his face,how wrecked to hell must that QB have been after smokin such buds,i doubt he would have been able to drive or let alone sit straight up in a car seat.They should have taken the Police officers Job for talkin such a BS and messin up other peoples life.


Trying to have a good day
Sounds like the cop just smoked a rock..."My lipps are numb"....I thought I read on here checkpoints were made illegal ?

I wouldnt doubt he said that because he know he has dirty piss.


Chris Simms had a ruprtured spleen a few years ago....wonder if something like that qualifies for medical marijuana...


Sounds like he is setting-up for early retirement.... Occupational hazzards..pffft
I bet he tasted Krispy Kreme doughnuts later, just fine...another demonstration, cannabis doesn't cause any permanent damage...Piggly mother fucker! If I tell lies and pretend that I'm am better than everyone else, can I be a cop too??? Where's my badge??? Oops, I forgot-I'm honest and trustworthy, I'll just have to continue being a "criminal"..How ironic, right?

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