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Constantly High PH


Hey guys/girls!

Im about 2 weeks into flower at the moment with some monster hempys, but i cant seem to get the PH down

Even when i water with a ph of 5, it still measures at 6.5 or so when i test some runoff (ill wait atleast an hour after watering)

Im wondering if i should just do what canna says and not ph adjust it at all, meaning i would water it with about 4.5ph 1.0EC

I want it to swing, but from 5 up to 6, not 6 up to 7!

Im wondering if i should just flush them or what, im getting some minor signs of calcium deficiency probably from the high PH.

Any ideas?

Used canna aqua vega, now canna aqua flores, canna bioboost, canna cannazym..

With rainwater with ph 5.5 ec 0

12L buckets, plants were vegged for about 2 months

Currently 2nd week of flower.


Some ideas you might want to look into - Top dress with Coffee Grounds / Garden Sulfur / Peat / Phos Guano..

Just some ideas ?
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Started in small rw cubes, currently in hempys with 3 parts perlite and 1 part vermiculite..

Im thinking also of increasing the frequency of waterings from 2 a week to 4, having so much time without watering makes the roots sit at the high ph for too long and i think thats why im getting signs of calcium def on nearly all the plants.

I need to water now, im prob going to just mix up slightly weaker nuts than usuall with 5.0 ph and then measure the run off again
When your in flower you dont really need to flush unless your plant is showing signs that it needs to be. During the flowering stage your plant will use more nutes than during veg, are you sure your plant needs to be flush or are you just doing it cause that is what someone told you to do?


Dr. Doolittle
Use GH pH down problem solved.

DO not keep your pH 4.5 that is way to acidic and you will have problems very quickly if you keep it at that range.

That is normal for pH to rise in hydro when the plants remove nutrients from the water, thus you have to add more nutrients to the water, but never adding too much to where the PPMs are too high, you use TDS pen to know how much there was in there before and when you check it you find out how much the plants removed and add accordingly and then you adjust the pH.


Take Five...
rainwater 0 ec - get some Cal Mag.

also, your ph isn't that high and should go a little lower, but it isn't a real problem. Canna says ph between 5.2 and 6.2 is ideal, so you aren't that out.

I think you just are not feeding enough calcium, and it isn't in your water. Your plants require more nutes when blooming, especially cal and mag.

Fill this form out please:


What system are you running? (DWC? Ebb flow? Aero? Water Farm? Flood Tables? and so on...)
What STRAIN are you growing?
What was the establishing technique? (Were the seed or clone?)
What is the age of your plants?
How tall are the plants?
What PHASE are the plants in? (seedling, vegetative or flower) are the plants in?
What Technique are you using?
What substrate/medium are you using?(Hydroton, RockWool etc.)
What is the Water temperature?
What color are your roots? White? Brown? Are your roots slimy?
What Nutrient's are you using? How much of each if using multiple?
What is the TDS/EC/PPM you are using?
What is the pH of the "Tank"?
Are you sure your calibration is correct on your equiptment?
When was your last watering?
What is your water temps?
When was your last feeding change? (ie. grow-bloom-micro-additional)
How often do you clean your system: example: Flush out water replace with clean water and nutrients?
What size bulb are you using?
What is the distance to the canopy?
What is your RH Factor(Relative Humidity)?
What is the canopy temperature?
What is the Day/Night Temp? (Include flucutaion range)
What is the current Air Flow? (cfm etc.)
Is the fan blowing directly at plants?
Is your water HARD or SOFT?
What water are you using? Reverse Osmosis (RO)? Tap? Bottled? Well water? Distilled? Mineral Water?
Has plant been recently pruned, cloned off of or pinched
Have any pest chemicals been used? If so, What and When?
Are plant's infected with pest's
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her dankness
Another vote for tap water unless you know yours to be crap. Rainwater isn't as pure as you might think. It carries nitric and sulfuric acid along with it, and no calcium carbonate to buffer. That's where the tap water comes in; water flowing across the land surface or resting in aquifers where it is exposed to limestone is naturally buffered by the lime- 'sweetened' as it were- and is far easier to deal with in your garden.


Cal mag?

As in calcium and magnesium?

Wont my canna nutrients have enough? Ive been giving a bit over 1.0ec each watering every 3 days or so.

How about mixing half rain and half tap water??

I only gave them a water at 4.5 once to try and get the ph down, it was still low 6's when i measured the run off though.

I have one female that is very slow to flower aswell :(

What do you make of these?

Potassium def?
Calcium def?

Mainly on the older leaves, but its a bit too common for me to be not worried about it :badday:

My tap water is about 7.2PH and ec 0.3



Take Five...
yah re-read my post. You are asking all the ??? I already answered.

Does it look like your Canna has enough? Sorry for the snark, but I don't appreciate having every piece of advice questioned, like you know better. Obviously not.....

I said calcium def. I said CalMag. It's a product, like Cal Max. Google it. I doubt your tap water has enough cal on it's own.
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Dr. Doolittle
Can you take some pics with a better lighting? The hps hides the problem.

Cann nutes are based on what the plant needs, but when you use water that is pure you will have deficiencies even if they have a full feeding regimen. WIth rainwater, you get nutrients that are in outdoors soil, your not outdoors but using rainwater. It's not enough, with plants being outside the soil is plenty of nutrients for them. petey is correct about what he said too, he is a pro man; take his advice.


I fixed the problem with going back to bought water.. It was the ph..

If i use any other water - rain - ro etc it doesnt matter what ph i water with, it comes out at 6.4-6.8

i even tried watering w 4.5 out of frustration and it did nothing.

Have no idea why, its f#ked! :rant:


Cannabis Helper
You have to re calibrate your PH meter and use a MG supplement in a foliar feed.



dayum...stitch, pete, stinky, and weedhound....again dayum what a infirmary team. came by to see whats up and find u 4 in here. i luv it. the herb is winning.

well op, u dont need another person saying the exact same thing. ur in tres bein company.

+k when i can.




Here's my :2cents:,

With Hempy Buckets you need to be watering with full strength nutes every day. I've gone every other day but for optimum performance in Hempys you need keep the area below the hole topped off. The logic behind the Hempys is pretty simple. The media is almost nute void. You maintain the media with a fully stocked supply of the nutrients and the plant never has a chance to deplete specific nutrients. It's almost as if you do a daily flush with fresh nutes. This should create a very pH stable, optimum nutrient available, high O2 environment. I love Hempys. Once I understood the logic and weighed the pros and cons, I have found that for a small personal grower with limited knowledge, you cant beat them. Once you get your pH dialed in it's all down hill from there. Some strains are born touchy. I recommend trying different strains and finding some keepers that thrive in your situation. I will say you do watch alot of your money run out the drain hole and on to the floor. I water a little at a time till I get a trickle and stop. If your a personal grower It is a small trade off for the price you used to pay for a bag. I hope this may help in your endeavors.

My first indoor grow

The canopy

Silica stone Hempys



Well any mix will change the ph, try adding lime to your soil if you want to raise it (lime will also help keep a buffer of 7.0 at 1 tbsp per gallon of mix) or if you need to lowers it try adding peat moss, sawdust, woodchips or cottonseed meal. But it seems to me your ph is fine at 6.4.
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