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cooking with hash


New member
Hello guys im a medical cannabis user from sweden:) My question is when you baking or cooking with hash, how do you get rid of the nasty taste? How i prepare it:

I take about 3-5 g hash and about 50g butter with fat%80 and melting it down together with very low heat so the thc wont dissappear, but i have only used it and like put in a sandwich or directly on ice cream and lots of more things. But i cant figgure out how you getting rid of the taste?

And yeah im new here maybe i should try search a little but i wanted too put up a thread incase, sorry for the bad english hope you can read and give me some nice tips, clips or something usefull!
:thank you:


New member
What kind of hash is it and what was the temperature?

it is just standard local hash so it aint really good. If you inhale it you hardly feel anything and the tempeperature is just before it starting to boil, for what i understand if it's starting too boil you loosing the thc. but the taste dosent matther how manny different tastes i have the hash taste allways take over


Andinismo Hierbatero
hello and welcome to icmag man :)

what about smoking the hash pure with a glass bong?

better effects, more controllable, and no need to worry about cooking and taste.

btw, recently a Swedish girl told me that Sweden stands for:

Smoking Weed Every Day Every Night


New member
hello and welcome to icmag man :)

what about smoking the hash pure with a glass bong?

better effects, more controllable, and no need to worry about cooking and taste.

btw, recently a Swedish girl told me that Sweden stands for:

Smoking Weed Every Day Every Night

thanks mate :biggrin:

Yeah i got a bong his name is "hjalmar" 50cm :)

But the effect with joint/bong is not the same as cooking it, i use cannabis for medical use as i said it helps me gaining weight after my cancer so i get more munch when i cook hash or marijuana:)

never though of sweden stands for that but now im proud of being from sweden hahaha :dance013:


The hash is probably the problem with the taste. The THC does not vaporize until it reaches ~400F, so I doubt you are boiling any of it off. Can you buy trim? If so, I would use that insted of crappy hash. There is an old saying: Garbage In, Garbage Out. The exception would be if you want to use a solvent to clean your hash.


Hey Thomas, have you tried using the hash/butter mix in cooking? I find hashbutter goes very well in treacle or caramel cakes so just bake the cake using hashbutter in place of regular butter. It's a bit more effort but you can bake many cakes at a time and just store them for use over the week.


I'd say you need to:

A: Dillute your hash in more butter.


B: Switch to bud and make brownies or chocolate cake, hash can have a slightly chemical taste to it.

Maybe try both if the taste is still to much:

50g butter (with 1 gram of bud [finely ground] or hash)
50 dark chocolate (or use white chocolate to make something more like sponge cake)
50g caster golden/demerara sugar
50g plain flour
1 egg
Melt butter in bowl glass on top of a pan of boiling water "Bain-Marie" style
seperate out ghee for nicest results,
add finely ground weed, simmer for 20 minutes,
add chocolate in broken pieces to bowl, stirring together,
once even consistency add sugar slowly (sieve) and beat until smooth,
add eggs one at a time then flower in the same way the sugar was added.
Bake at 180 degrees C until resembles sponge cake (usually ~30 minutes but may be longer) test using fork/knife, when it comes out clean it's done.

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