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What was this really about? In think no narcotic effect at all
Personally I won’t be smoking any male flowers or bark, I’ll condemn that to history. Perhaps it was prepared with the males that threw trich’d out calyxes? Or just a miscommunication. Who knows. This sheds a little light on things….

Provincial Medical Journal and Retrospect of the Medical Sciences,
Vol. 5, No. 122 (Jan. 28, 1843),

Sidhee, sutjee, and bang (synonymous) are used with water as a drink, which is thas prepared. About three tola weight, 540 troy grains, are well washed with cold water, then dried and rubbed to powder, mixed with black pepper, cucumber and melon seeds, sugar, half a pint of milk, and an equal quantity of water. This is considered sufficient to intoxicate an habituated person. Half the quantity is enough for a novice. This composition is chiefly used by the Mohammedans of the better class.

Another recipe is as follows:--

The same quantity of sidhee is washed, dried, and ground, mixed with black pepper, and a quart of cold water added. This is drank at one sitting. This is the favorite beverage of the Hindus who practice this vice, especially the Birjobassies and many of the Radjpootana soldiery.

From either of these beverages intoxication will ensue in half an hour. Almost invariably the inebriation is of the most cheerful kind, causing the person to sing and dance, to eat food with great relish, and to seek aphrodisiac enjoyments. In persons of a quarrelsome disposition it occasions, as might be expected, an exasperation of their natural tendency.

The intoxication last about three hours, when sleep supervenes. No nausea or sickness of the stomach succeeds, nor are the bowels at all affected; next day there is slight giddiness and much vascularity of the eyes, but no other symptom worth recording.


Well-known member
Surely hermaphrodism exists naturally in all Cannabis and must have been it's natural starting point otherwise it would likely not be here today.

Dioeciousness comes from our selections and the way we grow and observe plants.

I agree but is it a stress response or a built in survival insurance?
If we look at it that way,all species would have been at one point.


Well-known member
Premium user
Hey while we are wildly speculating, as I was burning one town while I read this, and thought of toxic stress studies in adolescence.

Anyways, to get down to brass tacks, scientists purport that stress can actually change the brains architecture permanently, and even have trickle down effects through subsequent generations. (If you want quotes I’m doing my masters in clinical psychology and don’t have time but you’re free to go searching for yourself).

I guess it just stands to reason that if adverse environmental conditions could alter humans, surely the same is potentially true for plants, and as multiple stated hermaphroditism is a defensive mechanism. But like I said, this is just wild conjecture for fun.

Verdant Whisperer

Well-known member
Hey while we are wildly speculating, as I was burning one town while I read this, and thought of toxic stress studies in adolescence.

Anyways, to get down to brass tacks, scientists purport that stress can actually change the brains architecture permanently, and even have trickle down effects through subsequent generations. (If you want quotes I’m doing my masters in clinical psychology and don’t have time but you’re free to go searching for yourself).

I guess it just stands to reason that if adverse environmental conditions could alter humans, surely the same is potentially true for plants, and as multiple stated hermaphroditism is a defensive mechanism. But like I said, this is just wild conjecture for fun.
The more i learn about plants, and living organisms they all seem to act in similar manners. agreed, even caffeine effects plants and they grow through withdrawals even know their nervous system is different, it has a stimulant effect on them and they don't receive it they go into shock stress.

CharlesU Farley

Well-known member
Ahem...Cannabis is naturally hermaphroditic. Its a built in survival mechanism.

Now if in our rush to exploit the plant with sloppy and uninformed breeding practices and unreasonable expectations, well the perceived problem is definetely exacerbated and/or more visible.

With prohibition or without our aims have always been the same. Max yields, bigger, stronger, faster like that "dude" im not even going to mention.

Take any landrace for example. As 'pure' as unadulturated as possible. Germinate some seeds, find a female and just let her go. Assuming in this example there are no males around, she will self-pollinate in order to survive and save her species until; like that Johnny Cash song says: "the man comes around" jaja

Isn't that what we used to call Rodelization?

Fear of a herm planet is/was born from the ever evolving (to not say then ignorant) indoor bigger, stronger, faster scene. Hopefully were all getting on the same page somehow with so much access to information.

Hope you guys don't mind me chiming in!

That was a damn fine post! Kept me from saying the same thing... feel like an AOLer, "Me Too!"


Well-known member
JMO but If cannabis was naturally hermaphroditic you would have a much much higher % of it, a lot less diversity in the gene pool plus the topic would be Conjecture: Dioecious Cannabis plants - A human induced phenomenon?


CharlesU Farley

Well-known member
I guess it just stands to reason that if adverse environmental conditions could alter humans, surely the same is potentially true for plants...
After over 50 years of cultivating and developing cannabis, I know this for an absolute fact. I take care of the plant that takes care of me.

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