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Controlling the damn Caterpillars this year




their eating my flowers and cant find em all does anyone know what i can do??


Active member
ICMag Donor
Search for Bacillus Thuringiensis products
Good luck with those bastards ;-)


New member
Go out in the morning and look for the caterpillars shit droppings...there usually hangin on under the bud above the droppings..I smash them between my fingers and hope all the other pillars can here it explode...I'm thinking some bird netting above the plants early next year will prevent the butterflies from nesting next year...its pretty late in the game to be using sprays...good luck with ur harvest


I just want to remove some room for misconception.

Bt is great and one of the reason is because it is super selective in its target, so take that into consideration when making your purchase. Only specific subspecies of bt are effective against certain horticultural pests (israeliensis = fungus gnats / tenebrionsis - potato beetles / kurstaki - caterpillars / azawai - caterpillars).

hash head

ive found a few but not nearly as bad as last year...

can you buy those wasp things or whatever that eat them at a home depot or something similar?

also are the caterpillars you are talking about the little green worms or are those different..?


ive found a few but not nearly as bad as last year...

can you buy those wasp things or whatever that eat them at a home depot or something similar?

also are the caterpillars you are talking about the little green worms or are those different..?

yup the lil green bastards!! and yes they are more visible in the morning


Stein- makes sense. Applied every 10 days from early-mid august to late sept. Harvest- mid/late oct. I dont think this problem applies indoors, as it is from moths laying eggs outdoors.....


I had some tough times with caterpillars the last few years,stringing out of the buds when drying & rotting big colas during growth.

I sprayed weekly with BT & organicide combined into the 4th week of flowering this year & haven't seen a single little bastard on the plants growing or the strains I'm drying right now.

el dub

Just took down and trimmed a few small plants that will yield a bit over a pound dry in total and I found zero signs of cat infestation. Azamax was my weapon of choice this season. Hit the gals every ten days or so until about three weeks before harvest. Last season I lost about 1/3 of my flowers to caterpillar damage but DID learn a bunch about making oil.

Just found a couple of (what I think are) those Cabbage Looper caterpillars on one of my indoor plants. I could see that something was eating away at it but couldn't find it until yesterday. It was eating the leaves near the buds in crazy little patterns. Looked like a bunch of pinholes in various squiggly lines. Luckily, they were only babies and hadn't done too much dammage yet. I just KNOW there are more that I didn't see. I'd rather not spray my plants with anything so hopefully those were the only ones. If not, I'll def be picking up some of that Safer. Maybe a rogue moth got into my growroom somehow? Grr..


Stein- makes sense. Applied every 10 days from early-mid august to late sept. Harvest- mid/late oct. I dont think this problem applies indoors, as it is from moths laying eggs outdoors.....

The only time i've had to use Spinosad indoors was to control thrips. Happy to report that since i caught them early, it only took one treatment to kill those bastards.

Growing outdoors, Sideways, I used the Safer Caterpillar killer this season and had great results from it. I knew from previous seasons that caterpillars were a nuisance, and the day that I saw those white moths and yellow butterflys flying in the air I began my using Safer as a precaution. I used it at 1/2 recommended dosage, but sprayed every 2-3 weeks. From about Mid July to Early Oct.

I had great results with this regimen. A few nibbles and browning here and there, but nothing major.
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Final tally this year- best year ever for keeping the caterpillars at bay. Maybe 1-2% damage. Spinosad & azatrol combo early on with a couple of applications of Safers Cater killer. Spray every 8- 10 days at dusk, from august to third week of September. Spectacular results. Did not find one Cater in the nugs we've harvested so far. Happy harvests!

Baba Ku

Active member
Spinosad early and often, right up till harvest. Never fails.
I think the biggest reason a limited application chart is given is because of the immunity some mites and others pests can acquire. In an ongoing greenhouse operation this may be of some concern, but in a grow that is cleaned and sterilized each round, it shouldn't be an issue.
Caterpillars do not build up immunities to anything.


Not to thump trees, but another reason for limited spinosad application is it's effect to bees immediately after spraying.


Active member
Not to thump trees, but another reason for limited spinosad application is it's effect to bees immediately after spraying.

this is why I keep my applications down to the recommended one-a-month. no caterpillars so far. Harvest is about 25% done.


Active member
i would be comfortable using it up to 3 weeks before harvest. maybe less if I knew I had a problem. the problem is that adding moisture in the form of a foliar BT application may not be wise in an outdoor scenario... you're just asking for mold issues.

This year, my last BT application was september 18th, a full month or more before harvest. Repeated close inspections to that point turned up zero evidence of caterpillars. None were found at harvest.

Green Giants

New member
Thanks Nomaad and glad to hear you had none. Would you happen to know at what low temperature they die? I have searched for hours with no luck.


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ICMag Donor
its gotta be a good hard freeze because we had two hard frost and a tiny freeze morning so far and im still seeing fuzzy caterpillars but its supposed to get to 28 tonight so that should be it . oyster mushrooms are lovin it!!!!