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cool pocket sized pipe....


Anyone know of any,ive searched through a bong site n stuff but if i get some good ideas off you guys the better i'll be :) The cooler the toke the better,the more discreet the better.
Joints have got me thinking of ciggies again and it took me a year to quit...but i still like my weekend weed!!! Suggestions please..Palm Leaf??Peanut pipes??
you could get an old school brass bat little one hitter or there are many different glass one hitters there all very durable just google local head shops and call them up and ask them about their selection on one hitters and material they use should cost you 5-20 bucks depending on how fancy you go

but for a fancier toke a small steam roller get you filling good



why can't they invent a pocket pipe with some kind of water trap in it? I'm sure it's possible using valves or something. I always find pipes way to harsh, even the ones with cooling passages and things..


Medicinal Advocate
ICMag Donor

Proto Pipe.......

Hollow tube is the stash container, all parts
designed for cleaning the pipe, all you need
is good weed and some fire.......



Rolling papers cause carrying paraphernalia, ash and rez in your pocket, not to mention smell is just stupid. A dug out is the most practical if you can't roll a joint.


i have an old proto circa 95' or so

great stuff for the discreet low volume smoker

I N Hail

Growing Grower AKA Wasted Rock Ranger
I love this easy to hide






remember that dude on dazed and confused, how he had that belt buckle pipe that one was cool. I use to have one of those pipes I N Hail

I N Hail

Growing Grower AKA Wasted Rock Ranger
Cool dizz,,It's perfect for a few hits ,I use mine for mainly for hash now


in high school, i would take a couple of rips before i got on the city bus.



why can't they invent a pocket pipe with some kind of water trap in it? I'm sure it's possible using valves or something. I always find pipes way to harsh, even the ones with cooling passages and things..

Great idea..being an engineering craftsman and machinist i'll knock one up...oop's im on the dole. :(
Any more for any more?


i wouldnt say its cool but i made a chillum out of aluminum foil duct tape and a paper towel filter

i can post a pic if anyone wants to see


A few years back I bought one of these things called the "Aquapipe"

Worked OK, was pretty easy to carry around, and looked discrete too.


A baby carrot about the size of a regular glass one hitter does the job, and surprisingly does it well. Depending on the shape of the carrot you can either make a spoon ( for solar tokes ) or a one hitter with the bowl at the end.
My Method:
(--------------------------- )

I usually have it at this -
Length more or less.
I suck at drawing on the computer

Take a small Philips screwdriver (slender, and not to short) or nail (preferably clean) and drill in the center of the end of the carrot to create the stem. ( if it’s a one hitter go all the way through, if a spoon stop to where you plan on having the bowl). You may need to run the screwdriver or whatever device through a couple of times, to make the stems hole stay at that diameter. Then take a cap from off a bic pen, ( has a little clip on the side ) and gouge out the size bowl that you prefer at the end, or on the top for a spoon.( however deep, however wide). You can use it to smoke joints out of with the one hitter method (I prefer this), or just as a regular pipe. It gives a pretty clean and full smoke to, not nasty like an apple can get IMO (plus its super concealable). If push comes to shove you can always eat this pipe in one bite ( which is why I like it so much ). Great for snowboarding!! I prefer the one hitter design over the spoon. After a day, especially after being in the refrigerator it gets nasty and shriveled ; but the good thing is they are very cheap ( cheapest pipe ever ). Its cool because some carrots are naturally shaped like a pipe.


Mr. Bongjangles

Head Brewer
ICMag Donor
OK I've not used this, but I'm considering ordering one.


Looks like a cigar, and they even have one with a glass bowl inside.

I hate to recommend something I've not tried myself, but this thing looks very discreet!



cant stop wont stop
no doubt Mr Bongjangles shit looks noice - and with a glass bowl???

devilgoob - my thoughts exactly i like'm cuz they fit right in the 5th pocket


Great idea with the carrot,getting stoned an' saying , 'Nehhh,what's up,doc?'
Thanks for the suggestions guys..keep the 'Ghetto' stuff coming though,eh?


Proto Pipe.......

Hollow tube is the stash container, all parts
designed for cleaning the pipe, all you need
is good weed and some fire.......

Flashback, was 1992 or 3 or 4, thought was the bad ass cuz had the protopipe, man, wonder where it is.

I would choose a small hand blown glass one hitter that looks good to you.

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