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cool mist humidifier



no link.... just curious to see if any ones using them.:) may well be needing one soon ..


I use a HR-15 cool mist humidifier with humidistat in my vegging room its an excellent bit of kit and keeps humidity at 75% rh when without its 25% But you have to remember its fed from a main reservoir which I use a 90 litre one outside the room kept cool and run the 8mm feed pipe through to the vegging room where I have suspended the unit with a bungee, as quite noisey :) Also if the humidistat is at a different level than the plants and you set it to high I have found the lower canopy will read 95% on a humidistat at plant level and the units humidistat thinks its 70% at above plant level?? I have a sealed room as well so having 95% humidity did not effect the outside space humidity, as its in a loft so boxes etc will be well soggy. One more thing to know these units are the bollox but they are priced highly to as best price was about £250 :covereyes::covereyes: If I can help anymore just post :)


i used the one from argos in the pic and found it to work wonders.....go for it it just needs refilling every 12-14 hours silent and cut out aswell...i used it first time this winter and plants loved it and they recovered within the week with harsh RH probs...it as a controller on the unit but i found by controlling my fans I got the RH were i wanted it...all the best...Im glad i got it now for emergencies enviro shock from veg room to flower room ;)


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I have the same machine bought from argos which we used in the summer to bring the temp down in our tent and to put some moist air in there. I worked well for this use and will use it again if needed
well... Im not from the UK but i like to use one when I'm cloning. The problem with those cool mist humidifiers is their output. If you are putting out a liter an hour, it doesn't ammount to much humidity available to the plants, when you consider the volume of air in the room and the number of complete air changes the room undergoes per liter of water your humidifier puts out. Surprisingly, they can also generate quite a bit of heat.

This is why I only use an ultrasonic humidifier under a dome with my clones.

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