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constant clone cycle w no dedicated mother???


should I abandon my mother chamber and just keep a cycle of clones ? I am thinking of going from 3 chambers to only 2 and making my flower chamber the entire height of my cab. I would like to have a sort of sense of a perpetual cycle where i have a few vegging as the others are almost harvested. that is what i have had going on for a little while now. but would like the extra space.



It can be done, but I think that with your limited space it might bite you in the ass if they vegg too long. I have done exactly what you are talking about and even with a whole room to work with it gave me trouble sometimes. You have to have a fast flowering plant to begin with. Something like pure Afgani that will flower in 50 days. 9 to10 week plants are out for sure.
One thing you can do to delay your clones and take away some of the vegg time is to take the cuttings and place them in a ziplock bag, mist them and then blow up the bag and seal it. Then put them into the frig. You can keep them there for up to 2 weeks. I used to keep mine in the veggy drawer. Then you can root them and get them going with at least a couple weeks less vegg time on them.
I would do a test run first before you kill off your mother plant though. Nothing like proof of theory with no risks to make things easier.


Active member
my timing is never perfect so i end up keeping a stock plant for at least one grow cycle. i used to keep stock plants in a mother room but i cant afford it lately. i still have stock plants in veg, but they get cloned off and then nixed.
does that make any sense?


Sure...know of people that just take cuts from vegging plants just before or at the flip and no moms. Personally I'd recommend you take clones only up to the 2 week into flower mark if you need to take em late. Problem here is IF a set of clones gets screwed up you're screwed. My current space is very limited and out of necessity will most likely not have a mom space but do as I have outlined. I can clone in the space under the sink...lol.


I think what you want is this. It's easier to explain with an example. Let's say you want to have 24 plants that flower for 60 days in your flowering room. And you want to veg for 20 days. That means that every 20 days you create 8 new clones (from your fully vegged plants), move the 8 fully vegged ones (that you just took clones from) into your flowering chamber and harvest 8 mature plants. So you have a 20 day cycle in which you are growing 3 different generations of plants.

If you to veg for 15 days and flower for 60 then you will have four simultaneous generations going. You'll harvest, make new clones, and move mature vegged plants to flower every 15 days. And each generation will only be six plants.

Maybe this is all basic. But I was stoned one night and for the life of me could not understand the whole multiple simultaneous generations concept at all when someone explained it to me.


I think what you want is this. It's easier to explain with an example. Let's say you want to have 24 plants that flower for 60 days in your flowering room. And you want to veg for 20 days. That means that every 20 days you create 8 new clones (from your fully vegged plants), move the 8 fully vegged ones (that you just took clones from) into your flowering chamber and harvest 8 mature plants. So you have a 20 day cycle in which you are growing 3 different generations of plants.

If you to veg for 15 days and flower for 60 then you will have four simultaneous generations going. You'll harvest, make new clones, and move mature vegged plants to flower every 15 days. And each generation will only be six plants.

Maybe this is all basic. But I was stoned one night and for the life of me could not understand the whole multiple simultaneous generations concept at all when someone explained it to me.
What if you're running a perpetual flower space where you almost constantly are harvesting plants and replacing em...especially a few different strains?


What if you're running a perpetual flower space where you almost constantly are harvesting plants and replacing em...especially a few different strains?

The basic idea is that you want to keep a full flowering room. Full but not crowded. In order to do that, the rate of introduction of new plants into the flowering space has to equal your rate of removal. So you have to have a vegging space that produces mature plants that are ready for 12/12 as soon as you need them to replace harvested plants. Since most people veg indoors for a short time compared to the time spent in flower, you don't need as many plants vegging as you have flowering because the fully vegged plants are ready more quickly.

You could create a math model to figure it all out. But you would have to know the exact composition of your flowering room in terms of number of plants of each strain, the expected flowering times of each strain, and the age of each plant in days from when it started 12/12.

If you were running a pot farm in a large greenhouse that might be worthwhile.

So you have a flowering room full of various strains in various stages of development. But lets say you are harvesting on average, one plant every other day. Then you need to replace it with a mature vegged plant every other day also. So you need to cut a clone and start it vegging every other day as well. So if you have a 20 day veg time, you will have 10 plants two days apart in age all vegging at the same time. Harvest one, flip one, clone one. Every other day. An assembly line.

There are infinite variations.


guess it might be a good idea to go coco instead of my aero tub then. afraid my run off will cost me more in nutes tho.


New member
yes you can

I do this method without a mother , you only need a place for your clones to veg ,
and have a strain that is 50 days flowering or 60 .

I use an ebb flow ina a single closet for veg/flower no divisions in it


Active member
I do this, even when starting from seed. I just label them based on which plant it took it off of. If theyre male, they dont make it out of the cloner. PITA when they have different growth rates and it affects youre yield slightly(taking budsites, duh), but an easy process overall.


in the thick of it
currently we're in the same boat. 24 in veg, 9 in flower, 0 in propogator. There is room in the flowering room to add 3-5 and I'll have 3-5 coming out around the same time. I'd like to flip a new one each week...the way I see it, if I moved one out each week, by the time my #24 plant's time has come, it will have had nearly a five month veg time.

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