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Controlling SMOKED Cannabis Odor With Ozone Generator?


half cat half man half baked
Yeah this could go in the safety and security section, but I wanted to post to here because I think it'll target more people with various odor control experiences.

Title says it all.

I'm not hell bent on using an ozone generator, but it seems to be the only thing that fits the bill. I have a carbon scrubber for my small grow so and it is in the same room I smoke it so perhaps it filters some air, but I need something to take care of the smoke smell.

I've used ONA Gel Pro in the past and it works, but it wasn't cost effective and I'm not convinced it helped much with the smoke. I have a terrible sense of smell so I'm going to have to take other peoples word on it. I live in an apartment so this is something pretyt important to me. I was about ready to throw down $200 for a Vaportek Optimum 4000 tell I found it doesn't handle smoke well. If the vaportek cartridges doesn't treat smoke odor I'm suspicions any gel/liquid product would.

Ozone of course has health risks, but I'm not going to be using it 24/7 by any means. Just every now and then and in the event of company. I'd also like to do an odor cleanse when my lease is up on the whole place.

Has anyone had any experience with ozone or any other effective methods of controlling smoke odor?


I use a small ionizer/carbon filter in the room i smoke in , it doesnt totally remove the smoke smell but helps and safer than an ozone generator, ive also been thinkin of ways to control the smell of smoking weed, afterall it seems daft that people spend hundreds removing odor of growing weed but then go and smoke a load in the same house...


Vladimir Demikhov Fanboy
We've got a portable unit for the truck, works really well. In the home we tend to just use an active carbon mute if it may be an issue (company coming, etc).


I use an Ozn-Jr ozone generator when I smoke. I place the unit in the grow room when in bloom cycle, then I use it the rest of the time to clear the house of smells. I like this unit since it off/on 10min cycle prevents overdosage.

I may get another for the living space so that when I smoke it will clean the are.
Isn't ozone very harmful to your lungs? I've always heard your supposed to use it in places where people and animals aren't around?

So i gogled a little and found this hxxp://www.epa.gov/iaq/pubs/ozonegen.html anyone using ozone generators should read it (replacing 'xx' with 'tt' in url)

The same chemical properties that allow high concentrations of ozone to react with organic material outside the body give it the ability to react with similar organic material that makes up the body, and potentially cause harmful health consequences


this is why you should only have it on when youre not there, or for 15mins at a time max. when you are (which is more than enough to get rid of any smells).
at least thats what i tell myself to give me some comfort...


yea i woultdnt wanna suck in big hits of ozone with my bong tokes or while smoking a joint. just seems like an unecesseary health risk. i used to live in my parents basement and my dad slept on the floor right above me. there was a ven t in the floor from my room up to the one above to carry any warm air up there, so naturally i thought i was fucked if i wanted to blaze there. but i just used a simple inexpensive, (50ish$) carbon scrubber from walmart and it worke wonders. i just blew my tokes directly into it and voila no smell at all. also i could smoke a cig right over the thing and it would draw all the smoke into it and remove all the ciggarette smell too. was great! also for added protection tape a couple bounce sheets infront of the exhaust of the air purifier, that will completely mask any residual smell left over. much cheaper and safer than ozone. peace


I used to sit infront of my cab and blow hits into the carbon filter, It worked great. That being said I'm sure it was bad for the plants and I think it made the filter not last as long.


A carbon scrubber is the best solution. This little guy from BB&B will do nicely:

Small, Inexpensive Carbon Scrubber

You will have to blow hits directly into the unit. A friend of mine runs one similar to this on an extension cord. Holds it in his lap until he needs to blow a hit.

As for me, when I'm too lazy to go out on my balcony, I just go in the bathroom, shut the door, and turn on the fan. Blow hits directly up into the fan, and leave it running for about an hour after the session. No smell after that.

I would definitely not use an Ozone generator. First and foremost, in my experience they don't work very well at covering/neutralizing strong odors. Second, they're bad for you. And third, they're way expensive for what you pay for and what you get.


ionizers work pretty well, and the negative ions are good for you and your plants. ozone is toxic you must vent it outside,. I would get a whole room hepa filter with ionizer and maybe a uz sterilizer built in.


Are Biozone Air Purifiers Safe

Biozone Air Purifiers have gained a bad rap along with ozone because of their ozone output, although, they were created to produce 0.025ppm of ozone for the room space they are intended for. This is significantly below the CSA and EPA standard of 0.040ppm and the 0.050ppm requirement by many state laws. There is anywhere between 0.01ppm and 0.125ppm naturally found in the atmosphere which is exceptionally higher than the recommended "safe levels of Ozone".
The investigations carried out by the University College Dublin showed the Biozone Air Purifiers operated safely and effectively within the operating conditions specified by the suppliers. Based on there studies and many others’, while operated in appropriately-sized rooms, the ozone produced by the Biozones did not exceed the regulatory levels of ppm. Biozone scientific stands behind the fact that "the Biozone Air Purifiers emit ozone levels that will saturate to less than 0.05ppm in the room size they are designed for".
With this knowledge, the most important part of owning a Biozone other than reaping the benefits of cleaner air is using them in the size space they were designed for. When used appropriately, the units do not emit harmful levels of ozone. Another thing to keep in mind is that Biozone's were designed for use in the average indoor environment. Under normal conditions air is constantly circulated in and out of a home or office to replenish the balance of air and ozone levels, air pollution is created daily through normal household activitities, and ozone molecules are escaping through the ventilation system, windows, and doors. With all of this activity and the fact that they were created to emit levels of ozone less than the federal or state minimum allowed, around 0.025ppm, the levels of ozone of your indoor environment stay balanced and safe.
All-in-all, Biozones are a very safe and effective way to cleanse the air without being harmful to the individual or the environment. Other ozone generators that do not adhere to the 0.04ppm EPA regulatory levels can be harmful to the individual and should be avoided. Biozone air purifiers are not "ozone generators", they are air purifiers. There main purpose is to cleanse the air by using UV light, Photoplasma, AND Ozone technologies. The ozone by-product from Biozone air purifiers is a non-harmful, minimal emission and as long as they are used in the comparable intended room size, under normal indoor conditions and according to the operational instructions, Biozone air purifiers are safe for use within any home or office to purify the air around you.
Copyright © 2009 CleanAir4Life.com. All rights reserved.



Active member
Has anyone had any experience with ozone or any other effective methods of controlling smoke odor?

I run ozone.

The unit I have has an intake and adjustable outputs, one for fan and one for o3 output.

smoke odor and lingering odors are neutralized fairly well and masked by this unmistakable smell of ozone.

The unit has a "sanitize" mode, and it maxes everything out, o3 and fan output, Its VERY powerful and unpleasant to stand next to.

One of the advantages of ozone vs. carbon filters.

1. It works by oxidizing the odor. Put it in a stinky room and it will get rid of the odor, the ozone is active for quite some time, and will continue to destroy the odor.

2. Ozone has a distincitve smell, and in a way the irritating properties makes it hard to determine certian smells. So even if there is a small hint of the odor, the ozone makes it harder to figgure it out.

I personally dont like to be in the same room that ozone is being pumped into, I prefer dirty air to be pulled into the unit and pumped out somwhere i'm not.

Carbon with ozone, now thats a odor killing combo, smells absorbed,
ozone added to the air to mask the odor, and ozone will oxidize the rest of it.

It does work but there are drawbacks.


but i just used a simple inexpensive, (50ish$) carbon scrubber from walmart and it worke wonders. i just blew my tokes directly into it and voila no smell at all.

hey what do those things look like? I am going to go to Wal Mart and look for one.


half cat half man half baked
Well I'm sold on the ozone and I'm going to order a CAP Ozone-Jr. I'll let every know what I think of it.


seriously? no one here has mentioned a downy tube yet? lol? what we use to do smokin in friends rooms. paper towel tube, filled with downy sheets. viola. and i still use it...


Overkill is under-rated.
I love ozone generators, they work quite well when used properly. I ran a big one in my airlock until I was too rough with it and burnt out a transformer.

Be gentle with them! Rough handling and banging/dropping them will kill them VERY quickly!

I have a small one behind my couch, I use it before my folks come by for a visit, works great.

Bumble Buddy

Active member
No way would I run an ozone generator due to potential health effects, I discount the studies listed above for various reasons of experimental validity.

I built this little carbon filter with 2 PC fans inside and an adjustable power supply, it runs constantly, uses about 3 watts:

Duct tape and baling wire used :biglaugh:

It will eliminate the aroma from several huge bong hits in a few minutes in a ~120 sqare foot room. If immediate odor elimination is needed by blowing hits directly into it, a small inline centrifugal fan or mix-vent fan with a handy on/off switch could be used.

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