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Cool places to toke at!


Active member
My favourite is roof tops

But this one takes the cake:

Me and my homie would climb up those fucking old cranes and toke up in the cabin. Then while high press all the buttons and switches in the cockpit for fun :wahey:

St. Phatty

Active member
On top of an apartment building in the Bronx.

Seemed like a cool place when I was a kid from the countryside visiting.

Nice place to toke but wouldn't want to live there ?


Active member
Ah one of my favorite topics! :)

I have sought out the best places to toke for decades.

Here's few places I've toked up...(beaches are my favorite!)

Blue Lagoon, Fiji

Port Orford, Oregon

Cape Tribulation, Australia

I did have an interesting experience on Fiji...
I bought $15 worth of cannabis (a few thin branches wrapped in tin foil, probably half an ounce cleaned) which I split with a German girl.

We got a taxi and told the driver we wanted some cannabis. He dropped us off at the McDonalds and told us to wait. We waited about 15 minutes & when he returned he took us up into the hills where he finally stopped in front of some houses. A man came out with the pot wrapped in foil, and we cleaned it up and split it as we were now going to different islands.

The trip out to the Yasawa Islands is unforgettable. The ferry stops at one island after another and the views are outstanding. When the ferry stopped at one island, the locals were already there on a dock, all dressed in fancy native wear, playing music and singing a welcome song. I'm sure I wasn't the only one wanting to disembark right there!

You can pretty much pick the island that suits your attitude and budget. Everything from small native style, thatched roofed huts (bures) to luxurious oceanfront cottages are available.

Anyway, I chose to go to one of the most distant islands and work my way back. So I got to see all the islands in the chain along the way as I was going to visit at least one more on the way back. I could choose which after viewing them from the ferry.

There were so many beautiful islands with clear blue water and reefs full of incredible fish it's hard to choose the best one (although price does factor in!). After many hours, I finally arrive at the remote island for the next couple of nights.

Going from the medium sized ferry to a dingy (packed full of ppl and luggage) what seemed like a short distance, became a long-drawn out struggle against the strong current and sizable waves that threatened to swamp the boat. The water was only a couple of inches below the edge of the dingy.

But we made it! Unlike all the other islands where people disembarked from the ferry, at this island we got no ritual musical greeting, in fact when we got to shore, we got no greeting at all. One local just pointed to a structure and told us to go there.

Apparently it's the "dining room" with about a dozen chairs around a long table. We travelers sit there without anybody from the place checking in on us for like 15 minutes. So we introduce ourselves to each other in the meantime.

When someone finally does show up, they throw a bunch of forms on the table and tell us to fill them out. Then the woman promptly leaves... We never even got to ask a question.

So when she returns after another 15 minutes, I decide to express my displeasure at the lack of service/attention (as best I can because I'm so dehydrated, I can barely talk), and beg for something to drink.

The woman looks at me with distain, and walks out. A few minutes later a girl comes in with glasses and water for us.

At this point I'm wondering if I made a big mistake coming out that far into a culture I knew very little about. Didn't seem like this was the reception others got elsewhere, and could we expect more of the same? Something wasn't right here.

My first night there, I lit up and had a surreptitious toke in my hut and next thing I know there's someone at my door. It's one of the local men, and I figure I'm in some kind of trouble. But no, turns out he was walking by and smelled it, and now he wants a toke too.

Cool, I figure these guys on this small, very remote island probably don't see much pot coming their way, except for stoners who happen by. So we finish smoking my joint together. Now he's very grateful and I even roll a J for him to share with his friends.

I go for a walk on the beach at sunset and about a minute after I return to my hut, there's a knock, and I open the door to see four more local men. I invite them in. The guy I gave the joint to says they want to thank me for getting them high, and it turns out they want more pot! Well it's not like there's a lot as I only purchased a quarter, and I've already gone thru a good bit of it.

They beg me and say there are "others" who want to smoke some. So I give them enough for a couple of Js and tell them that's it. They then ask to buy some, but I said there wasn't much left and what there was, was leafy, enough for maybe 2 more js. I really feel sorry for them, so isolated from the main Fiji island where most cannabis is grown.

Exhausted from the long day in the sun on the ferry and perilous dingy ride and island exploration, I fall asleep to the sounds of waves lapping the shore in a Fijian paradise.

Next morning I go for a long walk across the island. When I return to my hut, I notice something's different. I hadn't noticed that strange symbol above the door to my hut. Surely I would've noticed something like that the day before.

I run into one of the locals from the previous nite and show him the marking and ask him what that's about. He laughed and said it's a symbol to keep out evil spirits. He says one of the old women must've done it. I figured someone wasn't happy that I turned on half the island the nite before.

Now I'm imagining what went down that nite after I passed out and those previously jonesing Fijians got high... However the second nite, I was the honored guest who got to sit next to the chief at the kava ceremony! I have a feeling the chief got a few hits off of one of those joints. :) In Fiji, everything gets shared with the Chief (one of their perks).

The next day I get back on the Ferry, and I see one of the guys I got high on the island. I ask him where he's going and he tells me the others pooled their money to send him back to Nadi to get more pot!!!
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The underground mall in Chicago was pretty sweet, my buddy and I somehow got in when it was closed and rode around on our skateboards puffing away until security showed up and chased us out.

Most recently was in the tundra portion along trail ridge road in rocky Mountain national park. No one happened to be around so it was a great time to fire one up. That is one hell of an awesome drive.


Active member
During a break in hiking, or biking.
Or toking before a flight, or eating an edible while flying, what a way to have a warm, comfy grin on when turbulence gives the plane a shake.
Breaking out a blunt or a joint in line to a concert or when the show is going is a sweet way of creating instant good vibes around you with strangers.
There is always the cupped hand, joint between the fingers toking method for big groups sharing.

A stop I've made a few times to smoke a jay and then get back on the bike.



Well-known member
sitting on a rock in the middle of a trout stream, or leaning up against a tree early in the morning listening to wild turkeys gobbling on the roost in the spring. these are a few of my favorite things...:woohoo:

Green Squall

Well-known member
Hubbleman- That reminds me of videos I've seen one liveleak. Russian kids climbing ridiculously high cranes and bridges for fun. Not for people afraid of heights!

Here's a cool little beach not far from my house that I love smoking at.
